27 February 2017

Testicular Cancer in Teenage Boys: Is Cell Phone Radiation a Risk Factor for Young Boys Who Wear their Cell Phone on a Belt or in a Front Pocket?

Herebelow is a published comment to the recent study, "The increasing toll of adolescent cancer incidence in the US", appearing in PLOS ONE on 24 February 2017:

Testicular Cancer in Teenage Boys: Is Cell Phone Radiation a Risk Factor for Young Boys Who Wear their Cell Phone on a Belt or in a Front Pocket?

by CindySage, PLOS ONE, 26 February 2017

Re: The increasing toll of adolescent cancer incidence in the US
Jessica Burkhamer. David Kriebel1, and Richard Clapp
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172986 February 24, 2017

This highly informative paper on increasing teen cancer rates omits a potential risk factor for testicular cancer.

The authors report that testicular and thyroid cancers are the most rapidly increasing cancers among teens, yet the known risk factors for these cancers do not seem to offer explanation for their marked increase. Although ELF and RF are not 'known risk factors', they are certainly possible risk factors for testicular cancer. It seems reasonable for the authors to consider the rather substantial evidence for adverse effects of ELF and RF from cell phone radiation and other wireless RF exposures on testicular morphology and function where the evidence for pathological changes indicates another possible risk factor for testicular cancer.

26 February 2017

Health Executive Dies from Brain Tumor After Spending Six Hours a Day on His Mobile Phone

Ian Phillips, who spent six hours on his mobile phone
daily and was told he had a lemon-sized growth in his
brain, has died after a six-year battle with cancer.
Dear public, you are being warned! 
New research (Feb. 2017) suggests long-term use of cell phones is linked to a significantly higher risk of developing a brain tumor. The study shows a 33% increased risk for brain tumors for mobile phone use of 10 years or longer (or 1,640 or more hours in lifetime). This could be your fate if you continue to ignore these warnings:

by Ellie Ross, The Sun, 20 May 2016

Health executive dies from brain tumour after spending SIX hours a day on his mobile phone

Ian Phillips vowed to beat the disease – which he believed was caused by radiation exposure

A MAN who spent six hours a day on his mobile phone has died from a brain tumour – which he believed was caused by radiation exposure.

Ian Phillips, 44, was told he had a growth the size of a lemon in his brain six years ago.

The health executive vowed to beat the disease – but tragically lost his battle after spending months campaigning about the potential dangers of mobile phones.

22 February 2017

Why We Should Oppose 5G on Health Grounds

(Choice of image by Editor of "Towards Better Health")
"5G would greatly extend FCC’s current policy of the MANDATORY IRRADIATION OF THE PUBLIC without adequate prior study of the potential health impact and assurance of safety." 

Why We Should Oppose 5G on Health Grounds
by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D., 20 February 2017

Why Oppose 5G?

The National Toxicology Program at NIH has linked cellular radiation to cancer.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has just published the “Partial Findings” of a $25 million multi-year study of the impact of cell phone radiation on human health. The NTP study found a likely causal relationship between the radiofrequency radiation emitted by cell phones and the occurrence of malignant brain cancer (glioma) and malignant nerve tumors (schwannomas) of the heart in male rats.

Radio Frequency Technology Damages Plant DNA in 48hrs and Is Carcinogenic, New Research Reveals

Radio Frequency Technology damages Plant DNA in 48hrs and is carcinogenic, new research reveals
by Sara Vincentemaxhealth.com, 21 February 2017

Scientists revealed in a new study, the damaging effects of Radio Frequency exposure through the use of cell phones and laptops. In this experiment, researchers exposed 150 healthy dry seeds of chickpea, which were distributed in two petri plates, and each plate was placed at distances of 1 inch to cell phone and laptop for 24 and 48 h. This simple experiment revealed that all radio frequency exposure inhibits seed germination percentage.

A decrease was observed in mitotic index (M.I) and increase in abnormality index (A.I) with the increase in exposure duration and frequency in (Hz).

21 February 2017

A Case Against Microwave Science

"IF the microwave industry were to admit what’s been scientifically proven since the 1930s, i.e., non-thermal radiation adverse waves affect human biology (bioelectromagnetics), then their emission regulations for every ‘smart’ gadget invention would have to be revised and corrected to the point where they could not implement safety standards because it would be too costly to implement.  Consequently, the industry and its mouthpieces—industrial professional societies, e.g., IEEE, ICNIPR, etc., keep pushing smart gadgets as ‘safe’.

A Case Against Microwave Science
by Catherine Frompovichactivistpost.com, 19 February 2017

Science is the hallmark of everything—supposedly, except when it’s out to lunch in its hypotheses or when it is downright fraudulent, as is the case with vaccinology in order to protect vested Pharma interests. Even the U.S. CDC and FDA cover Big Pharma’s derriere when it comes to chanting the mantra “vaccines are safe.” So much science in the peer review realm is out there published stating totally opposite documented scientific facts, but still U.S. federal health agencies function on the ‘flat earth’ concept regarding human health safety!

Long-Term Cell Phone Use Increases Brain Tumor Risk

"We found evidence linking mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours especially in long-term users (10 or more years). Studies with higher quality showed a trend towards high risk of brain tumour, while lower quality showed a trend towards lower risk/protection."

Long-term cell phone use increases brain tumor risk

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 20 February 2017

Mobile phone use and risk of brain tumors: a systematic review

The results of a newly published review and meta-analysis of the research on cell phone use and brain tumor risk found that long-term or heavy cell phone use was associated with a statistically significant increased risk of brain tumors.

Overall, the study found that long-term or heavy cell phone use was associated with a 33% increased risk of a brain tumor.

The risk of a brain tumor for long-term cell phone use varied depending upon the quality of the research study with higher quality studies tending to yield greater risk estimates (see Table below). For the five highest quality studies, the estimates ranged from a 21% increased risk to 2.6 times the risk of a non-cellphone user. For five lower quality studies. the estimates ranged from a 47% reduced risk to 5.1 times the risk of a non-cellphone user.

17 February 2017

Japan: Medical Associations Warn Against Children's Excessive Use of Smartphones

A poster released by the Japan Pediatric Association and Japan Medical Association warning of the dangers of excessive smartphone use. The risks are (clockwise from top left): insufficient sleep, lack of excercise resulting in weaker bones and muscle, worsening vision, loss of communication skills, worsening cognitive function, and declining academic ability.

Medical associations warn against children's excessive use of smartphones
Mainichi Japan, 16 February 2017

The Japan Pediatric Association and the Japan Medical Association on Feb. 15 unveiled a poster warning against the dangers of the excessive use of smartphones.

The poster will be sent to approximately 170,000 members of the two associations to be put up at clinics nationwide.

The poster poses the question, "What do I sacrifice with time spent on my smartphone?" and responds with the six categories of sleep, academic performance, brain function, physical strength, vision, and communication ability. The effects of smartphone use in these areas are explained using data from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and illustrations.

16 February 2017

Reykjavik Appeal on Wireless Technology in Schools

(Choice of image by Editor,
"Towards Better Health")
Reykjavik Appeal on wireless technology in schools 

We, the signers, are concerned about our children's health and development in schools with wireless technology for teaching. A vast amount of scientific studies have shown considerable medical risks with long-term exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) from wireless devices and networks well below the recommended reference levels from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). We ask the authorities to take their responsibility for our children's future health and wellbeing. 

In May 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at WHO classified RFR as a Group 2B carcinogen, i.e., ‘possibly’ carcinogenic to humans. Since then more scientific studies on exposure to RFR in humans, animals and biological material have strengthened the association of an increased risk for cancer, especially brain tumors. Several laboratory studies have shown mechanistic effects in carcinogenesis such as oxidative stress, down regulation of mRNA and DNA damage with single strand breaks. The IARC cancer classification includes all sources of RFR. The exposure from mobile phone base stations, WiFi access points, smart phones, laptops and tablets can be long-term, sometimes around the clock, both at home and at school. For children this risk may be accentuated because of a cumulative effect during a long lifetime use. Developing and immature cells can also be more sensitive to exposure to RFR. No safe level of this radiation has been determined by any health agency and therefore we have no safety assurances. 

14 February 2017

What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby

What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby
by Patti Wood, thegreengazette.ca, 12 February 2017

The beautiful and awe-inspiring process by which a few cells develop into a new life is truly miraculous. Through intricate and complex steps, the creation of a new life unfolds, forming delicate organs and vital systems, making billions of important connections in the brain alone.

“Current FCC standards do not account for the unique vulnerability and use patterns specific to pregnant women and children. It is essential that any new standards for cellphones and other wireless devices be based on protecting the youngest and most vulnerable population to ensure they are safeguarded throughout their lifetimes.” American Academy of Pediatrics 2013 
Photo: www.maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com, CC0 Public Domain

Scientists and medical professionals around the world are working hard to understand how a developing human life is affected by environmental exposures in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the surroundings in which we live and work.

13 February 2017

Antenna Sickness Is Everywhere Now

"The wireless antenna signals bombarding Stockholm Central are the same as those which befoul public buildings, sports arenas, schools, medical centers, cities, towns and neighborhoods of the USA."

Antenna Sickness Is Everywhere Now
(Clicking on the title will bring you to an excellent site on the health risks of mobile technology.)

Mobile communications and mobile entertainment require a human environment overflowing with disease-inducing radiation, both indoors and out. Above is a photo of the Stockholm Central Railway Station in Sweden. A 2016 study of the man-made wave pollution within this facility was conducted by the Hardell Cancer Research Group in Sweden. [4] This study is a reality check on the astronomical number of RF/microwave frequencies and modulations which simultaneously bombard our bodies everywhere we go.

Radio and Microwave Impacts on Human Health: The Role of the Family Physician

"Family physicians can adopt the approach of ‘better safe than sorry’. They can conduct an EMF exposure history for their patients and advise them to reduce exposures by increasing distance from sources, hardwiring whenever possible, and turning off Wi-Fi/ cellular/ Bluetooth functions when not needed and during sleep."

Radio and Microwave Impacts on Human Health: The Role of the Family Physician

by guest author Dr. Riina Bray, ocfp.on.ca (Ontario College of Family Physicians), January 2016

With the increasing use of cell phones and wireless devices, and in view of heterogeneous study results, there is worldwide concern and alarm among scientists and physicians about the potential health implications from chronic exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the radio and microwave range. EMFs are emitted from common items, including cell phones, cell phone towers and base stations, Wi-Fi routers and hubs, smart meters, baby monitors and microwave ovens. Cancers, neurodegenerative disorders, male infertility and neuro-behavioural abnormalities have been linked to these exposures, but not universally. [1]

Sensitivity to EMF has been termed Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). It is thought to occur in 3-20 per cent of our population and poses the greatest risk to patients with pre-existing cardiac, neurological, dermatological and immunological conditions. However, healthy individuals are often affected as well and those affected complain of sleep disturbances, headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms are reduced by avoidance measures. [2]

11 February 2017

Has Radiation from Cell Phones and Microwaves Caused Brain Tumor Cases to Double in Denmark?

Has radiation from cell phones and microwaves caused brain tumor cases to double in Denmark?
by Ethan Huff^, newstarget.com, 
10 February 2017

A new report by the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Stralskyddsstiftelsen, has concluded that ever-increasing rates of both brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumors, particularly in Denmark, may be caused by persistent exposure to radiation from mobile phones, microwaves, and other “smart” technology devices that pervade modern society.

Published on January 20, the report shows that such tumors have become increasingly more prevalent since 1990, and especially since 2004 when mobile phones really started to become popular. The data suggests that increasing rates of cancer in the brain, spinal cord cover, CNS spinal cord, and cranial nerves are directly correlated with the increasing use of radioactive devices, including in young people.

10 February 2017

Letter to Mrs. Esther Alder, Administrative Councillor, City of Geneva, on Wireless Technology

Letter to Mrs. Esther Alder, Administrative Councillor in charge of the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity, City of Geneva, from a member of the Committee, Association Romande Alerte aux ondes électromagnétiques (translated from French) :

7 February 2017


I thank you for all that you are doing for the city of Geneva.  Your support for activities for seniors is particularly appreciated.

As a senior, I have often attended events organized by Cité Seniors.  The variety of activities is enriching.

We have noticed that the program for February - June 2017 offers many digital courses, which is very good.  Some of these technologies, however, especially Wi-Fi and smartphones - which emit radiofrequency radiation classified as  "possibly carcinogenic" for humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization - present health risks.

04 February 2017

World Health Organization - Setting the Standard for a Wireless World of Harm

Former international civil servant Olga Sheean exposes WHO's industry bias, its denial of the science on microwave radiation and its failure to protect global health.  

The full document can be freely downloaded at http://olgasheean.com/who-harm

World Health Organization - Setting the Standard for a Wireless World of Harm
by Olga Sheean, 30 January 2017

To: Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization     

Copied to: 
• Emilie van Deventer, PhD, Head of the International EMF Project, WHO
• António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
• Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special UN Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
• WHO regional offices, government agencies, MPs, investigative journalists, relevant organizations, advocacy groups and scientists worldwide

The World Health Organization is failing the Earth’s citizens in the most blatant, destructive manner. In December 2016, a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO and its EMF Project was initiated in response to the growing concerns among the millions of global citizens being harmed by radiofrequency/microwave radiation. The petition has been signed by thousands of individuals worldwide, with more adding their vote every day as they become aware of how WHO’s denial of the proven dangers has stripped them of their health, rights, livelihood, productivity and protection from their own governments. As of today, 30 January 2017, there are 2,003 names on the list (attached), with more being added daily. Details of the voting initiative are shown in appendix 3. Recognizing the significance of this growing discontent with your wilful neglect, and heeding the urgent call to protective action, are important first steps towards addressing an epidemic that threatens all forms of life on our planet. Nothing short of full implementation of the recommendations presented herein will resolve this crisis.

'Transient Smartphone Blindness' Misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis?

'Transient Smartphone Blindness' Misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis?
by Deborah Brauser, medscape.com, 2 February 2017

Transient smartphone blindness (TSB) is a real phenomenon and may contribute to a neurologic misdiagnosis in clinical practice, a new case report suggests.

Published online January 18 in Neurology, the "Clinical/Scientific Notes" discuss a middle-aged woman who reported temporary, painless monocular visual loss after using a smartphone while lying on her side in bed.

This follows two cases reported in 2016 by UK researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) of women, aged 22 and 40 years, who also had recurrent monocular vision impairment immediately after in-bed smartphone use.

The current investigators point out that their patient initially received a false diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and was advised to start a disease-modifying treatment.

03 February 2017

Cellular Deception

Cellular Deception (13 December 2016 - 8.30 mn)

As the global push to sell us faster data intensifies, cell antennas are being installed on utility poles right by our homes, often without our knowledge or consent. Science warns that the artificial electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) these microcells emit disrupts wildlife, humans, and all living cells.

01 February 2017

Can Blue Light Make You Sick?

Can Blue Light Make You Sick?
by Nathan Walz, corporatewellnessmagazine.com
16 December 2016

One of the most overlooked health risks in today’s world is chronic exposure to blue light. This can lead to diabetes, obesity, depression and other modern day diseases.

Blue light actually looks white to the naked eye. It is emitted from screens on smartphones, tablets, TVs, computer screens, eBook readers, and energy efficient fluorescent and LED lights. So if you work indoors, you are chronically exposed to high levels of blue light.