29 May 2024

Risks to Babies Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Technologies

Do not use a cell phone near a baby's head!
Risks to babies exposed to radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies

On 28 June 2017, we sent this message to the person responsible for the mid-wife team at Geneva’s University Hospital (HUG) and to the Swiss Federation of Mid-Wives. The information comes from articles published recently on the subject in French (media, health sites, consumer associations). For the English translation, we have added recommendations and resources.

Risks to babies exposed to radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies

Dear Madam,

We have read with interest the article « Quand le smartphone fait de l’ombre au bébé » [“When the smartphone overshadows the baby” – about the use of smartphones in delivery rooms], published by the Tribune de Genève on 15 June 2017.

We encourage mid-wives to raise awareness of young parents of the risks of exposure of their babies to electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted by wireless technologies (cell phones, tablets, baby monitors, Wi-Fi, connected toys, smart meters…) not only during the mother and newborn’s stay at the hospital but also afterwards at home. This radiation was classified in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans. The awareness-raising could take place at the maternity hospital during the stay of the mother and newborn and in the form of a brochure including risks during pregnancy and after the birth of the child. It could recommend precautionary measures to reduce exposure of babies and young children to EM radiation.

Information and recommendations :

24 May 2024

Switzerland: Cell phone radiation: No one at the federal level feels responsible

Clearly, Switzerland does not seem to care about the health of its population.

Cell phone radiation: No one at the federal level feels responsible
From the Swiss consumer magazine K-Tipp 3/2024 - Google translation

Many cell phones do not comply with the legal limits for radiation. The authorities are doing nothing about it. Internal documents show how the Swiss government is putting off controlling radiation levels.

Radiation exposure: The federal government does not monitor compliance with the limit values
Author: Jonas Arnold

Unprotected radiofrequency traffic
Image:Pexels, Lisa Fotios

The French radiation authority regularly checks the radiation emitted by smartphones. Their manufacturers do indicate the radiation levels on the packaging. However, independent measurement results from the authority showed that this cannot be relied upon: Since 2017, almost one in ten of the 594 devices checked did not comply with the radiation limits. A "Saldo" test also showed that many cell phones emit more radiation than declared ("Saldo" 5/2018) .

Last year, Apple's iPhone 12 also ended up on the list of cell phones that emit too much radiation. When carried in the hand, it emitted 5.74 watts per kilo of body weight. However, according to legal regulations, only 4 watts per kilo are permitted (K-Tipp 16/2023) . As a result, the iPhone 12 was no longer allowed to be sold in France until Apple reduced the radiation levels with new software. In Switzerland, there is no authority that checks compliance with the radiation limits. That is why the federal government set up a working group four years ago. K-Tipp requested the relevant documents based on the Freedom of Information Act.

Geo-engineering and Chemtrails: Suffolk County, Long Island (Update 24 May 2024)

UPDATE (24 May 2024): The experts interviewed in the last four podcasts I have listened to recently in as many days have all mentioned "geoengineering".  Shannon Joy has just interviewed Dane Wigington, lead researcher at GeoengineeringWatch.org. He recommends viewing the recent documentary, "The Dimming".   Here is the link to the Shannon Joy interview

UPDATE (19 November 2014):  The spraying goes on. During a recent stay in Nassau County on Long Island, I saw chemtrails in the sky on several occasions.  View this video of the public hearing on Long Island, 11 December 2011 "Legislation to Ban Chemtrails gets Huge Public Support".  The video was posted on the Facebook Page:  Plea to Erin Brockovich for Legal Action against Chemtrails.  Yesterday, I viewed the Italian documentary, "Chemtrails:  The Secret War" which now has French subtitles.  I would ask advocates to explore the possibility of providing English subtitles to this excellent film.

Chemtrails is not a subject I would have thought of researching until I came across an article about a government meeting last December in Riverhead, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, which is the county adjacent to Nassau where my parents lived for over 40 years. On 6 December 2011, the Suffolk County government held a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other elements into the air over the county without first filing an Environmental Impact Statement with and receiving approval from the county’s Department of Health Services. Aerosol spraying operations for agriculture, and for Lyme disease, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), West Nile virus (WNV), and other disease vector control operations were to be exempted from the proposed ban.

22 May 2024

Which wireless radiation risks are covered most by TV news in the USA?

Which wireless radiation risks are covered most by TV news in the USA?
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 
saferemr.com, May 21, 2024

Since June 2014, television stations in the U.S have aired more than 300 news stories about the health risks from wireless radiation exposure. Almost half of these stories focus on radiation risks from cell phone use, including risks to children. About a third discussed cell tower radiation risks with four dozen stories focusing on cell towers (or Wi-Fi) on school campuses. Other technologies of concern include wireless smart meters and Wi-Fi-emitting devices.

Since 2018 more than a hundred news stories have reported on health concerns about the rollout of 5G, the fifth generation of cellular technology. Public concern about this issue has been covered by national network news and by local TV stations in more than 20 states and the District of Columbia.

CBS and its affiliates have provided the most news coverage about wireless radiation and health. Besides its national news coverage, all major CBS stations have run stories including stations in the following cities: 

Full Measure Investigation Features 5G and Cell Phone Radiation with Dr. Devra Davis

This article contains links to several videos on 5G and cell phone radiation.

ehtrust.org, 20 May 2024

Devra Davis PHD MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust was interviewed by Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy award investigative reporter on the U.S. government’s decision to halt further research in cell phone radiation. The article also features Professor of Radiology Christopher Collins, who Attkinsson reports has been a paid consultant to the wireless industry.

Watch the Full Measure Report that was released May 19, 2024

U.S. Government Ceased Research on Wireless Health Effects

In the interview, Dr. Davis informed viewers that this year the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) announced that it will no longer study the issue of cell phone radiofrequency (RF) radiation, despite its previous research that found “clear evidence” of cancer and DNA damage.


An event of global importance.

(We are posting more information about the status of the WHO health guidelines below.)

30TH MAY-1ST JUN 2024

1ST JUNE 2024 - Place des Nations - GENEVA - 13.30

Join in the convoy alongside thousands of freedom lovers to Geneva to be part of our historic rally on Saturday 1st June
Learn more at RoadToGeneva.com

Update 20 May: The Treaty/Agreement on Pandemics will not be voted on at the WHO, due to a lack of consensus between the parties. However, the International Health Regulations (IHR), if adopted and not rejected within 10 months, will come into force in May 2025, with all the same dangers, including the possibility of declaring a pandemic on a regional or global scale without having to consult Member States.

20 May 2024

SWISS Pilot Files Lawsuit Alleging that Airline has Endangered Flight Safety

We have purposely kept mention of the Covid-19 "vaccination" out of our blog, however, as we are following the issue of "aerotoxic syndrome", we are posting here the latest article from the substack on this subject. Mention of inoculating aviation crew against Covid-19 spelled the demise of a long period of published readers' mail in the Tribune de Genève and other Swiss media. After my comment had been approved for publication in June 2022 by the person responsible for that column, I was told by the editor of the newspaper that it contained "erroneous information".   Comment extract:  "Swiss pilot (...)  is right to question the safety of Covid "vaccines". No one could assure her that 'the injection would have no impact on her health and safety in flight: 'Safety always comes first in flight.' "

We are heartened to learn that now a Swiss pilot has filed a lawsuit with the District Attorney of Basel and the International Criminal Court against Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, alleging that the airline has endangered flight safety. The Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss introduced compulsory vaccination for all staff on December 1st, 2021. "The plaintiff contends that Swiss has ignored all publicly available reports of side effects and continues to require its employees to be vaccinated, which endangers flight safety."

SWISS Pilot files Lawsuit

A Swiss pilot has filed a lawsuit with the District Attorney of Basel/Switzerland and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Den Haag against Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, alleging that the airline has endangered flight safety.

The airline industry keeps detailed records of distress signals pilots can communicate with. I.E. Mayday" is used in the most urgent life-threatening situations, while "pan-pan" indicates urgent situations that are serious but not life-threatening.

14 May 2024

Italy Raises Electromagnetic Limits to Promote 5G Deployment

Italy has raised the electromagnetic limits to promote 5G deployment.  Starting 29 April 2024, the limit increases from 6 to 15 volts per meter, allowing operators to boost mobile connectivity all over the country. This move has raised concerns and calls for further assessments of the potential impacts on human health and the environment.

The Truth about 5G
fonteufficiale.it/, May 13, 2024 Google translation from Italian **

The recent change in electromagnetic radiation limits has raised concerns and calls for further assessments of potential impacts on human health and the environment

The truth about 5G. In Italy, the debate on 5G and its electromagnetic radiation is the focus, with a growing demand for transparency and clarity on the part of citizens and institutions. The recent amendment of electromagnetic radiation limits, as enshrined in Article 10 of Law 243 of 2023, has raised concerns and calls for further assessments of the potential impacts on human health and the environment.

According to critics, the decision to increase the limits of electromagnetic radiation, bringing the electric field produced by mobile phones from 6 volts/meter to 15 volts/meter, raises serious concerns about safety and public health protection. While it is stated that these limits are aligned with the ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), many experts and members of the scientific community dispute the reliability and independence of this organization.

08 May 2024

16 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health (7 May 2024)

16 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, May 7, 2024

Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University of California Berkeley, has been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) monthly since 2016. The complete collection of these papers contains more than 2,000 abstracts with links to the papers. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.

To see abstracts for the most recent papers or to download volumes 1 to 3 of this collection go to:

Mobile telephony radiation exerts genotoxic action and significantly enhances the effects of gamma radiation in human cells

This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones

This article discusses not only the findings of the report from Norway but also smartphone bans in schools in the United States.

This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones
By Marina Zhang, theepochtimes.com, 6 May 2024

Researchers of a 73-page paper followed data from recent decades, mainly focusing on 2010 to 2018.

Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper found.

Girls benefited the most from the policies.

“Banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls,” Sara Sofie Abrahamsson, a postdoctoral researcher and the paper’s sole author, wrote in the abstract. Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases.”

The paper followed data from recent decades, mainly focusing on 2010 to 2018.

The researcher observed no negative impact from introducing such a policy.

“The phones are an absolute distraction. Even if a kid has the phone in their pocket during class, if the phone is on vibrate every time it vibrates, which is constantly, their mind automatically shifts away from what the teacher is teaching to the phone,” Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist who was a school counselor for 25 years, told The Epoch Times in agreement with the report’s findings.

USA's FCC Classified that Mobile Phones Exceed Limit Values

USA's NKOM classified that mobile phones exceed limit values
by Einar Flydal, steigan.no, 8 May 2024 - deepl translation

This table shows that several mobile phone models, including Apple X5 and Samsung Galaxy S9 and J3, emit more radiation than permitted, sometimes far more, even based on the industry's irresponsibly lax limit values.

But what's worse is that the FCC, the US communications regulator equivalent to NKOM in Norway, classified the information.

Instead, of course, mobile phones should have been called out and customers notified.

It is the information that the organization Environmental Health Trust (EHTrust), led by cancer specialist Devra Davis, has obtained through the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). She has a research background dating back to the fight against lung cancer, was part of Al Gore's team when he won the Nobel Prize, and has been a public health advisor to Bill Clinton.

07 May 2024

Canada: Cellphone crackdown will improve student achievement, Ontario Education Minister Lecce says

Cellphone crackdown will improve student achievement, Ontario Education Minister Lecce says
by CHRIS HANNAY and CAROLINE ALPHONSO, theglobeandmail.com, 28 April 2024, update 29 April 2024

Ontario Education
Minister Stephen Lecce
The Ontario government is strengthening its crackdown on the use of cellphones and vaping in elementary and high schools, giving school leaders the authority to notify parents, take away devices and suspend students who don’t comply.

The new policy builds on a 2019 ban on cellphones in classrooms, which school boards were inconsistent on implementing, according to confidential documents obtained by The Globe and Mail. And groups representing educators and school boards said the new rules could be just as difficult to enforce.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce said cellphones are a dangerous distraction for students, and that by restricting their use he expected academic achievement to increase.

“In class, during instructional time, we have a policy: out of sight, out of mind,” Mr. Lecce said on Sunday at an announcement of the ban, which was held at a youth centre in north Toronto.

04 May 2024

United States: Throwing Kids’ Health Under the Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses

Throwing Kids’ Health Under the Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses
By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, 3 May 2024

Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.

Parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.

Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International in an April 29 Substack post accused the federal regulatory agency for telecommunications of being “the bully boarding the bus.”

Burke cited evidence of eye damage from excessive screen time and the risk of exposing kids to increased cyberbullying and addictive social media apps via unsupervised internet access while riding to and from school.

“It is time to stop throwing children’s health, including eyesight and mental well-being, under the bus,” Burke said.

03 May 2024

Aerotoxic Syndrome

Following is an interview with Bearnairdine Beaumont, 21 years aircrew, forced to "medically" retire due to brain and nervous system injury caused by unfiltered toxic fumes in the aircraft cabin. She is the author of the Substack, "Take-Off: Aviation's Wounded Canaries" and responsible for the site, "Unfiltered" with invaluable information on the aerotoxic syndrome

Aerotoxic Syndrome - Interview with Bearnairdine Beaumont
Unbekoming, 1st May 2024

1. Bearnairdine, you've had a fascinating journey from working as a medical laboratory assistant to a flight attendant to now championing the cause of toxic fumes in aircraft cabins. Can you share how your own health issues as a flight attendant sparked this passionate advocacy?

I began my flying career after working over 5 years as a laboratory assistant. Following in my father’s footsteps who was a pilot, I planned to fly until retirement age which was 55 at the airline I worked for. At the age of 40, my health deteriorated rapidly. I had the weirdest symptoms, which at first were put down to allergies. I felt sick on flights, especially long-haul flights. The fumes entering the plane before and during take-off made me feel ill. The smell in the airplane when boarding the first thing was giving me headaches. Also, on many of those flights we had to spray insecticides depending on which country we flew to or came from, they made me cough and sneeze and made my skin itchy and red. I often felt dizzy and overwhelmingly tired, confused, and had trouble remembering the names of my team – I forgot them instantly after they introduced themselves. One day I couldn’t remember how I got home. After my next flight, I had to stop my car at the side of the road I felt so ill and so deathly tired my eyes kept closing. When I woke up I had slumped over in my driver's seat hanging in the safety belt unconscious – 1 mile from my home. The really scary part was that I couldn’t figure out how to start my car – I couldn’t find the ignition, and when I finally did, I couldn’t coordinate my feet and hands to change gears and accelerate to get the car moving - it seemed I had forgotten how to drive. That’s when I knew something was very wrong. I searched for help and found it. Then my union asked me to give some interviews since they were dealing with the issue and needed somebody to talk about it in the media. And that’s when it all began.

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