28 August 2015

Why Modern Life is Making Dementia in Your 40s More Likely

An MRI scan of a human brain:  dementia sufferers
are becoming younger.  Photo:  Alamy
Why modern life is making dementia in your 40s more likely
by Colin Pritchard, The Guardian, 
7 August 2015

From background radiation to chemicals in the food chain, environmental changes are contributing to a rapid global rise in neurological disease

My interest in neurological disease was triggered by a second friend dying of motor neurone disease (MND), which in purely statistical terms was exceptional. It is suggested there is an incidence of about one in 50,000 who are affected by MND and most die. No one knows 50,000 people, so was it a statistical fluke?

This raised the question of whether there were increases not only in MND, but in neurological disorders as a whole, including the dementias. Using World Health Organisation mortality data, which – while not perfect – is the best information available as it is collated in a standard and uniform way, myself and colleagues at the faculty of health and social sciences at Bournemouth University set out to investigate this.

Our first study, focusing on the changing pattern of neurological deaths from 1979 up to 1997, found that dementias were starting 10 years earlier – affecting more people in their 40s and 50s – and that there was a noticeable increase in neurological deaths in people up to the age of 74. In a follow-up study, taking us to 2010 and across 21 western countries, these increases were confirmed.

27 August 2015

Court Awards French Woman Disability Allowance of 29,000 Euros for 'Sensitivity to Gadgets'

© Gary Cameron / Reuters
Court awards French woman disability allowance of €29,000 for 'sensitivity to gadgets'
rt.com, 27 August 2015

A French court has awarded a monthly disability grant of some €800 to a woman claiming to have an allergy to electromagnetic radiation from gadgets such as cellphones. Most countries, including France, do not recognize the condition as a medical disorder.

Marine Richard, a 39-year-old former radio documentary producer, hailed the unprecedented ruling as a "breakthrough" for people affected by Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), AFP reported.

26 August 2015

Massachusetts: Family Sues Fay School in Southboro, Claims Wi-Fi Made Son Ill

The family of a student at the Fay School in
Southboro, seen here, has filed a lawsuit claiming
the school's strong Wi-Fi signal caused the boy to
become ill.  T&G Staff/ Christine Peterson
Family sues Fay School in Southboro, claims Wi-Fi made son ill
by Scott O'Connell, Telegram & Gazette Staff, 
24 August 2015

WORCESTER – The family of a student at the Fay School in Southboro has filed a lawsuit claiming the school’s strong Wi-Fi signal caused the boy to become ill.

The unidentified plaintiffs, referred to as “Mother” and “Father” in the complaint, said their 12-year-old son, “G,” suffers from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, a condition that is aggravated by electromagnetic radiation. The boy was diagnosed after he frequently experienced headaches, nosebleeds, nausea, and other symptoms while sitting in class after the school installed a new, more powerful wireless Internet system in 2013, the suit says.

23 August 2015

Experts Warn Pregnant Mothers to Keep Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices Away from Their Wombs

Experts warn pregnant mothers to keep cell phones and other wireless devices away from their wombs
by Lloyd Burrell, blogs.naturalnews.com,
10 August 2015

A new public awareness initiative has brought together more than one hundred doctors, scientific experts and non-profit organizations from around the world to collectively express their grave concern about the risks that wireless radiation exposures pose to pregnancy. The Baby Safe Project, the brainchild of two non-profit organizations, is essentially an awareness movement for pregnant mothers to keep cell phones away from their wombs.

Patricia Wood, Executive Director of Grassroots Environmental Education and co-creator of the BabySafe Project says, “The wireless world may be convenient, but it’s not without risks.” She goes on to explain that “when more than one hundred of the world’s leading medical doctors and researchers on wireless radiation say we have enough evidence for women to take protective action, we think women should know about it.”

14 August 2015

Massachusetts: Wi-Fi in School : ADA Federal Complaint Against School After Child Fell Sick From Wireless Installation

Wi-Fi in School ADA Federal Complaint Against School After Child Fell Sick From Wireless Installation

Breaking: 8/12/2015 Federal complaint seeks injunctive relief for violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and damages for breach of contract and negligence.

Parents Call For the Removal of the Wi-Fi System at Massachusetts School.

Please Download the Filed Complaint HERE.

After more robust School Wi-Fi was installed in Spring 2013, a 12 year old boy started to experience troubling symptoms, which he reported to his parents when he came home from school. These included severe headaches, itchy skin, and rashes. The school nurse indicated that various children in the same classes were reporting increased headaches, dizziness, nausea and chest pressure. The symptoms were present whenever he was at school.

Key Points in the Complaint:

11 August 2015

Switzerland: Cell Phone Radiation - How Big is the Risk?

[Note from the Editor of this blog:  Following is a near-verbatim summary of the article.  This does not represent the full text.  We wanted readers to have an idea of the current thinking in Switzerland regarding the risks of cell phone radiation from the point of view of the authorities, scientists, and one "mobile-critical" association, Gigaherz.ch .  As far as we know, the magazine "Beobachter" is the only mainstream Swiss media that has mentioned the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which was signed by one Swiss, for his studies on the effect of cell phone radiation on bees.] 

Cell Phone Radiation - How Big is the Risk?
Beobachter, Issue no. 15/2015, 24 July 2015

Many think cell phone radiation is harmful to health. But recent research results suggest caution

Veterinarian Michael Hässig presented an experiment at the University of Zurich as a situation that we find every day. He exposed ten cows to radiation of the type emitted by mobile antennas.  He then examined three enzymes in the blood of animals and noted that the behavior of the enzymes had changed. In some cows, the activity had increased, in others, it lessened. A third group showed no reaction. The experiment brought two important insights: cell phone radiation can alter the activity of proteins. And each organism reacts individually in spite of identical experimental conditions.  It is still too early for definitive statements. "We need more research. In principle, however, the results could be applied to humans"...

02 August 2015

Germany: Doctors Warn of the Use of Tablets and Smartphones by Children

Child playing with smartphone.  Overwork, headaches,
ADHD and mental illness:  physicians are seeing in children
the negative consequences of the growing use of digital media.
(Photo:  AP)
Doctors warn of the use of tablets and smartphones by children
Author: dpa, handelsblatt.com, 31 July 2015 (translated from German by Google and the Editor of this blog)

More and more children are using mobile media. Doctors see this as critical and warn of health hazards. They also do not believe that the early use of technology will help later in a digitized world of work.

Berlin :  Smartphones, tablets and computers are, in the opinion of pediatricians, detrimental to the spiritual development of children in spite of the latest developments. "We pediatricians are convinced of significant health and psychological impairments and see this daily in our practices," said Till Reckert of the Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians (BVKJ) Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

One danger is the fact that parents neglect their children, because their smartphones are more important, said the pediatrician, Vice-Chairman of the BVKJ in Baden-Württemberg. "There are great challenges ahead of us."