30 September 2016

Personal Testimony of the Health Effects of Chemtrails/ Geo-Engineering

"I'm repeatedly seeing patterns with apparent geo-engineering activity however, when excessive microwave exposure from wi-fi, cordless phones transmitters etc and other factors can be ruled out. It's difficult to not come to the conclusion that it's having a frustratingly profound influence on my health. What has the world come to when working and living outdoors becomes a serious health hazard?!"

Personal Testimony of the Health Effects of Chemtrails/ Geo-Engineering
posted 30 September 2016

An electrohypersensitive person has provided this testimony.  Such testimonies on the health effects of chemtrails are rare.  We deeply thank him for sharing his story and speaking out about this issue.  

Thursday was a lovely day, with predominantly cumulus clouds and little to no persistent plane trails / artificial clouds and a much deeper blue than is all too usual. Natural, crisp sunlight and other natural frequencies were allowed through and by Thurs eve (likely in significant part due my cells having a chance to detox), I was feeling much better and mentally sharper than usual with my electro-sensitivity in much better check than the norm. Despite sleeping in the van cab, I slept relatively well on Thurs night and woke without a headache and with energy which is so rare, joyed to see the deep blue and cumulus clouds that greeted me above.

The skies changed quickly on Friday, with persistent plane trails beginning to form sections of cirrus cloud above the cumulus which continued through the day and eve, with much plane traffic and the blue dimmed progressively until there was total whiteout... Last night I began to feel progressively more rough....fatigued, dizzy, nauseous, cognitively challenged, headache built and electro-sensitivity ever increasing with some intense peaks of signals.

Recognition of Electrohypersensitivity as a Functional Impairment (Disability)

We felt that these comments from Professor Olle Johansson in response to a post on Dave Ashton's blog ("Being Electrosensitive") merited being placed here.  Professor Johansson reminds us that electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a functional impairment (disability).  It is the environment that is sick - "inferior and potentially toxic", not EHS persons.  "The whole environment must be accessibility-adapted... People with functional impairments should have full access to the entire society... EHS persons should be protected under the UN 22 Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities/The UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Functional Impairments."  Sadly, this is not the case in most countries and there are attempts to move EHS from the functional impairment paradigm to the patient/disease one.

Comments from Professor Olle Johansson

Being Electrosensitive, 29 September 2016

The comments from Professor Olle Johansson below are in response to Stephanie Dickerson's post on 14th August 2016, entitled "A Story of Ehs, and Accepting Loss".

29 September 2016

How To Hardwire Your IPad, IPod, And IPhone

How To Hardwire Your IPad, IPod, And IPhone
Environmental Health Trust

Our family has transitioned from wireless to wired. Here’s how how to hardwire your iPad, iPod, and iPhone and other favorite devices safely to the Ethernet.

Transitioning from wireless to wired has been more of a journey than a decision. Our home was not wired for Ethernet, thus we had to learn to live with the inconvenience of cables running throughout the house. I wouldn’t trade the peace of mind, however, and my three teens have adapted well. Especially once we corded their favorite devices!

With a little ingenuity and a few supplies, you’ll be able to enjoy your devices without the added burden of wireless frequencies.

28 September 2016

"We Are The Evidence" Testimony to the Federal Communications Commission

"We Are the Evidence" (W.A.T.E.) is an advocacy group established to expose the suppressed epidemic of sickness, suffering and human rights crisis created by wireless technology radiation; elevate the voice of those injured; defend and secure their rights and compel society and governments to take corrective actions and inform the public of the harm. W.A.T.E. works through education, lobbying and legal action.

Recently, its CEO, attorney Dafna Tachover, spent time in Washington DC working to expose the epidemic of sickness from wireless technology.  

On 22 September 2016, Dafna Tachover testified before the Federal Communications Commission Disability Advisory Committee.  The Committee was established to make recommendations to the Commission on a wide array of disability matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and to facilitate the participation of people with disabilities in proceedings before the Commission.

Here is her speech. (6 mn.):

27 September 2016

American Academy of Pediatrics Issues New Recommendations to "Reduce Exposure to Cell Phones"

American Academy of Pediatrics Issues New Recommendations to "Reduce Exposure to Cell Phones"
Environmental Health TrustReleaseWire
26 September 2016

Nation's largest group of children’s doctors responds to new government study linking cell phone radiation to cancer

Teton Village, WY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/26/2016 --In response to the U.S. National Toxicology Program study results finding exposure to wireless radiation significantly increased the prevalence of highly malignant heart and brain cancers in rodents, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued specific recommendations to reduce wireless cell phone exposure and updated their online resources for parents concerning cell phones and wireless devices.

"They're not toys. They have radiation that is emitted from them and the more we can keep it off the body and use (the phone) in other ways, it will be safer," said Jennifer A. Lowry, M.D., FAACT, FAAP, chair of the AAP Council on Environmental Health Executive Committee in the AAPs press release on the NTP Study Results.

25 September 2016

International Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague –12 -16 October 2016

The first international and citizens' tribunal will be held at The Hague in October 2016. Members of the Steering Committee include:

Vandana Shiva, Corinne Lepage, Marie-Monique Robin, Olivier de Schutter, Gilles-Eric Séralini, Hans Herren.

International Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague –12th -16th of October 2016

For an increasing number of people from around the world, Monsanto today is the symbol of industrial agriculture. This chemical-intensive form of production pollutes the environment, accelerates biodiversity loss, and massively contributes to global warming.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Monsanto, a US-based company, has developed a number of highly toxic products, which have permanently damaged the environment and caused illness or death for thousands of people. These products include:

The Ugly Truth Behind Apple’s New iPhone 7

iPhone Digital / CC BY-SA 2.0
The Ugly Truth Behind Apple’s New 
iPhone 7
Posted by Donald Kaufman, truthdig.com,
20 September 2016

New product releases from Apple often are a time for analysis, comparison and celebration. But the arrival of the iPhone 7 has brought unwanted attention to the company’s darker side of globalization, oppression and greed.

In a report from The Guardian, Aditya Chakrabortty says that Apple oppresses Chinese workers, does not pay its fair share of taxes and deprives Americans of high-paying jobs while making enormous profits.

23 September 2016

Nokia's Technology Director, Matti Niemelä: Mobile Radiation Destroyed My Health

We thank this Facebook group, Vi som vill bo tillsammans i ett område med lägre strålning, for having posted this article.

See also this article posted on the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski ("Between a Rock and a Hard Place"):

- Former Nokia CTO's Multiple Sclerosis and... Nokia's Patents to Prevent It?

Nokia's technology director, Matti Niemelä: Mobile Radiation destroyed my health

vaken.se, 30 May 2016 (Google translation with grammatical corrections)

Matti Niemelä is one of Nokia's former technical directors, and has been involved in the development of many of the early mobile phones for Nokia. Matti became seriously ill from mobile industry microwave radiation. In addition, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Some studies suggest that radiation can increase the risk of MS.

Niemelä believes that we have been silent for too long about the risks. He is particularly worried about children. But the Vice President of Nokia claims: "All Nokia products fulfill international requirements and limits."

For Tampere-based Matti Niemelä, 44, life was like a movie when he was young.  He was recruited to work for Nokia in 1997. The brilliant young man advanced rapidly to become Nokia's chief technology officer in less than ten years and was involved in the development of mobile phones, access memories, and WLAN Wi-Fi solutions.

In 2007, Niemelä's career came to a halt when his health failed. Today he can only move with the help of a walker. Niemelä refuses to use a wheelchair.

20 September 2016

International Criminal Court Widens Remit to Include Environmental Destruction Cases

A case lodged with the ICC alleges mass rights violations
by Cambodian authorities related to land-grabbing.
Photo:  Omar Havana/ Getty Images
The new ICC focus could also open the door to prosecutions over climate change.

ICC widens remit to include environmental destruction cases
by John Vidal and Owen Bowcott, The Guardian, 15 September 2016

In change of focus, Hague court will prosecute government and individuals for environmental crimes such as landgrabs
Environmental destruction and landgrabs could lead to governments and individuals being prosecuted for crimes against humanity by the international criminal court following a decision to expand its remit.

The UN-backed court, which sits in The Hague, has mostly ruled on cases of genocide and war crimes since it was set up in 2002. It has been criticised for its reluctance to investigate major environmental and cultural crimes, which often happen in peacetime.

In a change of focus, the ICC said on Thursday it would also prioritise crimes that result in the “destruction of the environment”, “exploitation of natural resources” and the “illegal dispossession” of land. It also included an explicit reference to land-grabbing.

19 September 2016

11 Hours a Day in Front of a Screen. This is What It's Doing to Your Eyes

Our bodies and eyes aren't designed for modern digital
lifestyles and workplaces. 
Image: Reuters/ Michael Dalder
"Technology has irreversibly changed how people live and work. But vision health has lagged dangerously behind. For today’s digital workforce, awareness of dangers - and solutions - is critical. Technology may be evolving rapidly, but we still only get one set of eyes."

11 hours a day in front of a screen. This is what it's doing to your eyes
by Roy Hessel, President and CEO, Coastal, weforum.org, 1st September 2016

Your mom warned you sitting too close to the TV wasn’t a good idea. It turns out she wasn’t entirely off the mark.

Digital eye strain” is now a real condition, defined as the physical eye discomfort felt after two or more hours in front of a digital screen. As screen time increases - at home and in the office - so do symptoms like blurred vision, burning eyes, headaches and disrupted sleep. In total, nearly two thirds of American adults now experience symptoms of digital eye strain due to prolonged use of electronic devices like computers, tablets and cell phones.

14 September 2016

Electromagnetic Radiation in Our Parks

Geneva's parks merit this statue, with 15,000 mobile phone antennas and 568 public Wi-Fi access points in the canton, including in its parks.  

Source:  Wendy walks for ES - Wendy walks to Ottawa for electrosensitive people.

iPhone 7 Models: Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) or RF Exposure

"To ensure that the cell phone does not exceed the legal limit, consumers should never keep their cell phone in their pockets or next to their skin."

iPhone 7 Models: Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) or RF Exposure
saferemr.com, 7 September 2016

What are the SAR values for iPhone’s new smart phones? How should consumers use this information?

Be sure to read the latest Consumer Reports safety warnings about cell phone use.

Note: I recommend the use corded headsets or hands-free use of cell phones, not wireless ear buds. Moreover, one should never keep a cell phone next to your body, especially during a phone call, but also whenever the phone is powered on. For more information see my AirPods post.

12 September 2016

Men Should Never Put Their Phone in Their Pocket: Study Shows How Prolonged Exposure to Radiation Steadily Destroys Sperm

Danger:  A review of years of evidence shows men are
putting themselves at risk by storing their phones in
their front pockets.
Why men should NEVER put their phone in their pocket: Study shows how prolonged exposure to radiation steadily destroys sperm
9 September 2016

  • New review of 21 studies found link between phones and sperm count
  • Public health are hesitant to say phones definitely harm sperm - there is currently no way to prove exactly how radiation and sperm count are tied
  • But experts warn this review provides compelling enough evidence that men should not keep their cell phones in their pockets 

Despite all the fears about cell phones and radiation, most of us still put our phones in our jean pockets.

It's easy, convenient, and any bad effects are impossible to see.

Caring for Patients with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivities, Dr Riina Bray, University of Toronto

Dr. Riina Bray
Caring for Patients with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivities, Dr Riina Bray, University of Toronto (original English video and PDF)
André Fauteux, maisonsaine.ca, 8 September 2016

Trials and Trends in Caring for Patients with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivities at Ontario’s Environmental Health Clinic, with Dr Riina Bray, Medical Director, Ontario Environmental Health Clinic, University of Toronto

(original English version with French introduction and question period – download Dr Bray’s PDF here)

View Dr. Bray's presentation in English here

Visionner la version avec traduction simultanée en français ici

Over the past 15 years the number of patients seen at the EHC has risen dramatically. It has been noted that these patients have health vulnerabilities and intrinsic and extrinsic predisposing factors that leave them at risk to the effects of radio/microwave exposures. Common symptoms, diagnostic testing challenges and mitigating measures will be reviewed in this talk. Biomarkers of exposure and limitations in this field will also be reviewed. There are gaps in knowledge in the medical community and general public, as well as large gaps in research regarding this medical phenomenon. Environmental assessments both at home and at work need to be interpreted and acted upon appropriately, so guidance from experts and support groups is essential. Cost of mitigation can also be a large hurdle and therefore pearls to reduce exposures are discussed. Finally, future research, public health initiatives and what health care providers can do, will be addressed.

11 September 2016

A Call for Better Treatment of First Responders Exposed to the Toxic Wreckage of the World Trade Center.

UPDATE 9 September 2016 :
Read Newsweek's featured article, "9/11-Related Cancer Is Surging", 7 September 2016.

Our post was written in September 2011.

This post is in commemoration of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on 9/11 2001.

Our thoughts are with all those who lost loved ones, friends and colleagues in the tragic destruction of the World Trade Center and related events which occurred 10 years ago, on 11 September 2001.

09 September 2016

“Overcast” Documentary Exposes What’s Really Behind Airplane Contrails

“Overcast” Documentary Exposes What’s Really Behind Airplane Contrails
by Carolanne Wright, Contributing writer for Wake Up World, 1st September 2016

As the debate continues to rage about whether or not chemtrails/geoengineering are in fact occurring, the impact of contrails (normal exhaust from aircraft that create a trail of water vapor, ice and soot) on the environment and weather is often overlooked. While the theory of covert chemical spraying operations takes center stage, are we missing a key piece of the puzzle?

Maybe the focus shouldn’t be: Is the military secretly spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere? But rather, if contrails from standard air traffic are the real culprit damaging the environment and human health. A concerned filmmaker set out to find the answer.

Following the (Toxic) Trail

“Putting all speculations aside, I wanted a convincing answer.” ~ Matthias Hancke, director of “Overcast”

08 September 2016

NTP Study: Cell Phone RF Breaks DNA

A paper on the DNA findings has been submitted for publication and is currently under peer review, according to the NTP press office. Michael Wyde, who runs the NTP RF project day-to-day, presented some preliminary results at the BioEM2016
meeting in Ghent, Belgium, in June and later that month at the NTP Board of Counselors meeting. (His slides are here; and a video of his talk at the board meeting is here.)

Note that in August 2016, the Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA) published the ATHEM report II "Investigation of athermal effects of electromagnetic fields in mobile communications", conducted at the Medical University of Vienna. The project focused on laboratory testing for the cellular mechanism of possible genotoxic effects. The report confirms:
- Phone radiation damages the genetic material (DNA)
- The damage mechanism is oxidative cellular stress
- The lesions are athermal effects
(Ref. article in German: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/publikationen/artikel/detail?newsid=1115)

NTP: Cell Phone RF Breaks DNA - Consistent with Higher Tumor Counts,
20 Years After Landmark Lai-Singh Study

microwavenews.com, 6 September 2016

In May, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) announced that male rats exposed to cell phone radiation developed higher rates of cancer. Soon, the NTP will explain how that might have happened.

The same RF/microwave radiation that led male rats to develop brain tumors also caused DNA breaks in their brains. Female rats —which did not have significant elevated tumor counts— had fewer DNA breaks.

All these findings are part of the same $25 million NTP project.

06 September 2016

Wi-Fi on Medical Premises: Letter Addressed to a Pediatrician, Petit-Lancy Medical Group, Geneva

UPDATED 6 September 2016:  To date, no reaction from either the Medical Group or the Geneva Pediatrician Network.  We find this unacceptable on the part of the medical profession, especially pediatricians.  On a positive note, the head of nursing at one hospital has agreed to meet with an electrosensitive patient to discuss possibilities for improving accommodation at the hospital for persons suffering from this intolerance.  Read her testimony.

Many of our readers have seen this letter addressed by a member of the Swiss advocacy group for safer wireless, ARA, to Dr. Aline Lemma, pediatrician at the Petit-Lancy medical group and vice-president of the Geneva Pediatricians Network.  We have received no reaction to it other than acknowledgement of the letter by the consumers' group, Bon à Savoir.  We wrote another letter to the president of the same pediatricians' group:  no reaction.  It seems that most of the doctors in Geneva have banded together to ignore the health risks of exposure to radiofrequency radiation emitted by Wi-Fi and wireless devices which is especially a danger to children.  What are they afraid of?  Going against the message of the Swiss Government:  Good coverage of mobile telephony and access to the Internet are essential for the development of Switzerland?  

Letter addressed to: Dr. Aline Lemma, pediatrician, Petit-Lancy Medical Group, Geneva, by a member of the ARA
(translated from French)

Morges, 11 February 2016

05 September 2016

Cardiologist Warns About Using Heart Tracking Applications

2013 article re-posted 5 September 2016:
A doctor using this technology ( a smartphone application which can track and store data about the heart), in his or her office is exposing his patients and him or herself to WiFi on an all-day, every-day basis—which is an even larger dose of WiFi than pilots and flight crew are getting on airplanes equipped with WiFi. The truth is that Wi-Fi is a big human experiment, and we still lack research about the effects that wireless frequencies may have on our electrical bodies. 

Is Your Smartphone the Latest ECG Machine?
by Dr. Stephen Sinatra, cardiologist, 22 April 2013

Recently, I took a look at some of the newest smartphone apps that can assist you in tracking and storing data about your heart so you can share with your healthcare provider. The one app that’s getting the most buzz is one that can act as an ECG machine.

This new app, called the AliveCor, costs about $200. It snaps onto the iPhone 4 and 4S and contains two electrode-type areas which can apparently take a 30-second single lead electrocardiogram. Then, it lets you transmit that data to your doctor if you’re having symptoms.

04 September 2016

Dangers of 5G: From the Horse’s Mouth

Dangers of 5G: From the Horse’s Mouth
reginameredith.com, 24 August 2016

(Photo): Example of full-body protective clothing against  irradiation from electromagnetic fields during  intervention of Deutsche Telecom technicians working on mobile phone antennas in operation.  The following conversation with the AT&T technician reveals that where the company once turned  off transmitters while technicians worked on them, it now refuses to turn them turn and does not allow its technicians to carry RF meters. "Lots of us in this line of work are getting leukemia and cancer," comments the AT&T technician. (Choice of photo by Editor of "Towards Better Health")

Josh del Sol is a tireless warrior informing the public about the health impacts of RF, EMF and other ubiquitous frequencies. His documentary Take Back Your Power is foundational to understanding the problem. Today, I received an email from him regarding a spontaneous conversation another activist had with an AT&T line-man working on a cell tower. I have copied the conversation below. Meanwhile to have a deeper understanding of this truly menacing issue, you can go to openmindsshow.com to see my interview with him. You can also watch his documentary mentioned above. Meanwhile, this should put it in perspective for you:

Modern Life is Killing Our Children: Cancer Rate in Young People Up 40 Per Cent in 16 Years

Children are surrounded by electrical fields, warn
"Dr Denis Henshaw, Professor of Human Radiation Effects at Bristol University, the scientific adviser for Children with Cancer UK, said air pollution was by far the biggest culprit... but other elements of modern lifestyles are also to blame: ... obesity, pesticides and solvents inhaled during pregnancy, circadian rhythm disruption through too much bright light at night, radiation from x-rays and CT scans, smoking during and after pregnancy, magnetic fields from power lines, gadgets in homes, and potentially, radiation from mobile phones."

Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years
by Sarah Knapton, science editor, The Telegraph, 3 September 2016

Modern life is killing children with the number of youngsters diagnosed with cancer rising 40 per cent in the past 16 years because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation, scientists have warned.

New analysis of government statistics by researchers at the charity Children with Cancer UK found that there are now 1,300 more cancer cases a year compared with 1998, the first time all data sets were published.

The rise is most apparent in teenagers and young adults aged between 15 and 24, where the incident rate has risen from around 10 cases in 100,000 to nearly 16.

03 September 2016

EMF/EHS Cards and Leaflets

Thank you to Dave Ashton for this very useful post.

EMF/EHS Cards and Leaflets
Being Electrosensitive, 1st September 2016

This post is to collect links to EHS and EMF leaflets and cards that might be useful for electrosensitive people. If you know of anything else that could be included, please let Dave know.

01 September 2016

It's 'Digital Heroin': How Screens Turn Kids into Psychotic Junkies

Photo:  Getty Images
It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies
by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, nypost.com, 
27 August 2016

Note:  We have posted the last part of this article.

... Many parents intuitively understand that ubiquitous glowing screens are having a negative effect on kids. We see the aggressive temper tantrums when the devices are taken away and the wandering attention spans when children are not perpetually stimulated by their hyper-arousing devices. Worse, we see children who become bored, apathetic, uninteresting and uninterested when not plugged in.

But it’s even worse than we think.

We now know that those iPads, smartphones and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex — which controls executive functioning, including impulse control — in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine levels — the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic — as much as sex.

France: Electrosensitivity Is Not a Priority for the Secretary of State in Charge of Disability

Crédit : Steve Johnson – CC by 2.0
Electrosensitivity is not a priority for the Secretary of State in charge of disability
by jay / electrosensible.info, 19 August 2016
(translated by the Editor of "Towards Better Health")

In July, the Secretary of State in charge of disabled persons and the fight against exclusion toured the various "canteens" in Ariège, profiting from this by meeting the stakeholders in the fight against disability.

During this visit, she was asked about electrosensitivity and the recognition of our society of this condition and the least one can say is that for this Secretary of State, there is no need to take urgent action...