27 December 2015

Suspects Mobile Phones Cause Cancer

Christian Blom lives most of the year in the country to avoid mobile phone
radiation.  This device measures radiation from the nearest base station.
This is a summary of the Google translation.  Christian Blom talks about his electro-hypersensitivy and subsequent cancer in the neck and throat from 10 years of cell phone use.  His doctors did not question him about cell phone use and did not want to know anything about it.  Afterwards, he was sent to a psychiatric clinic and became scared he would be classified as a madman.

Suspects mobile phones cause cancer
by Elin Von Wright, Helsinki, svenska.yle.fi/,  26 September 2014

Christian Blom was electrosensitive two days before midsummer 2003. He slowly began to feel worse and worse until he developed the disease six years later.

- I reacted to street dust and mold in our workplace and it had already been going on for a while. But it just got worse and worse. When connected, I realized how bad I was feeling by the time I used the phone several hours each day.

A Paper on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe

A paper on electromagnetic hypersensitivity by Dr. Mallery-Blythe
by Katherine Smith, naturalmedicine.net.nz, 25 December 2015 

British physician Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe has written an excellent resource on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (also know as electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and electrosensitivity (ES).)

You can read this document at this link: http://www.iemfa.org/wp-content/pdf/Mallery-Blythe-v1-EESC.pdf

[Following is the Introduction and the first part of the paper on electrohypersensitivity (EHS)]

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity 
A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe 
December 2014 

26 December 2015

Insurance and Liability of Wireless Communication Carriers

This is an extremely important 12-page document prepared by the Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters giving evidence of the insurance and liability of wireless communication carriers.  Following are extracts of documents from Lloyds of London, SwissRe, and Vodafone.

PUC Docket 2011.262 Friedman on Remand Intervenor DW et al
Evidence 9 Insurability; Insurance and Liability of Wireless  Communication Carriers 
Updates filing dates, links, and typos April 8, 2013 Item 464  

Evidence 9 Insurability 
9.0 Insurance and Liability of Wireless Communication Carriers 

This category contains information about whether wireless companies can get insurance for claims made based on adverse effects on users’ health caused by their devices. The evidence is strong enough that the WHO, which tends to be a conservative organization, placed RF/EMF in the “possibly carcinogenic” category.  And plaintiffs claiming their health was harmed by exposure have won recent court cases. In addition, awareness about the issue of RF from cell phones causing adverse health effects is getting better, so insurance companies are watching. Of course, as more people have adverse effects  and identify them, awareness will naturally be increased. The 2011 categorization of RF as a possible carcinogen increases the concern as well. 

21 December 2015

Update On Lawsuit For Student With Wi-Fi Sensitivity in Massachusetts School ADA Complaint

12/2015 Update On Lawsuit For Student With Wi-Fi Sensitivity in Massachusetts School ADA Complaint
safetechforschoolsmaryland.blogspot.ca, 20 December 2015

Update: A NEW amended complaint has been filed in the case of the boy who developed a debilitating sensitivity to the Wi-Fi networks in a private Massachusetts school.

"Instead of working with the parents in a constructive way to solve the problem caused by its Wi-Fi emissions and the resulting symptoms suffered by G at Fay, Fay has engaged is a series of hostile actions toward G and his parents. Fay has refused to make any meaningful accommodations for or provide any meaningful assistance to G."


After more robust School Wi-Fi was installed in Spring 2013, a 12 year old boy started to experience troubling symptoms, which he reported to his parents when he came home from school. These included severe headaches, itchy skin, and rashes. The school nurse indicated that various children in the same classes were reporting increased headaches, dizziness, nausea and chest pressure. The symptoms were present whenever he was at school. In August 2015 the parents filed a federal complaint stating that the school has failed to provide reasonable accommodations for the child as required by the ADA. Read more about the initial complaint here.

11 December 2015

Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance: Abstracts of Papers Published in December 2015 Issue of "Reviews on Environmental Health"

UPDATE (April 2016):  Please note, the "EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses" has been retracted.  We are in touch with the principal author who will alert us to its re-publishing.

We would like to draw the attention of readers to the special December 2015 issue (Volume 30, Issue 4) of "Reviews on Environmental Health" on idiopathic environmental intolerance (Editor: Dr. David O. Carpenter).   Abstracts are available by clicking on the titles of the reviews below.


David O. Carpenter* and Dominique Belpomme

This issue of Reviews on Environmental Health consists of invited papers on several syndromes of uncertain etiology but ones that pose serious and severe debilification and interference with quality of life for those affected.  Often in aggregate called “idiopathic environmental intolerance” they include electromagnetic hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic  fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Gulf War Illness and likely some others less well defined.  All have in common fatigue, pain (especially headaches and joint and muscle pain), often altered cognitive function, cardiac problems, and impaired mobility and balance.  Often, but not always, some specific event or exposure triggers the initiation of the syndrome.  Because the symptoms are relatively non-specific, patients may unfortunately be referred to psychiatric rather than medical care.  There are few effective treatments other than reducing exposure to triggering environmental factors.  There is increasing world-wide awareness that these are real diseases that affect a significant percentage of the population, but still attract significant controversy.  We hope that these peer-reviewed publications will not only stimulate awareness of the problem but also stimulate science-based research on treatment regimes for symptomatic relief and reversal of the disease processes.  All of these pathologic disorders should be recognized by the scientific and medical communities and international health institutions.  This issue presents state-of-the-art reviews of the scientific advances in the pathophysiologic understanding of these disorders for medical practitioners and research scientists.

*Corresponding author: David O. Carpenter, Institute for Health and the Environment, University of Albany, University at Albany, 5 University Pl., Rm. A217, Rensselaer, NY 12144, USA, E-mail: dcarpenter@albany.eda

Dominique Belpomme: European Cancer and Environment Research Institute, Brussels, Belgium

06 December 2015

Cell Phones and Breast Cancer - Bras: The No Phone Zone

Dr. June Chen, a Los Angeles radiologist, was diagnosing more and more of her young patients with cancer.  "It's very unusual for women in their 20s and 30s to have breast cancer, period, let alone such extensive breast cancer, and these women are vehemently telling us that they wore their cell phones over the area, directly over the area, where they subsequently developed this extensive breast cancer, and they're telling us they wore these on a routine and regular basis." 

Cell phones & breast cancer - bras:  the no phone zone

thescienceofeating.com, 15 February 2015

The talk about cell phones and cancer connection has been discussed for years now, but most still wonder if there's a real association and concern. One possibility does appear to exist, at least among certain women, and it all depends on where they carry their cell phone.

Thousands, of not millions of women - especially young ones, choose to keep their cell phones in their bra. This seems like the most convenient solution, because it allows women to ditch their purse and become hands-free.

Causing more need for storage is the fact that many womens' clothes come without pockets, so if you don't have a purse, the bra is an obvious choice. Also in noisy environments, it's harder to hear cell phone ring tones, so women like placing their cell phones on vibrate mode and placing it in their bras to continue receiving calls.

A recent survey reveals 40% of college females put their cell phone in their bra at least some time during the day, and 3% report doing it for more than 10 hours a day. However, Dr. John West, a Los Angeles breast surgeon, said women need to stop this practice stating, "We must make the bra a no phone zone," he said.

01 December 2015

Safe Baby Monitors

One monitor highly recomend if you are are 
considering the health effects of the baby monitor
 is the Blue Angel approved
 Hartig and Helling MBF 3333 
baby monitor.
Safe Baby Monitors
magdahavas.com, 24 November 2015

November 24, 2015. Are you an expectant mother or a friend that would like to purchase a present for a baby shower? Perhaps you are a grandparent that is aware of the problems associated with wireless products and are looking for something that is safe to use for a baby. SAFE Baby monitors are high on the list of items that are needed for the over worked stressed out parent. Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there on “New Parenting” websites that attempt to provide high tech solutions in complete disregard to the health effects from wireless monitoring systems.

High Tech Parenting is Harming the Children

28 November 2015

Li-Fi Is the New Wi-Fi

This new wireless system hit speeds of 224 gigabits per
second in the lab, and has the potential to revolutionize
internet usage. The Li-Fi technology uses visible light between
400 and 800 terahertz (THz) and transmits messages through
binary code.
Li-Fi is the new Wi-Fi: First real tests of lightbulb technology find it is 100 TIMES faster than current systems
25 November 2015

- System invented in 2011 hits speeds of 224 gigabits per second in the lab
- Scientists are now testing Li-Fi in offices and industrial environments
- Li-Fi is uses visible light communication and would be more secure

Step aside, Wi-Fi. Scientists have just taken to the streets with a new wireless technology called Li-Fi, and it's 100 times faster than current speeds.

Li-Fi transmits data using visible light communication, and it's now being tested in offices and industrial environments in Tallinn, Estonia.

This new wireless system hit speeds of 224 gigabits per second in the lab, and has the potential to revolutionize internet usage.

Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland invented Li-Fi in 2011.

26 November 2015

The French Court Decision that Electro-Sensitivity is a Disability is Final

(Enlarge image to read text.)
UPDATE (26 November 2015)  – The French Court Decision that Electro-Sensitivity is a Disability is Final - A few months ago, a French court decided that a French woman, is indeed suffering from Electro-Sensitivity and is allergic to wireless and awarded her monthly disability payments. The French Government decided to appeal the decision, however, the Government did not submit the appeal on time and the Appellate Court therefore decided to on 3 November 2015 to reject the appeal. This means that the decision in Ms. Richard's case is now final and cannot be legally challenged again... A few weeks ago, a mistaken press release was circulating stating that the appellate court reviewed the case and upheld the lower court's decision on its merits. This was a mistake as the appellate court did not review the case at all and rejected the appeal purely because the French Government was late in submitting it's appeal. It is important that we all be aware of the accurate facts so we can reference the case with accuracy in the future, and I waited to get the actual final decision so there would be no confusion. Yesterday I got it and the appellate court final decision is [at right]. (Message from lawyer, Dafna Tachover.)

Gadget 'allergy': French woman wins disability grant
BBC News, 27 August 2015

A French woman has won a disability grant after telling a court she suffers from an allergy to electromagnetic radiation from gadgets.

23 November 2015

United States: Case on Health Risk From Cellphones Is Back in Court

Case on Health Risk From Cellphones Is Back in Court
by Ryan Knutson, wsj.com, 22 November 2015

(Image at right): Murray v. Motorola faces another test Tuesday when the two sides argue over what legal standard to use
Motorola is a defendant in a lawsuit that alleges that one of its employees may have suffered from health issues as a result of cellphone use. Other cellphone and wireless companies face similar allegations in more than two dozen such cases. PHOTO: SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES

Alicia Mitchell was 15 years old when her father sued Motorola Inc., alleging the company’s cellphones caused his brain tumor. She’ll turn 30 in February and the lawsuit is still winding its way through court.

In the years since the lawsuit was filed, other plaintiffs have brought more than two dozen similar cases, the most recent one in October. Defendants include almost all the major cellphone and wireless companies, including AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co.

17 November 2015

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing people and students to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 2: Presentation by David Andersen

People are not all affected by radiation at the same rate.
People are not all affected by radiation at the
same rate.
Risks, regulations and liability around exposing people and students to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 2

David Andersen, partner at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers

Common Law Liability and EMF radiation exposure

David Andersen, partner at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, who has experience with astbestos cases then spoke about Causation at Common Law. He commented that there are parallels between the asbestos litigation which has brought on difficult questions about scientific proof, causation, foreseeability, reasonable response to risk, and that these questions could arise in the context of radiation related legal battles also.

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing people and students to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 2: Presentation by Jenne Tzavaras

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing other people to wireless technology EMF radiation – A review of the UNSW Sydney ‘faculty of law’ program – part 2

The world is changing at a rapid pace. Not surprisingly then, there has been a rampant proliferation of home and business cordless transmission technology (e.g. mobile phone towers, smart meters, wi-fi cordless phones) that has vastly increased our exposure to radiation. Recent legal developments are causing the producers of this radiation overload to sit up and take notice, as the issue of costly liability and lawsuits is fast becoming a reality.

The law: When is an employer or school liable for the health effects imposed on others from their wireless technology?

Jenne Tzavaras, Partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers and David Andersen, Partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers

After the undeniable facts presented by the medical experts (part 1), Jenne Tzavaras, partner at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, took the audience through liability considerations. Stressing that a clear distinction must be drawn between Common Law negligence claims and statutory Workers Compensation claims. The important distinguishing feature here is the required causal nexus.

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing other people to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 1: Presentation by Dr. Priyanka Bandara

Cancer cells associated to
RF-EMR exposure
Risks, regulations and liability around exposing other people to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 1

Dr Priyanka Bandara – Health researcher/educator, former academic clinical researcher/molecular biologist, Advisor to Environmental Health Trust USA and Doctors for safer Schools

Biological and Health Effects of EMR with a summary of some key findings

Dr Priyanka Bandara spoke about the biological effects of ‘low-level’ microwaves. She commented that the Russians were the pioneers when it comes to documenting the biological effects of this type of radiation. When considering the bioeffect we must realise that we ourselves are bioelectrical beings in which the cells have delicate electrical functions. Also the brain has much electrical activity, so it is logical to expect that the exposure to electricity or radiation from outside sources can have an effect on these. Our cells have to do 1000s of chemical reactions and it is evident that these processes are affected by EMR.

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing other people to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 1: Presentation by Dr. Mary Redmayne

Risks, regulations and liability around exposing other people to wireless technology EMF radiation – Part 1

Dr Mary Redmayne – Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Population Health Research on Electromagnetic Energy, Monash University

Radio frequency radiation exposure of children and workers

Use of, and the EMF radiation exposure of wireless devices has increased dramatically over recent years.

Dr Mary Redmayne, addressed those gathered about children’s and workers’ exposure to radio frequency radiation (RF), in particular the international approaches to policy and advise. She identified that there are personal devices that emit the high frequency radiation over which we have a great deal of control but often are not aware that these devices are potentially harmful to ourselves and our children. In addition there are the device in our environment that the individual does not have control over and are effectively pushed upon us by others. It was noted that in recent years the use of wireless devices had significantly increased, especially amongst younger people, and that Wi-Fi and BYOD (Bring your own device) are now very common in schools.

14 November 2015

America's New Normal: Chronically Ill Kids

"Over half of US children now suffer from a chronic condition, disability, or disease. Americans spend the least on food, the most on health care, have the most highly vaccinated kids, and have the sickest kids of any industrialized country. More kids than not are now chronically ill, developmentally delayed, and eating or injecting prescription medications from cradle to grave – which is going to be a quicker trip for them than it was for their parents..."

America's New Normal: Chronically Ill Kids
by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD, fearlessparent.org, 10 November 2015

When it comes to this topic of chronically ill kids, do you have moments that pierce the bubble of consciousness and take your breath away?

I was waiting to board an early flight to Denver recently, sipping a bracing hot cup of black tea, when I witnessed a scene that would’ve stopped parents from 1975 in their tracks.

13 November 2015

WiFi in the Sky - Convenient and In-demand - Is It Safe?

On Wi-Fi-enabled aircraft, what are the levels of microwave
radiation; do these impact pilot performance and human
health?  And are there security issues?
Following is an extract from the document, "Wi-Fi in the Sky".  Click here for the full document.

Wi-Fi in the Sky

WiFi in the Sky - Convenient and In-demand - Is It Safe? Includes Sample Inflight Symptom SurveyRadio-frequency (RF)/Wireless Microwave Radiation Exposure from Inflight Mobile Devices and WiFi Connectivity

Is this technology a new security, safety or health risk? Who is monitoring this for potential adverse effects: pilots or passengers fainting, or suffering cardiac arrest mid-flight?

What are the insurance, liability and regulatory implications?

This Statement of Concern from pilots and medical, scientific, risk management and technical experts was submitted by Kerry Crofton, "As a consultant, I worked for many years with pilots and air traffic controllers in Canada and the US. They are highly skilled professionals. The safety and wellbeing of their crew and passengers are paramount for pilots and flight attendants. No question. We urge you to hear our concerns about this potential new risk factor and call for a review and monitoring." . . . .

01 November 2015

Book Review: "No Family History" by Sabrina McCormick

Re-posted on 1st November 2015:  The book discusses the environmental links to breast cancer, with a personal testimony from a resident of Long Island, New York State, which has the second highest breast cancer rate in the United States.  The book is also an excellent resource for advocacy.

[For years, I have been living my life between Long Island and Geneva, Switzerland, which also has a very high rate of breast cancer.  I was treated for breast cancer in 2004.  The latest statistics from Switzerland are alarming:  one in 10 women diagnosed with breast cancer is under age 40.  The prognosis is less favorable for young women.]

“NO FAMILY HISTORY” by Sabrina McCormick (2009) (www.nofamilyhistory.org).

The author discusses the environmental links to breast cancer, focusing on Long Island in New York State, which has the second highest breast cancer rate in the United States after Marin County in California. She says we must rethink advocacy which is currently concerned with detection, treatment, research and support groups. Associations advocate better treatment options for women and raise more awareness about the disease. In fact, these actions generate more profits for the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries instead of focusing on prevention.

For instance, AstraZeneca, a producer of drugs for chemo and hormonal therapies, created the National Cancer Awareness Month. As is often the case with these corporations, there is a conflict of interest, since on the one hand, they are helping to raise money for research through organizing “pink” events to generate awareness of breast cancer, while on the other, polluting the environment with very toxic chemicals which cause cancer. AstraZeneca, formerly the Imperial Chemical Industries, used to manufacture personal care products and food ingredients which have been found to be harmful to health.

Lower Doses of Common Product Ingredient Might Increase Breast Cancer Risk

(Image selected by the Editor of "Towards Better Health")
Lower doses of common product ingredient might increase breast cancer risk
Silent Spring Institute, Public Release:  
27 October 2015

Safety tests may be underestimating chemicals' potency

Estrogen-mimicking chemicals called parabens, which are commonly found in an array of personal care products, may be more dangerous at lower doses than previously thought, according to a new study. The findings, published online October 27 in Environmental Health Perspectives, could have implications for the development of breast cancer and other diseases that are influenced by estrogens. The study also raises questions about current safety testing methods that may not predict the true potency of parabens and their effects on human health.

Parabens are a class of preservatives widely-used in consumer products like shampoos, cosmetics, body lotions, and sunscreens. The chemicals are considered estrogenic because they activate the same estrogen receptor as the natural hormone estradiol. Studies have linked exposure to estradiol and related estrogens with an increased risk of breast cancer, as well as reproductive problems. As a result, the use of parabens in consumer products increasingly has become a public health concern.

23 October 2015

Ten Facts About What The World Health Organization States About Wireless Radiation

Ten Facts About What The World Health Organization States About Wireless Radiation
Safe Tech for Schools Maryland, 22 October 2015

MCPS [Montgomery County Public Schools] states that "MCPS will monitor the credible findings and recommendations of the World Health Organization and FCC." in the WUSA news piece.


We are calling for a precautionary approach just as the World Health Organization clearly communicates in their press release and just as WHO scientists state. Read it all below. Everything is hyperlinked to source documents. We sure hope MCPS Technology Staff takes the time to educate themselves on this issue and follow WHO advice.

What Does the World Health Organization say about Wireless Radiation and Health ?

1. Wireless is classified as a Class 2 B “possible” Human Carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

The World Health Organization’s International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classified wireless radiation -also known as radio frequency electromagnetic radiation RF-EMF - as a Class 2B Carcinogen in 2011 based on evidence that linked long term wireless exposure to brain cancer.
Read The Lancet’s published statement by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer Here.

20 October 2015

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
by Bahram Maskanian, venusproject.org

Do you care and love children..? Do you care and love yourself and your family..? Do you care and love humanity..? And if you were a CEO, already making billions of dollars, would you sacrifice the well being of our children by exposing them to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), highly carcinogenic Ionizing Radiation, which harms DNA, genetic bond and formation at the cellular level in human body, causing gradual cognitive and brain damage, cancer and death of millions of innocent little angels, our children, to make more money..?

Nation’s children, our children are being microwaved in schools even though U.S. government and the nation-less corporations, manufacturers of these devices have known about the deadly effects of microwaves and Wi-Fi Ionizing radiation for over 60 years. They are fully aware that these devices will sterilize some, cause cancer in others, Alzheimer's disease for many and neurological damages for others.

15 October 2015

iPhone 6s Users Report ' Too Hot to Touch' Home Button

iPhone 6s users report 'too hot to touch' Home Button
by Anthony Cuthbertson, ibtimes.co.uk,
6 October 2015

A "burning hot" Touch ID button is one of several issues to blight the iPhone 6s since its launch last month

Apple's latest flagship smartphone, the iPhone 6s, is drawing complaints from users who claim the device's Touch ID button is burning hot. Since it went on sale on 25 September, dozens of people have taken to social media and online Apple support forums to report the issue, many saying that the heat from the button made the iPhone 6s unusable.

09 October 2015

Information and Communications Technology in Education

ICT in Education
by Tom Butler Ph.D.

ICT in Education: Fundamental Problems and Practical Recommendations (Pdf copy here)

There is a dearth of scientific evidence and evidence-based practice to justify current levels of information and communication technology use in the classroom and in the home. In contrast, there is a growing body of scientific studies across several disciplines that highlight the direct and indirect negative effects of ICT use on human cognition, learning and behaviour.

This paper considers objective evidence from peer-reviewed scientific studies in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and related disciplines, as well as the field of education itself, to review the fundamental problems that beset ICT use in education. The paper highlights, for example, that: 

04 October 2015

Message to Public Libraries about Wireless Devices

[Wish my neighborhood library in Geneva did NOT have
Wi-Fi.  It has an extensive children's section, and the adult
reading room is saturated with Wi-Fi.]
Message to Public Libraries about Wireless Devices 
by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D., 20 August 2015

If wireless devices, such as Wi-Fi, are used in your libraries, then the health of your staff and your customers can be at risk. But this problem can be successfully addressed, and with benefit to all.

Background: Wireless devices transmit information using radiofrequency/microwave radiation. The international biomedical research community has been studying the impact of such radiation on biological systems for decades, but more intensely in recent years. The vast majority of the thousands of peer-reviewed research publications of this community, when funded independent of the wireless industries, are finding biological effects of concern. Further, these biological effects occur at levels of radiation far lower than earlier understood. Simply stated, a worldwide health crisis is emerging and is becoming a hallmark of the 21st Century. The international biomedical research community is trying to warn us; but, as a society, we are not yet listening. I hope that this message will help to change that.

29 September 2015

‘Zapping in Head’ from Mobiles Led Son to Kill Himself

A talented Oxford graduate killed himself because he was tortured by an allergy to mobile phones, an inquest heard.  Tragic violinist Michael Nield, 36, suffered from a condition called electro-sensitivity, which caused a painful reaction to all sources of electric fields including mobile phones and phone masts.  Michael's mother: “Unless people have electrosensitivity they just don’t realise what sort of effects it has."

‘Zapping in head’ from mobiles led son to kill himself
by Cambridge News, 6 November 2012

A university graduate committed suicide after a lengthy battle with a sensitivity to mobile phones, an inquest heard.

Oxford graduate Michael Nield suffered with electro sensitivity – the term used to describe someone who has an unhealthy sensitivity to a particular source of electricity.

In Michael’s case it was mobile phones and phone masts. He had to sleep with a microfibre tent over his bed to reduce the radiation.

He sometimes even had to wear a micromesh body suit when he was out, and his parents, Clive and Barbara, had to move from their home in Herefordshire to the small village of Wardy Hill, near Ely, where there was less exposure to mobiles and phone masts.

28 September 2015

Electrosensitivity - Has Society Lost Its Moral Compass?

Electrosensitivity - Has Society Lost Its Moral Compass?
Posted by Stop Smart Meters Australia, 10 October 2014

An ignored emerging global health, civic and human rights crisis

The following article raises some fundamental issues about how electrosensitive people are being treated around the world and is likely to become a burgeoning issue for Governments, health officials and the general public.


While a number of countries recognize EHS (Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity) Australian authorities including government ministers, ACMA, ARPANSA and the Chief Health Officer of Victoria are using the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) claim that EHS is not a medical diagnosis as an excuse for inaction. This inaction is further demonstrated by many of the aforementioned parties continued refusal to formally investigate whether smart meters are causing Victorian’s to experience health issues. Instead technical studies are performed using Australia’s inadequate RF standards as a defensive wall to validate their claims of safety and appear to be hoping that if they ignore electrosensitives for long enough, they will simply ‘go away’.

With some scientists such as Örjan Hallberg and Gerd Oberfeld suggesting that up to 50% of the population could have EHS by 2017, this is not an issue that is likely to ever go away especially as wireless devices are become more pervasive in our everyday lives.

13 September 2015

The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Man

The effects of electromagnetic fields on man
by Pierre Dubochet, Forum Sécurité, no.1, May 2015
(translated from French by the Editor of this blog)

Since the use of microwave emitters in the 1930's, we have observed biological effects. In some cases, harmless, in others, dangerous.

At the end of the 1960's, microwave experts from Eastern Europe produced a document showing that exposure of workers and members of the military to microwaves at non-thermal levels for many years results in, among others: fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, change in heart rate, hypo- and hypertension, somnolence, insomnia, troubles concentrating, skin allergies, increase in numbers of lymphocytes, perturbation of the electroencephalogram, and damage to sense organs.

Exactly the afflictions a growing percentage of people are now complaining about! NASA translated this text under the title "Biological Effect of Microwaves in Occupational Hygiene" in 1970. With "Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation", WHO took the same direction in 1973, emphasizing the cumulative nature of received doses. Science has proven that chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) of microwaves below thermal thresholds leads to functional alterations, at times disabling, at times dangerous.

From the moon to the mobile phone

09 September 2015

United Kingdom: How the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra is Providing Relief for People with Dementia

Taking a bow at the BUDI orchestra summer
2014 concert.
I fell on this article by chance when looking for the 2015 Bournemouth University study on dementia.  It particularly speaks to me as a musician playing piano for persons afflicted with dementia.  Their response to the music - singing, tapping feet and hands, dancing - is wonderful to see.

Breakthroughs in Bournemouth: how the BSO is providing relief for people with dementia
by Harry T. White, The Guardian, 
22 June 2015

A new initiative launched by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and Bournemouth University is providing support to people living with dementia and their carers – with moving results

Fifteen months ago, Pam Winter’s husband Richard, now 75, was diagnosed with dementia. The couple, who live in Bournemouth, were enjoying an active retirement; they were season ticket-holders to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and had a wide network of friends. But Richard’s diagnosis and the development of his illness were the catalyst for a dramatic change.

08 September 2015

Brain Cancer and Cell Phones Addressed By U.S. House of Representatives

Brain Cancer and Cell Phones Addressed By U.S. House of Representatives
posted by RFSAFE on Youtube, 7 September 2015

Capitol Hill better act fast as it continues to overlook cell phone radiation is most likely the source for America’s surge in Brain cancer among politicians who have died at alarming rates since the explosion of wireless communications.

It only took one Google search to reveal 23 potential political occupational brain tumor victims that have died since 1995, the source itself makes a disclaimer it is still incomplete from 1922-2010. The list separated for comparison (1995) is the year RF Safe’s Founder last held his daughter as a result of a birth defect attributed to RF Radiation exposure.

That’s at least 23 political figures in 15 years that have died from brain cancer during the vast expansion into the wireless age we live today.

04 September 2015

International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Press Release and Statement


International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and 
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity 

The WHO is invited by scientists to recognize Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) as genuine pathological entities including them in the International Classification of Diseases

Paris, September 4 th 2015, 

Following the fifth Paris Appeal congress, which took place on the 18th of May, 2015, the attending European, American and Canadian scientists unanimously decided to create a working group and to write a Common International Declaration to request an official recognition of these new diseases and of their sanitary consequences worldwide. 

The declaration calls upon national and international bodies and institutions and particularly the WHO, for taking urgently their responsibility for recognizing electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as real diseases, including them in the International Classification of Diseases. 

03 September 2015

The Decline of Play in Preschoolers - and the Rise in Sensory Issues

[There is no mention here of use of mobile technology as being one of the major causes of sensory, motor and cognitive issues plaguing children today.  Shame on this child health care provider!]

"We are consistently seeing sensory, motor, and cognitive issues pop up more and more in later childhood, partly because of inadequate opportunities to move and play at an early age."

The decline of play in preschoolers — and the rise in sensory issues.
by Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post, 1st September 2015

Here is a new post from pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom, author of a number of popular posts on this blog, including “Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today,” as well as “The right — and surprisingly wrong — ways to get kids to sit still in class” and “How schools ruined recess.” Hanscom is the founder of TimberNook, a nature-based development program designed to foster creativity and independent play outdoors in New England.

by Angela Hanscom

I still recall the days of preschool for my oldest daughter. I remember wanting to desperately enrich her life in any way possible – to give her an edge before she even got to formal schooling. I put her in a preschool that was academic in nature – the focus on pre-reading, writing, and math skills. At home, I bought her special puzzles, set up organized play dates with children her age, read to her every night, signed her up for music lessons, put her in dance, and drove her to local museums. My friends and I even did “enrichment classes” with our kids to practice sorting, coloring, counting, numbers, letters, and yes….even to practice sitting! We thought this would help prepare them for kindergarten.

28 August 2015

Why Modern Life is Making Dementia in Your 40s More Likely

An MRI scan of a human brain:  dementia sufferers
are becoming younger.  Photo:  Alamy
Why modern life is making dementia in your 40s more likely
by Colin Pritchard, The Guardian, 
7 August 2015

From background radiation to chemicals in the food chain, environmental changes are contributing to a rapid global rise in neurological disease

My interest in neurological disease was triggered by a second friend dying of motor neurone disease (MND), which in purely statistical terms was exceptional. It is suggested there is an incidence of about one in 50,000 who are affected by MND and most die. No one knows 50,000 people, so was it a statistical fluke?

This raised the question of whether there were increases not only in MND, but in neurological disorders as a whole, including the dementias. Using World Health Organisation mortality data, which – while not perfect – is the best information available as it is collated in a standard and uniform way, myself and colleagues at the faculty of health and social sciences at Bournemouth University set out to investigate this.

Our first study, focusing on the changing pattern of neurological deaths from 1979 up to 1997, found that dementias were starting 10 years earlier – affecting more people in their 40s and 50s – and that there was a noticeable increase in neurological deaths in people up to the age of 74. In a follow-up study, taking us to 2010 and across 21 western countries, these increases were confirmed.

27 August 2015

Court Awards French Woman Disability Allowance of 29,000 Euros for 'Sensitivity to Gadgets'

© Gary Cameron / Reuters
Court awards French woman disability allowance of €29,000 for 'sensitivity to gadgets'
rt.com, 27 August 2015

A French court has awarded a monthly disability grant of some €800 to a woman claiming to have an allergy to electromagnetic radiation from gadgets such as cellphones. Most countries, including France, do not recognize the condition as a medical disorder.

Marine Richard, a 39-year-old former radio documentary producer, hailed the unprecedented ruling as a "breakthrough" for people affected by Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), AFP reported.

26 August 2015

Massachusetts: Family Sues Fay School in Southboro, Claims Wi-Fi Made Son Ill

The family of a student at the Fay School in
Southboro, seen here, has filed a lawsuit claiming
the school's strong Wi-Fi signal caused the boy to
become ill.  T&G Staff/ Christine Peterson
Family sues Fay School in Southboro, claims Wi-Fi made son ill
by Scott O'Connell, Telegram & Gazette Staff, 
24 August 2015

WORCESTER – The family of a student at the Fay School in Southboro has filed a lawsuit claiming the school’s strong Wi-Fi signal caused the boy to become ill.

The unidentified plaintiffs, referred to as “Mother” and “Father” in the complaint, said their 12-year-old son, “G,” suffers from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, a condition that is aggravated by electromagnetic radiation. The boy was diagnosed after he frequently experienced headaches, nosebleeds, nausea, and other symptoms while sitting in class after the school installed a new, more powerful wireless Internet system in 2013, the suit says.

23 August 2015

Experts Warn Pregnant Mothers to Keep Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices Away from Their Wombs

Experts warn pregnant mothers to keep cell phones and other wireless devices away from their wombs
by Lloyd Burrell, blogs.naturalnews.com,
10 August 2015

A new public awareness initiative has brought together more than one hundred doctors, scientific experts and non-profit organizations from around the world to collectively express their grave concern about the risks that wireless radiation exposures pose to pregnancy. The Baby Safe Project, the brainchild of two non-profit organizations, is essentially an awareness movement for pregnant mothers to keep cell phones away from their wombs.

Patricia Wood, Executive Director of Grassroots Environmental Education and co-creator of the BabySafe Project says, “The wireless world may be convenient, but it’s not without risks.” She goes on to explain that “when more than one hundred of the world’s leading medical doctors and researchers on wireless radiation say we have enough evidence for women to take protective action, we think women should know about it.”

14 August 2015

Massachusetts: Wi-Fi in School : ADA Federal Complaint Against School After Child Fell Sick From Wireless Installation

Wi-Fi in School ADA Federal Complaint Against School After Child Fell Sick From Wireless Installation

Breaking: 8/12/2015 Federal complaint seeks injunctive relief for violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and damages for breach of contract and negligence.

Parents Call For the Removal of the Wi-Fi System at Massachusetts School.

Please Download the Filed Complaint HERE.

After more robust School Wi-Fi was installed in Spring 2013, a 12 year old boy started to experience troubling symptoms, which he reported to his parents when he came home from school. These included severe headaches, itchy skin, and rashes. The school nurse indicated that various children in the same classes were reporting increased headaches, dizziness, nausea and chest pressure. The symptoms were present whenever he was at school.

Key Points in the Complaint:

11 August 2015

Switzerland: Cell Phone Radiation - How Big is the Risk?

[Note from the Editor of this blog:  Following is a near-verbatim summary of the article.  This does not represent the full text.  We wanted readers to have an idea of the current thinking in Switzerland regarding the risks of cell phone radiation from the point of view of the authorities, scientists, and one "mobile-critical" association, Gigaherz.ch .  As far as we know, the magazine "Beobachter" is the only mainstream Swiss media that has mentioned the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which was signed by one Swiss, for his studies on the effect of cell phone radiation on bees.] 

Cell Phone Radiation - How Big is the Risk?
Beobachter, Issue no. 15/2015, 24 July 2015

Many think cell phone radiation is harmful to health. But recent research results suggest caution

Veterinarian Michael Hässig presented an experiment at the University of Zurich as a situation that we find every day. He exposed ten cows to radiation of the type emitted by mobile antennas.  He then examined three enzymes in the blood of animals and noted that the behavior of the enzymes had changed. In some cows, the activity had increased, in others, it lessened. A third group showed no reaction. The experiment brought two important insights: cell phone radiation can alter the activity of proteins. And each organism reacts individually in spite of identical experimental conditions.  It is still too early for definitive statements. "We need more research. In principle, however, the results could be applied to humans"...

02 August 2015

Germany: Doctors Warn of the Use of Tablets and Smartphones by Children

Child playing with smartphone.  Overwork, headaches,
ADHD and mental illness:  physicians are seeing in children
the negative consequences of the growing use of digital media.
(Photo:  AP)
Doctors warn of the use of tablets and smartphones by children
Author: dpa, handelsblatt.com, 31 July 2015 (translated from German by Google and the Editor of this blog)

More and more children are using mobile media. Doctors see this as critical and warn of health hazards. They also do not believe that the early use of technology will help later in a digitized world of work.

Berlin :  Smartphones, tablets and computers are, in the opinion of pediatricians, detrimental to the spiritual development of children in spite of the latest developments. "We pediatricians are convinced of significant health and psychological impairments and see this daily in our practices," said Till Reckert of the Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians (BVKJ) Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

One danger is the fact that parents neglect their children, because their smartphones are more important, said the pediatrician, Vice-Chairman of the BVKJ in Baden-Württemberg. "There are great challenges ahead of us."

30 July 2015

FYI: No, You Are Not Supposed to Hold Your Phone to Your Face

Bad news:  Don't hold that smartphone next to your face.
(Source:  ThinkStock Images)
FYI: No, you are not supposed to hold your phone to your face
indianexpress.com, 27 July 2015

4G phones might mean more exposure to radiation

India is waiting with bated breath for the nationwide coverage of 4G, just like we waited for 3G to change our lives a few years ago. I have been on a 4G SIM for the past couple of weeks, and wherever I can get the signal in Delhi-NCR, the internet speeds are faster and pages do open up a tad faster.

But there will be something about the new 4G phones that no one will discuss, and that is how these phones with a better signal strength will emit more radiation. Technically, anything that can send out or receive signals emits a certain amount of radiation. Most of it is within limits of human endurance though, we are not built to adapt to systemic waves — every thing has radiation, but natural radiation is not systemic. This is why sustained exposure to cell phone radiation over long periods of time — like when you carry your smartphone in your pocket the whole day, or leave it under the pillow overnight — could have serious health implications. According to the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) all phones sold within the US come within the recommended levels of RF energy, still it suggests that it is better to keep the phone a safe distance away if you “must conduct extended conversations”. The safe distance suggested is between 5mm and 25mm. So keeping the phone next to your ear is certainly not recommended.

29 July 2015

ECO DECT Cordless Phones

We are posting this article because most people do not know that cordless DECT phones emit very high levels of electromagnetic radiation.  ECO DECT cordless phones, which emit less radiation, are available in Europe, but are rare in the United States.  I am electrosensitive and for a long time, my neighbor's DECT phone was emitting very strong radiation which affected my health.  This seems to have changed, however, in my small building (with only 3 apartments on each of the 7 floors) we have picked up over 10 different Wi-Fi signals, some very strong.  

The author advises that the best option is to USE A CORDED PHONE. "Think twice about deploying your own WiFi network, which will add to the radiation. At least turn it off when you are sleeping," advises this article, [and I would add, when not in use.]

Siemens ECO DECT green cordless phones – Panasonic ECO DECT cordless phones
Posted by Norman F., easyecoblog.com, 11 July 2012

Did you know that (DECT) 1.9Ghz digital cordless phones emit the same type of pulsed microwave radiation (about 1.8 GHz) as ordinary (GSM) cell phones. Emissions can be about 6 V/m within a metre of the base unit, for as long as it is plugged in. Companies push these phones because they do not interfere with Wifi networks. Many base stations emit their radiation even when the phone is not in use! Microwaves are continuously emitted 24 hours a day as long as they are plugged in. Not good. DetailsMore Warnings. – “DECT cordless phones work at a fixed power. Mobiles turn their power down to the lowest level possible, so when you are near a base station this can be much lower than a DECT cordless. DECT pulses are far more aggressive than for mobiles.”

27 July 2015

Switzerland: Testimonies of Electrophypersensitive Persons: Godeliève, Léonard, and Sosthène

Godeliève and Léonard Richard, siblings, are both
electrohypersensitive and shield themselves against waves
from Wi-Fi and smartphones, mainly by using wired
phones and protective cards on their cell phones.
(Christian Galley)
"[Electrohypersensitive people] do not know where and how to live.  I believe that society has a duty to assist them.  They have a right to life, health, and respect, like everybody."

Electrosensitive, they shield themselves
by Sylvia Freda, L'Impartial, 27 July 2015

(translated by the Editor of this blog)

Godeliève and Léonard Richard have a difficult time.

Even if wireless devices are extremely practical and tied to the notion of liberty, as soon as they are near Wi-Fi and cell phones, Léonard and Godeliève Richard, siblings living in Ponts-de-Martel, suffer from them.  And not just a little.  They don't experience insignificant dizziness or ordinary complaints. "It's much worse, at times!  I reached a stage where I believed I was going crazy because I could no longer think", says Godeliève.  "I was constantly dizzy, as on a boat, I had tingling in my fingers and toes, difficulty moving my limbs, headaches, concentration problems.  Always tired and agitated, I could not sleep."

24 July 2015

Switzerland: Electrosensitivity: "Electrosmog Makes Me Sick"

"The underestimated risk"
Electrosensitivity :  "Electrosmog makes me sick"
Beobachter 15/2015, 24 July 2015 (translated by the Editor of this blog with the help of Google.)

Around 5 percent of the Swiss population consider themselves electrosensitive - Lucja Stankiewicz is one of them.

Electrosensitive persons suffer not only from their ailments, but also from the stigma of being a hypochondriac.

Lucja Stankiewicz has had a successful career as a psychiatrist.  She was also a municipal councillor in Muri, well-traveled, and much involved socially.

When she bought a new cellular phone, the complaints began. Suddenly she felt dizzy when making calls. She returned the phone and switched the old one back on. The symptoms disappeared.  Months later,  technicians laid an ISDN line. Stankiewicz suddenly began to suffer from severe insomnia, which disappeared after switching off the line.

"I live like a cave dweller because electrosmog makes me sick" : Lucja Stankiewicz

20 July 2015

Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015: Dr. Devra Davis

Smart phone addiction rate:  South Korea
Dr. Devra Davis, Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015:
View video here:  https://vimeo.com/132867948

Devra Davis, PhD, MPH is founder of The Environmental Health Trust, a leading national & international scientific and policy research group. Dr. Davis was Founding Director of the world’s first Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. She is author of the award winning books,“The Secret History of the War on Cancer” and “Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family”. An advisor to many governments on cell phone safety and former Presidential Appointee, Dr. Davis was part of the group awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 with Al Gore. She has convened several major international scientific meetings on cell phone science and testified before the U.S. Senate hearing on this topic in 2009. Dr. Davis has authored more than 190 publications in books and journals ranging from the Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association to Scientific American and the New York Times and has been featured on CNN, CSPAN, Fox News, BBC, and National Public Radio discussing various public health matters. Dr. Davis will present the latest research modeling microwave radiation exposure into brains of children and adults.

All the videos may be viewed here:

by Camilla : Electromagnetic Health Blog, 19 July 2015

Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015: Presentation by Karl Maret, MD

Video: Karl Maret, MD, Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015
View video here:  https://vimeo.com/132039697

Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng. is President of Dove Health Alliance, a non-profit foundation in Aptos, CA. He holds an M.D., Masters in Biomedical Engineering and B.S. in Electrical Engineering. As such, he is uniquely qualified to address present day concerns about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. He has presented at many international conferences, including annual presentations at the German Society for Energy and Informational Medicine for the last 10 years, and he educates physician groups on the biological impacts of communication technologies, such as cell phones, wireless technologies and infrastructure and ‘smart meters’. In this presentation, Dr. Maret addresses risks to children in WiFi classrooms, presenting case studies involving real-time, continuous dossimetry measurements, including cumulative exposures and the percentage of each school day unacceptable exposure levels occurred.

All the videos may be viewed here:

Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015: Presentation by Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD

Dr. Mallery-Blythe dedicated her presentation to Jennifer Wiktoria Elizabeth Fry.  "Jenny took her life by hanging one week ago.  This followed a long, lengthy set of correspondence from her parents to the school, to the local educational authorities, and to the local MP who happened to be David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK.  They have been campaigning for two years to try and have Wi-Fi removed from Jenny's environment because they were utterly convinced it was damaging her health, both physically and psychologically."

Video: Erica Mallery-Blythe, Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, June 22, 2015
View video here:  https://vimeo.com/131798243

(Being unable to reproduce slides from Dr.
Mallery-Blythe's presentation, the Editor of this
blog has selected images from other sources.)
Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD is Founder of Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) in the U.K. where she is also Trustee of the Radiation Research Trust, Medical Advisor to Electrosensitivity UK and Member of the British Society of Ecological Medicine. She has worked in emergency medicine, led trauma teams and taught trauma medicine throughout the UK and abroad. She has a broad base of medical experience, including surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care (both neonatal and adult). For many years, Dr. Mallery-Blythe has worked intensively with adults and children suffering from the little-understood biological and health effects of wireless technologies, working closely with their doctors. She is author of a resource for parents, teachers, schools and policymakers called “Electromagnetic Health for Children”. 

All the videos may be viewed here:

by Camilla : Electromagnetic Health Blog, 19 July 2015

Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015: Presentation by Victoria L. Dunckley, MD

In the next series of posts, we are presenting videos of the presentations made at the Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks to Children, held at the Commonwealth Club of California on 22 June 2015.  These should be viewed by every parent who cares about their children.  Children will be exposed more and more to wireless technology, and parents - and everyone who assists children:  teachers, physicians, psychologists - should be made aware of the impact of this technology on children's mental and physical health and the ways in which exposure can be reduced.

Victoria L. Dunckley, MD, Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks, 22 June 2015: 
View video here:  https://vimeo.com/132159417

Victoria L. Dunckley, MD is an integrative child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist who specializes in working with children who have failed previous treatments by addressing environmental influences on mental health. A frequent consultant to schools, interdisciplinary teams, and the courts, she is a sought-after expert regarding problematic electronics’ use and the physiological effects of interactive screen-time, and has served as a forensic expert for criminal cases involving tech addiction. She is the author of “Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time” (2015). 

Dr. Dunckley says overstimulation and dysregulation produced by electronics use mimics or exacerbates numerous psychiatric conditions, that electromagnetic radiation from wireless communications magnifies these effects, and that the growing use of mobile devices in the classroom is a major contributor to the epidemic of mental health issues, learning difficulties, and overuse of psychotropic medication in children.