31 May 2014

Corded Landline Phones Are the Safest Phones

Use corded landlines!
Use Corded Landlines!

Corded land line phones are the safest phones!

Cordless DECT phones constantly transmit electromagnetic radiation from the base and when you talk on it. Cell phones also transmit, even when you aren’t using them. The World Health Organization says this radiation may put the user at risk for brain cancer. They classified radiation as a 2b carcinogen, which is the same category as DDT, lead and engine exhaust. WHO Press release, May 2011

This radiation creates a toxic environment for your family and your neighbors as the radiation transmits for a long distance, and even through walls.

Its very important to protect children as their brains absorb more radiation than adults. The best advice is to unplug and remove cordless phones and use cell phones for emergencies only.

Here’s some basic cell phone safety tips:

- Do not wear or carry a cell phone “ON” your body
- Use a speakerphone or wired earpiece (hollow tube)
- Do not talk or text while driving or in a car
- Turn cell phones off in public places
- Children under 18 should not use cell or cordless phones

More Information

Doctors: Explosion in Brain Tumors and the truth about wireless: Australian surgeons say“prolonged use of mobile phones could double the risk of malignant brain tumors.”

Medical warnings needed on DECT cordless phone use Don Maisch, EMFacts Consultancy exposes the hazards of DECT cordless phones that constantly emit wireless radiation from the telephone base. These phones are widely in use in homes and businesses.

Science: Use of mobile phones and cordless phones is associated with increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma: Study by L. Hardell

Children: The Russian National Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection advises against cell phones for 18 years and under and warns of the following health risks to children: disruption of memory, decline of attention, sleep problems, diminished learning and cognitive abilities, increased irritability, stress and epileptic readiness. RNCNIRP Flier A Swedish study found that young adults who use cell or cordless phones before age 20 have five times the risk of brain tumors.

Second hand exposures: Swiss researchers measured cell phone radiation exposure during car, bus and train trips. Their study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology identified secondhand exposure to cell phone radiation from other people’s cell phones can be considerable while traveling on buses and trains. Second hand radiation

History: Cellular telephone Russian Roulette is a historical and scientific perspective on cell phone technology by Robert C. Kane, PhD.

Public Health: University of Pittsburg’s Cancer Institute Dr. Ron Herberman’s memo faculty to staff, Important Precautionary Advice Regarding Cell Phone

The Vienna Medical Association campaign (July 2013) “The radiation from mobile phones is not as risk free as repeatedly claimed by mobile operators.” This is why the Vienna Medical Association decided to help the public minimize health risks from mobile phones from a medical perspective.

Cindy Sage, co editor of the BioInitiative Report Plain Talk on Cell Phone Safety

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer 15 reasons for Concern. Science, Spin and the Truth behind the Interphone (endorsed by many doctors and scientists)

Find science abstracts on wireless cell and cordless radiation Shortcut to Science

Dr. Christine Aschermann writes about her personal observations made in her medical practice, that “there has been an increased occurrence of cognitive and psychological disorders with exposure to telecommunications.” Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications

Disconnect-Cell Phones- Devra Davis (news coverage) This is an excellent primer on cell phone safety, what the cell phone manual says, how the safety standards were developed, what the science says, conflicts in science, etc. More information from Dr. Devra Davis

Teléfonos Celulares y Salud por Dr. Joel Moskowitz The Green Gazette, Sept/Oct 2013 Espanol: http://bit.ly/1eO5s2F English “Cellphones and Health”: http://bit.ly/1e9CXwh

California Brain Tumor Association (CABTA)

And what of the people, children living near the cell towers? What of the birds who’s nest are near the tower? Nina Beety sings A Cell Tower Lament for the Earth

Test your brain tumor risk

If you are wondering if protection devices will really protect you read this commentary by Dr. Louis Slesin: Scams Galore


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