21 February 2017

A Case Against Microwave Science

"IF the microwave industry were to admit what’s been scientifically proven since the 1930s, i.e., non-thermal radiation adverse waves affect human biology (bioelectromagnetics), then their emission regulations for every ‘smart’ gadget invention would have to be revised and corrected to the point where they could not implement safety standards because it would be too costly to implement.  Consequently, the industry and its mouthpieces—industrial professional societies, e.g., IEEE, ICNIPR, etc., keep pushing smart gadgets as ‘safe’.

A Case Against Microwave Science
by Catherine Frompovichactivistpost.com, 19 February 2017

Science is the hallmark of everything—supposedly, except when it’s out to lunch in its hypotheses or when it is downright fraudulent, as is the case with vaccinology in order to protect vested Pharma interests. Even the U.S. CDC and FDA cover Big Pharma’s derriere when it comes to chanting the mantra “vaccines are safe.” So much science in the peer review realm is out there published stating totally opposite documented scientific facts, but still U.S. federal health agencies function on the ‘flat earth’ concept regarding human health safety!

Such obstinate scientific posture also prevails in the field of microwave technology regarding EMF/RF/ELF and the various rays emitted by microwaves and their intensities. The only waves recognized by microwave industry giants and vested interests relative to human exposures are thermal (heat) waves, which were identified back in the 1940s and ‘50s when radar science was in its infancy. We now live in 2017! Microwave technology has progressed to the point where it wants 5GHz and above capabilities, but still emphasizes 1940s’ safety principles! What’s not making sense?

What’s not making sense is this: IF the microwave industry were to admit what’s been scientifically proven since the 1930s, i.e., non-thermal radiation adverse waves affect human biology (bioelectromagnetics), then their emission regulations for every ‘smart’ gadget invention would have to be revised and corrected to the point where they could not implement safety standards because it would be too costly to implement. Consequently, the industry and its mouthpieces—industrial professional societies, e.g., IEEE, ICNIPR, etc., keep pushing smart gadgets as ‘safe’ they know consumers get addicted to, but do little to protect consumers from non-thermal radiation waves, since they adamantly refuse to acknowledge them, even when 32 percent of microwave industry studies found non-thermal adverse effects.

That sounds a little bit like what happens in the vaccine industry. Big Pharma pushes out more vaccines—almost 300 new vaccines in the pipeline now—and persuades government agencies to mandate those vaccines by law while not protecting healthcare consumers from fraudulent science and technology, including totally neurotoxic ingredients in vaccines.

If non-thermal radiation wave adverse effects aren’t real or recognized, why, then, does the World Health Organization (WHO) designate them as “idiopathic environmental intolerance” or “IEI,” a medical diagnostic term, which physicians use? IEI also encompasses “multiple chemical sensitivities” (MCS), another adverse health problem previously disavowed for many years until it became recognized as “sick building syndrome.” Today there are “Sick Building Syndrome Contractors and Design Professionals” [1].

An impressive percentage of the global population is affected by IEI or electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Here are some statistics:

  • 26 percent of the USA population (Caress & Steinemann, 2003)
  • 19 percent of the Swedish population (Johansson et al, 2005)
  • 27 percent of the Danish population (Berg et al, 2008)
  • 32 percent of the German population (Hausteiner et al, 2005) [2]

More and more individuals are becoming electrosmog sensitive daily due to all the ‘smart’ appliances and gadgets humans have become addicted to. The most sinister is Wi-Fi in schools and the work place. Wi-Fi channels and frequencies begin around 2.4 GHz, which is overcrowded, so now they want access to 5 GHz and higher. However, there’s something few folks realize: Wi-Fi and microwave ovens operate in the same GHz-wave lengths, so being in a Wi-Fi environment at work or school is comparable to leaving your operating microwave oven door open with exposure for hours on end. Few people realize that’s a reality when exposed to Wi-Fi.

In 2014 an exceptional clinical study research paper titled “Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive Subjects as a Feasible Tool for Diagnostics and Intervention” was published in Mediators of Inflammation, Volume 2014 [3] by seven international co-authors. The following is taken from the Introduction of that paper:

The term electromagnetic hypersensitivity or electrosensitivity (EHS) referred to a clinical condition characterized by a complex array of symptoms typically occurring following exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) even below recommended reference levels and is followed by remission through the complete isolation [1, 2]. The most frequently claimed trigger factors include video display units, radio, televisions, electrical installations, extremely low-frequency ranges of electromagnetic fields or radio-frequencies—including the so-called dirty electricity due to poor isolation of electric wires and telephonic lines, wireless devices, and wi-fi—fluorescent lamps and low-energy lights, appliances with motors, photocopiers, microwave transmitters, and high tension power lines (reviewed in [3, 4]). EHS is characterized by a broad range of nonspecific multiple-organ symptoms implying both acute and chronic inflammatory processes, involving mainly skin and nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal systems, in most cases self-reported in absence of organic pathological signs except skin manifestations (reviewed in [2, 5]). [CJF emphasis]

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