20 February 2014

In Memory of Philippe Hug, Founder of ARA (Association Romande Alerte aux Ondes Electromagnétiques)

Philippe Hug
by Peter Schlegel, Buergerwelle Schweiz [www.buergerwelle-schweiz.org],
May 2010
(Translation: Michael Heiming [http://microondes.wordpress.com/])

Philippe Hug, tireless fighter against the disease-causing cell phone radiation and for a livable world, is no longer with us. On 22 April 2010 his soul left his earthly body unexpectedly early, just a few days before his 54th birthday. His last seven years were devoted to raise awareness of its French-speaking fellow citizens about
the gradual destruction of life by promoting the steady growth of the electromagnetic radiation.

Philippe spirited cries of alarm had a direct connection to his own painful experiences. Six years ago he had to flee the first time because on a church in the nearby canton of Vaud Village mobile antennas were installed. In another small village on the border to France, he found an apartment with very little radiation. He recovered quickly. But several months later at a nearby school the first mast was built in the village.

From one day to another his known problems began once again. A complex, community-mounted shielding his home brought relief but could only delay the inevitable: After a year he also had to leave this place, in neighboring homes more and more DECT telephones and wireless systems [WiFi router] had been installed and caused his symptoms to become even stronger!

In a remote hamlet of the same community Philippe Hug found his third home, far from all antennas. And his life returned to “normal”! He drew back hope could cope with the grueling work better and better: the views of numerous scientific Studies on radiation effects and the lively exchange within a worldwide community of independent researcher, often frustrating correspondence with Managers in government agencies and organizations, other sufferers, with interested doctors and lawyers because of radiation-court cases, the work for the association he founded, ARA - Association Romande pour la non-proliferation d'Antennes émettrice, dont de Téléphonie Mobile [www.alerte.ch], and others.

Two years ago, suddenly radiation quietness cam to a grinding halt: In the apartment next door during specific times of day, sometimes even at night, "mobile Internet" was used. His complaints came back stronger than ever:  Pain, organic Dysfunction, memory and concentration problems, depressive moods, massively disturbed sleep...  Between them there was a relatively quiet phase, the neighbor was away for months. Trips to highly radiated cities were still a pain and, increasingly, but Philippe was able to work from home at this time better. Scientists were thankful to him for his surveys and evaluations of studies - results of his searches in extensive searches in scientific papers.

A TV documentary with him by Télévision Suisse Romande about Cell phone radiation was a recognition of his work. The newspapers began to take him seriously, journalists asked him for his opinion. Suddenly he realized once again strong radiation from the neighboring apartment. Despairingly he inquired experiences about shielding canopies (sleeping areas). He could no longer carry out his plan. After a collapse, he was taken to hospital. A few days later he died.

Peter Schlegel, Buergerwelle Swiss
Translation: Michael Heiming


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