20 April 2016

Deadly Combination – Mobile Phones and Amalgam Fillings

Read the following article and abstract of a scientific study on the subject.

Deadly Combination – Mobile Phones and Amalgam Fillings!
happyandsmartlife.com, (posted April 2016)

Do you have amalgam fillings? Do you use a mobile phone? If the answer is yes, then your health is in danger! Moreover, there is an abundance of research which point out to the danger coming from the radio frequent electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones. What’s more, there is also a lot of research pointing out to the health risk associated with amalgam fillings. However, what you did not know is that the newest research shows that this two health risks are related!

Electromagnetic radiation can cause increased release of mercury in the organism

Newest studies have shown that exposure to electromagnetic radiation; especially radiation from mobile phones increases the release of mercury in the organism from the amalgam fillings. However, the source of the electromagnetic radiation is not solely the mobile phone, but computer monitors, WI-FI, TVs, microwaves, and other devices. What’s more, amalgam fillings are the biggest source of mercury in the organism and this is not good at all since mercury is a potential neurotoxin which can cause various immunological and neurological disorders.

Chronic exposure to mercury mostly affects the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular system

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, the nervous, immune, and the cardiovascular system are the ones mostly affected by chronic exposure to mercury. What’s more, he also points out to the fact that there is more and more evidence that the toxicity of mercury has a key role in numerous cases of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases as well. Furthermore, research showed that amalgam fillings constantly release mercury vapor and that 80% of that vapor is immediately absorbed in the bloodstream through the lungs. When present in the blood, mercury vapor can immediately enter the cells.

Deadly combination of electromagnetic radiation and mercury creates electricity in the mouth

This deadly combination reacts through galvanism as well i.e. the amalgam fillings create electricity which increases the release of mercury vapor thus causing other harmful effects. This electricity is measured in micro amps and it usually amounts around 5 micro amps. Clinical studies about oral galvanism showed that electricity over 5 micro amps causes significant health problems in the organism such as headache, migraine, nausea, and vertigo. All of these symptoms disappear after the amalgam fillings are replaced.
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is closely related to poisoning and allergic reactions
One clinical study showed that the differences of the electric potential over 50 millivolts are pathological and that they cause galvanism, leukoplakia or toxic and allergic reactions. Additionally, it has been proven that people who are more exposed to electromagnetic radiation such as those emitted from microwaves have higher levels of mercury in the organism and that they secrete higher amounts of mercury. During studies conducted on both animals and humans, it was discovered that the electromagnetic radiation causes leaching of cells calcium and affects the homeostasis calcium, which is also a factor that decreases melatonin levels. This is important since melatonin protects us from harmful effects of mercury and free radicals by regulating circadian rhythm.

How to protect yourselves from electromagnetic radiation:

-Avoid using mobile phones or practice safe use of mobile phones
-Avoid WI-FI and other wireless networks
-Replace wireless phones with their wire versions
-Avoid using laptops and similar devices in your lap
-Move your bed at least 15 cm from the wall and from all potential electromagnetic waves
The best way to protect yourselves is to purchase your own detector of electromagnetic radiation and in this way identify the places with the highest amounts of radiation.

How to protect yourselves from mercury

The best way is to replace all amalgam fillings with white fillings without mercury.

Also Read –
Why you should keep your child away from Cellphones?


Increased mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after exposure to electromagnetic fields as a potential hazard for hypersensitive people and pregnant women.
Rev Environ Health. 2015;30(4):287-92. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0017.

Mortazavi G, Mortazavi SM.


Over the past decades, the use of common sources of electromagnetic fields such as Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones has been increased enormously all over the world. There is ongoing concern that exposure to electromagnetic fields can lead to adverse health effects. It has recently been shown that even low doses of mercury are capable of causing toxicity. Therefore, efforts are initiated to phase down or eliminate the use of mercury amalgam in dental restorations. Increased release of mercury from dental amalgam restorations after exposure to electromagnetic fields such as those generated by MRI and mobile phones has been reported by our team and other researchers. We have recently shown that some of the papers which reported no increased release of mercury after MRI, may have some methodological errors. Although it was previously believed that the amount of mercury released from dental amalgam cannot be hazardous, new findings indicate that mercury, even at low doses, may cause toxicity. Based on recent epidemiological findings, it can be claimed that the safety of mercury released from dental amalgam fillings is questionable. Therefore, as some individuals tend to be hypersensitive to the toxic effects of mercury, regulatory authorities should re-assess the safety of exposure to electromagnetic fields in individuals with amalgam restorations. On the other hand, we have reported that increased mercury release after exposure to electromagnetic fields may be risky for the pregnant women. It is worth mentioning that as a strong positive correlation between maternal and cord blood mercury levels has been found in some studies, our findings regarding the effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings lead us to this conclusion that pregnant women with dental amalgam fillings should limit their exposure to electromagnetic fields to prevent toxic effects of mercury in their fetuses. Based on these findings, as infants and children are more vulnerable to mercury exposures, and as some individuals are routinely exposed to different sources of electromagnetic fields, we possibly need a paradigm shift in evaluating the health effects of amalgam fillings.


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