31 May 2014

Corded Landline Phones Are the Safest Phones

Use corded landlines!
Use Corded Landlines!

Corded land line phones are the safest phones!

Cordless DECT phones constantly transmit electromagnetic radiation from the base and when you talk on it. Cell phones also transmit, even when you aren’t using them. The World Health Organization says this radiation may put the user at risk for brain cancer. They classified radiation as a 2b carcinogen, which is the same category as DDT, lead and engine exhaust. WHO Press release, May 2011

This radiation creates a toxic environment for your family and your neighbors as the radiation transmits for a long distance, and even through walls.

Its very important to protect children as their brains absorb more radiation than adults. The best advice is to unplug and remove cordless phones and use cell phones for emergencies only.

24 May 2014

Dr. Lisa Bailey, Breast Surgeon, Warns Women: Do Not Keep Your Cell Phone in Your Bra

This is Part 2 of the Environmental Health Trust program, 'Skeptical About Cell Phones and Health?' Dr. Lisa Bailey, M.D., presents evidence that breast cancer in young women is related to carrying a cell phone in their bras. Dr. Lisa Bailey, M.D., is a breast surgeon and former President of the American Cancer Society, CA

Part 2 Dr Lisa Bailey Cell Phones in Your Bra, Bad Idea! (9 April 2014 - 13 mn.)

20 May 2014

Spain: New Law Gives Telephone Companies the Right to Install Mobile Phone Masts on Roofs Without Residents' or Council Permission

Following is the press release (near verbatim Google translation from Spanish) issued on 19 May 2014 by CAVAragón and ASIDES denouncing the new law on telecommunications which gives telephone companies the right to install mobile phone masts on roofs without either residents' or council permission.

CAVAragón and ASIDES Denounce the New Law on Telecommunications
Press Release, 19 May 2014

CAVAragón and ASIDES are denouncing the new law on telecommunications, saying it is a law for the profit of telecoms companies which invalidates the powers of councils and autonomous communities in matters of urban planning and territory, as well as environment.

In particular, the installation of antennas on the roofs of buildings poses an environmental and health risk to exposed persons. Emission controls are now in the hands of telecoms operators.

The law does not take into consideration the resolutions of the European Parliament in health and environmental matters, or the recommendations of resolution 1815 of that Parliament in the field of human health prevention, nor does it consider the recent recommendations of the European Environment Agency. It ignores the May 2011 declaration of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an international body of the World Health Organization, stating that radiation used in mobile telephony is possibly carcinogenic.

19 May 2014

Public Needs to Know Smart Meter Health Risks

Blood sample tests of persons exposed to smart meters reveal "rouleaux", a
condition where red blood cells clump together, preventing the cells from
absorbing and carrying oxygen.  This condition is a precursor to many
serious diseases.   (Photo source: "Take Back Your Power", text source:
(Note:  This is not the image published with the article.)
19 May 2014:
Excellent article on smart meter health risks by the Executive Editor at The Oakland Press.

GILBERT: Public needs to know smart meter health risks
by Glenn Gilbert, The Oakland Press, 17 October 2013

If physicians have differences of opinions over the health dangers posed by such devices and appliances as cell phones, smart meters and microwave ovens, how does that make you feel?

Do you trust government studies, such as those cited by the federal Food and Drug Administration and Federal Communications Commission, which say electromagetic and radiofrequency field exposures are too low to worry about?

14 May 2014

New French Study: Excessive Mobile Phone Use Poses Significant Risk for Brain Tumors

What is troubling about this new study from France is that it suggests “excessive phone” use (15 hours a month – which works out to only 30 minutes a day) is a significant risk factor for brain tumors. The study was undertaken among adult users in France. What about children? How many of us have seen a child or adolescent holding a 30-minute cell phone conversation during just one call? Children, whose bodies are still developing, are more vulnerable to cell phone radiation.

Will this study be reported in the U.S. media? It has appeared in the mainstream on-line sites of the French media, including Le Nouvel Observateur, and in the Swiss media: Tribune de Genève, Le Matin... This article is from a business site in Australia.

Excessive mobile use poses significant cancer risk
by James Harkness, workplaceinfo.com, 13 May 2014

A new study suggests excessive mobile phone use in an occupational setting is a significant risk factor for brain tumours.

13 May 2014

Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in the CERENAT Case-Control Study

"Risks were higher for gliomas, temporal tumours, occupational and urban mobile phone use...

"Conclusions: These additional data support previous findings concerning a possible association between heavy mobile phone use and brain tumours."

Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study
Occup Environ Med doi:10.1136/oemed-2013-101754

05 May 2014

Robotic Bees to Pollinate Monsanto Crops

UPDATE:  Watch this 2-minute video clip on "new bees", sponsored by Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta...

Robotic bees not only for pollinating Monsanto's GMO mono-crops but also for potential military uses—surveillance and mapping. “The dime-sized cyber-bees have yet to be outfitted with neurotoxin tipped stingers.” (See also "Robobees".)

Robotic Bees to Pollinate Monsanto Crops
by Russ McSpadden / Earth First! Newswire

Pollinators participate in the sexual-reproduction of plants. When you eat an almond, beet, watermelon or sip on coffee, you’re partaking of an ancient relationship between pollinators and flowers. But since the 1990s, worldwide bee health has been in decline and most evidence points to toxic pesticides created by Shell and Bayer and the loss of genetic biodiversity due to the proliferation of GMO monocrops created in laboratories by biotech companies like Monsanto.

But never worry, those real life pollinators—the birds and the bees, as they say—may soon be irrelevant to the food needs of civilization. Harvard roboticists are developing a solution to the crisis: swarms of tiny robot bees made of titanium and plastic that can pollinate those vast dystopian fields of GMO cash crops.

03 May 2014

Switzerland: Electrosmog: Mobile Antennas Are Making Calves Sick

Stalls:  Calves cannot avoid radiation from mobile
phone antennas (Photo:  Getty Images)
Electrosmog: Mobile antennas make calves sick
by Christian Birmele, editor K-Tip, 23 April 2014 (translated by Google and the Editor of this blog)

Dozens of calves have been suffering in recent years from cataracts. Many lived in the vicinity of mobile phone antennas. Studies of the University of Zurich. Blind animals no longer found the udder of their mother and died.

[The abstract of the 2009 study may be viewed here.]

In people, electrosmog from mobile phone radiation can cause discomfort. Patients have headaches, muscle cramps or nerve inflammation. Electrosmog expert Peter Schlegel says: "Every year, about a hundred people who are affected contact me."

Animals can also suffer from the constant irradiation. The first scientifically documented case in Switzerland was made ​​public 15 years ago: In the barn of farmer Hans Sturzenegger from Reutlingen ZH, 50 calves over several years became blind. The cause of blindness: severe cataracts. Professor Michael Hässig of the veterinary department of the University of Zurich knows the consequences: "a blind calf cannot find the udder of its mother and go to it. » The diseases were first proven after a mobile phone antenna had been erected just 20 meters away from the stable. When the telecom company removed the mast, after years of fighting, there were no more diseases. Hässig’s studies followed the case for several years.