31 March 2017

Award-Winning Investigative Journalist Reveals Popular Cell Phones Violate Radiation Exposure Guidelines when Realistically Tested

Award-Winning Investigative Journalist Reveals Popular Cell Phones Violate Radiation Exposure Guidelines when Realistically Tested
Environmental Health Trust, 28 March 2017

CBC investigation films standard cell phone testing showing high radiation exposures when phones are simulated in positions like pocket, bra or lap.

This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire

Teton Village, WY -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/28/2017 -- An independently commissioned investigation by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) found that when cell phones were radiation tested in the ways devices are commonly used—such as in the pocket, bra or lap—the radiation detected inside the user's body surpassed the government allowable maximum level. In this week's CBC award-winning Marketplace program entitled "The secret inside your cellphone," acclaimed reporter Wendy Mesley announced results from a US government certified testing laboratory. The investigation found that three popular phone models—iPhone, Galaxy, and Samsung—are below regulated maximums for radiation when they are tested at a specified distance away from the body and head. However, the CBC program revealed that when phones are tested directly against the body, the radiation is multiplied by three to four times and exceeds government limits.

The CBC found most people are unaware that all cell phone manufacturers' instructions specify that there should be a distance between the phone and the user's body in order not to be exposed to untested levels of radiation. CBC conducted an independent survey of more than 11,000 Canadians to determine if the public knew about these instructions to distance phones from their bodies. The survey found more than 80 percent "had no clue" and 67 percent admitted they carry their phones against their bodies.

Summary of Meeting of ECERI Delegation with WHO on Electromagnetic Fields, 3 March 2017

Meeting with WHO on Electromagnetic Fields, 3 March 2017
ECERI Newsletter no.5, March 2017, www.eceri-institute.org
(European Cancer and Environment Research Institute)


The meeting with WHO’s representatives and a delegation from the ECERI this month stands as a major turning point for our Institute. This opens a new opportunity for scientific collaboration on EMFs wthin the ECERI, aiming at having non-thermal effects recognized once for all by the international scientific and political community. This will require a global and collective effort from all of our members. But in the context of the fast development of more powerful and detrimental wireless technologies, particularly 5G, this has become a high priority. Christine Campagnac, General Secretary.

Meeting with WHO on electromagnetic fields, 3rd of March, 2017

Maria Neira, Director, Public Health and the Environment Department, World Health Organisation and Emilie van Deventer, Team Leader of the Radiation Programme at the WHO received on March the 3 rd , in Geneva, a scientific delegation of the ECERI, composed of Dominique Belpomme (F), Igor Belyaev (SKA), Ernesto Burgio (I), Christine Campagnac (F), David Carpenter (US), Tarmo Koppel (EE) and Lennart Hardell (SE) to discuss the health effects of EMFs.

David Carpenter introduced the talk, reminding that there are numerous significant human health hazards of concern, due to non-thermal effects of EMFs. He expressed the particular concern of the ECERI Group that a new WHO Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) document on radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMFs) is scheduled to be released in 2017, and that the members of the EHC Core Group are in denial of serious non-thermal effects of RF EMFs in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Regarding the particular vulnerability of children and their high exposure, the scientific group urges WHO to address the hazards of RF EMF.

Smartphone-Integrated Baby Monitors May Do More Harm than Good

A new report suggests that baby monitors have little
proven benefit for healthy infants and can potentially
cause more harm than good.
(UPDATE 31 March 2017:  The message that these products may cause more harm than good is not getting across to mothers.  Baby tech is now a billion-dollar industry.)

Smartphone-integrated baby monitors may do more harm than good
by Ana Sandoiu, medicalnewstoday.com,
24 January 2017

In our increasingly technological world, more and more of us choose to monitor our heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. We may even be more vigilant of our babies' well-being, as smartphone-integrated physiological baby monitors take over the market and promise to offer parents some much-needed peace of mind. But could it be that baby monitors actually do more harm than good? A new report investigates.

A new article, published in the journal JAMA, investigates the pros and cons of using a smartphone-integrated physiological baby monitor.

France : Phonegate : Interlocutory Hearing Against l'ANFR 19 April 2017 at the Administrative Court of Melun

Phonegate* : Interlocutory Hearing Against l'ANFR 19 April 2017
by Marc Arazi Publié: arazi.fr, 30 March 2017

Since 8 July 2016, the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has obstinately refused to communicate the detailed results of measurements made in 2015 on 95 cell phones.  Eighty-nine percent of these phones exceeded the threshold levels authorized when tested in contact with the skin**, and several, more than four times the norm, creating a very real health risk to users, particularly the youngest ones.

As the results came from ANFR, it is impossible for the agency to refute them.  Moreover, the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) mentioned the results in its report on Exposure to Radiofrequencies and the Health of Children.  The results contributed to the issue of precautionary recommendations by ANSES, particularly: "to ensure the respect of limit values of exposure standards in all circumstances, regardless of the mobile transmitting devices used and their conditions of use (contact with the body)."

29 March 2017

United Kingdom: Brain Tumors Are the Main Cause of Cancer Deaths in Children and Young People

We are told that the latest report from this brain tumor research charity does NOT include any mention of non-ionizing radiation and worse, not one mention of the word "prevention"!

We understand the power of statistics.
braintumourresearch.org, posted on "Towards Better Health" March 2017

That's why we leave no stone unturned when it comes to the latest analyses surrounding the devastating impact of brain tumours in the UK.

The statistics we have unearthed speak for themselves. Something has to be done. 

  • Too many people are being faced with the devastating diagnosis each year – every two hours, someone is diagnosed with a brain tumour in England.

28 March 2017

Bad News for Global Cancer Research Agency

A butcher cuts beef at a market in Buenos Aires.  The
International Agency for Research on Cancer's (IARC)
work classifying things like bacon, plutonium and wood 
dust as carcinogens relies most heavily onNIH funding.
Eitan Abramovich/AFP via Getty Images
"IARC’s priorities until 2019 include reviewing the potential carcinogenicity of bisphenol A (used in plastics), the sweetener aspartame, indium tin oxide (widely used in displays, laptop screens and mobile phones) and e-cigarettes — all of which generate a lot of business."

Bad news for the bad-news agencyby Natalie Huet, politico.eu, 17 March 2017,
Updated 20 March 2017

Global cancer research agency says industry is on a drive to disparage its findings as fake news amid uncertainty about crucial US funding.

LYON, France — As President Donald Trump raises the axe on U.S. medical research funding, scientists across the Atlantic are trembling, too.

The World Health Organization’s cancer agency, the France-based International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has long been a prime purveyor of bad news. Now, with big business blasting it as fake news and Republicans in total control, U.S. funding crucial for IARC’s work is under threat.

2.45 GHz Wi-Fi Microwave Radiation Induces DNA Damage in Ovaries and Testes of Rats

"These results give an indication of possible long term effects that may be expected on the reproductive organs in humans when exposed at similar microwave radiation for a considerable period of time."

2.45 GHz Wi-Fi Microwave Radiation Induces DNA Damage in Ovaries and Testes of Rats

Short-duration exposure to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation induces DNA damage in Sprague Dawley rat’s reproductive systems
Usikalu, M. R.1 , Obembe, O. O.2 *, Akinyemi, M. L.1 and Zhu, J.3

This published paper is about 2.45 GHZ, the same radiation frequency used in Wi-Fi.

Download the full paper here.

CellphoneCancer.com: Cell Phone Litigation

Frasier, Frasier and Hickman and cell phone litigation
nexusnewsfeed.com / EMFacts Consultancy, 28 March 2017

The legal firm Frasier, Frasier and Hickman is seeking clients who claim that their illness is caused by cell phone use.

For over 50 years of legal practice, Frasier, Frasier & Hickman had defended the rights of working people. We have a passionate belief in our clients and their causes, and never stop fighting for them…

Read more here

Excerpt from their website:

There is a concern with rising cell phone use–safety–whether cell phone use is associated with cancer. The concern is especially pointed with regard to the rise in cell phone use by children. Children have thinner bone structures and a less stable system….

For more than 60 years our firm has stood up for victims of all kinds of personal injuries and the families of wrongful death victims. Today we have dedicated a practice to focus on a helping a specific kind of victim – those who may have contracted cancer or any other health issues that may be linked to cell phone use.

26 March 2017

Inviting Discussion About Safer Tech Use in Schools

Inviting Discussion About Safer Tech Use in Schools
by Katie Singer, 
www.electronicsilentspring.com, Originally posted 7 February 2017

A list of educators, physicians and researchers who join Katie Singer and the EMRadiation Policy Institute in calling for safer use of technology in education is posted after the Endnotes.

In one generation, use of electronic technologies has exploded, creating dramatic environmental and cultural changes, including in classrooms. As we read, write, research, meet and express ourselves, electronics offer extraordinary possibilities. Meanwhile, to develop self-respect, empathy, humor, awareness of themselves and others and social skills, children still depend on human contact in a real (not virtual) world.

Electronics are tools, not substitutes for human teachers or peers. Every community still needs children who are familiar with the real world around them; who learn (from other people) to think critically and ethically; who are well versed in biology, chemistry, physics, literature, music and art. Students need to create and imagine from their own minds, not to follow a computer programmer’s choices or direction. For healthy development, children need time without electronics, in nature, socializing with each other and contributing to their communities. Youth need purpose. They need to participate in person-to-person conversation about real world problems and solutions.

Radiofrequency Pollution a Serious Safety Issue in Cars

Electric car
Alternative Energy News
We know electrosensitive persons who suffer from exposure to radiofrequency radiation in their cars. Below, are extracts from excellent information on the subject:

Radiofrequency Pollution a Serious Safety Issue in Cars

Cardiac Arrest
A number of studies show that electromagnetic radiation, including radiofrequency radiation, alters heart rate variability, blood pressure (including inducing hypertension with microwave exposure) and increases risk of arrhythmia related heart disease and heart attack. (Mahra et al 1971) (Cherry 2000) (Havas et al 2010) (Havas and Marrongelle 2013) (Havas 2013).

25 March 2017

U.S. Scientists Launch World's Biggest Solar Geoengineering Study

Scientists say the planet could be covered with a solar
shield for as little as $10bn a year.  Photo:  ISS/Nasa
Poisoning of the planet from the sky in the name of geoengineering... Of course, this has already been taking place for a number of years and may explain the rise in respiratory and other diseases, the massive die-offs of fish, birds, bees... Has anyone asked us, the public, for permission to conduct such a deadly experiment?  

Future tests could involve seeding the sky with aluminium oxide.

US scientists launch world's biggest solar geoengineering study

by Arthur Neslen, The Guardian, 
24 March 2017

Research programme will send aerosol injections into the earth’s upper atmosphere to study the risks and benefits of a future solar tech-fix for climate change

US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth’s stratosphere in the world’s biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for global warming.

The $20m (£16m) Harvard University project will launch within weeks and aims to establish whether the technology can safely simulate the atmospheric cooling effects of a volcanic eruption, if a last ditch bid to halt climate change is one day needed.

24 March 2017

Pocket Dialling to Danger

That phone in your pocket could be dangerous, according to
Marketplace.  Getty
MARKETPLACE: Pocket dialling to danger
24 March 2017

Should you carry your phone in your pocket? The answer is right there, inside your phone, in a government-mandated message that says you should hold your phone 5mm to 15mm away from your body to limit exposure to radiation. It varies from phone to phone.

But a survey from CBC's Marketplace reveals that most people have never seen the message and don't use their phones that way.

So if you slip your phone in your pocket, or tuck it into your bra, you're not following the guidelines. And here's the problem: The government test cellphone makers use to assess the safety of their products are based on the assumption that you are.

23 March 2017

5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast

5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast
by Makia Freeman, Contributor, Waking Times, 23 March 2017

5G is being rolled out fast right now, with Verizon testing it out in 11 US cities and ATT also conducting experiments. For those who don’t know, 5G is the latest wireless system that telecommunications companies are trying to implement to service wireless communication. It’s designed to allow faster downloads of more data. It uses the 28, 37 and 39 GHz bands, also known as millimetre wave (mmW) spectrum. 5G, which comes from the term 5th generation, is designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT. The agenda is to hook every single material thing on the planet, as well as humans themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be inhaled (like smart dust).

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Study Subjects Needed By University Research Team

We have checked with the person responsible for this study, Dr. Pamela Gibson, who says people from any country may participate.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Study Subjects Needed By University Research Team
by Catherine J. Frompovichactivistpost.com
20 March 2017

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI) results from exposure to electromagnetic waves (EMF/RF/ELF) due to the overwhelming explosion of ‘smart’ technology appliances and gadgets which use either microwaves or some other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum.

EHS Research Study

James Madison University Environmental Sensitivities Research Team is conducting research surveys in chemical and/or electrical sensitivities. Below is the request for participants to reply and participate, which will be extremely helpful in establishing data to document what’s called non-thermal radiation adverse health effects from EMF/RF/ELF.

21 March 2017

Robots: How They'll Disrupt Different Careers

© Provided by thecanadianpress.com
Robots: How they'll disrupt different careers
by Alexander Panetta, Canadian Press/ msn.com, 20 March 2017

WASHINGTON - A wrecking ball is coming for the labour market, analysts warn. As computer-processing power doubles each year and machines learn from their mistakes, sources say the upcoming federal budget will examine the potential of artificial intelligence to disrupt — industries, politics, and entire societies.

It's been mostly blue-collar workers hit so far, but white-collar jobs are next, a research project at Oxford University concluded in 2013. It said 47 per cent of jobs risk being automated.

20 March 2017

The End of Wi-Fi?

Researchers have devised a new method that relies on
central "light antennas" to beam ray of different wave-
lengths to wireless devices.  Other research teams, including
one at Boston University, have revealed similar plans
in recent months.
The end of wifi woes? Researchers reveal 'li-fi' system 100 times faster that never becomes overloaded
by Cheyenne MacDonald for Dailymail.com, 
17 March 2017

  • Method relies on central ‘light antennas’ to beam rays of different wavelengths
  • This means networks won’t get jammed by several competing devices
  • Researchers say it's 100 times faster than current systems, with bigger capacity

Wireless networks crafted from rays of infrared light could soon allow you to connect to the internet 100 times faster than current systems.

Researchers have devised a new method that relies on central ‘light antennas’ to beam rays of different wavelengths to wireless devices – meaning networks won’t get jammed by several competing devices.

A light-based system, also known as ‘Li-Fi,’ could make wireless networks much more secure, and researchers now say it could hit the stores in just five years.

19 March 2017

Addiction to Cell Phones: Are There Neurophysiological Mechanisms Involved? (2007 Paper)

Our attention has been drawn to a 2007 paper "Addiction to cell phones: are there neurophysiological mechanisms involved?". This paper was written 10 years ago. Why only now are there so many articles in the press about the issue of behavioral addiction to screens and cell phones?  

Addiction to cell phones: are there neurophysiological mechanisms involved? 
Maria Paz de la Puente, Afonso Balmori, published in Proyecto, Vol. 61: pp. 8-12, March 2007 Acknowledgments: Claudio Gómez Perretta and Paqui Bonet Translation from Spanish: Patricia Garcia


At first glance we could consider the addiction to cell phones as belonging to those addictions that are substance-free, also called psychological addictions. Yet, unlike these, cell phones emit microwaves that reach the brain, making investigators wonder if there could be a physiological base for such addictions.

The following article gives a brief overview of the studies made that analyze the effects that these radiation produce and that bring us closer to the possible addictive effect, similar to those provoked by conventional drugs. In them, the authors dare to sound the alarm of the abuse that young people, whose brains are still in the process of maturing, could be prey to the risks derived from their improper use, and consider that there should be specific education of the responsible use of cell phones.


Neurophysiological bases for addiction 

17 March 2017

Recent News from ARTAC

News from ARTAC (Association for Research on Treatment Against Cancer)

- Preparation of the insertion into the Statute of Rome of an amendment considering degradation of the environment and pollution as health crimes.
- Aerotoxic syndrome

Extracts from ARTAC Bulletin
no. 83, March 2017

Meeting at the European Parliament

16 March 2017

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill
by Baxter Dmitryyournewswire.com
14 March 2017

Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and Cancer.org.

The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters regularly “overcharge consumers by up to 582%” while at the same time collecting owner’s data which is then sold to third parties for further profit.

Electric utilities have embraced smart meters, pushing aggressively for the mass rollout of the wireless technology. Roughly 65 million of the devices have been installed in the United States over the last few years, with 57 million in consumer homes.

Disturbingly, the government plans to have a smart meter in every home by 2020, despite the World Health Organization and Cancer.org’s dire warnings about the meter’s negative impact on health.

Smart meters health problems

Are Truly Wireless Earbuds (Like AirPods) Safe?

Credit:  Apple
Dr. Devra Davis:  “The fact is that wireless earbuds still place a microwave transmitter next to the head and as a result these microwaves penetrate into your skull and brain. Yes, they are considered ‘low level’ microwaves as they do not cook your tissue, but these very low levels have been shown to cause biological effects.”

Are truly wireless earbuds (like AirPods) safe?
by James A. Martin, cio.com, 14 March 2017

Truly wireless earbuds are having a moment. But does inserting tiny transmitters in your ears pose health risks? Experts are divided.

"Truly wireless" Bluetooth earbuds, like Apple’s AirPods, are cool and convenient. AirPods are both a runaway success, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook and Slice Intelligence, and a runway success — check out how Kristen Stewart rocks her AirPods.

15 March 2017

Letter by Dr. Andrew Tresidder on Electrohypersensitivity

Letter by Dr Andrew Tresidder MBBS MRCGP on electrohypersensitivity.
March 2017 (Extract)

To my Medical Colleagues, GPs, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and others:

Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder


Electrosensitivity is the symptomatic sensitivity to Electric or Magnetic Fields of any frequency, including RadioFrequency (RF or Microwave) transmissions. As a symptomatic condition, it is becoming common due to the increasing environmental pressure on human biology. The source is pollution from wireless and other EM fields. Doctors as yet rarely recognize it due to educational issues. Safety always lags technological advance. There are barriers to recognition of harms. Current UK Advisory Safety Limits are based upon the outdated and disproven myth that Non-Thermal means Non-Harmful. Society and organizations have yet to fully travel the road from ‘there isn’t a problem’, ‘there might be a problem but it’s very small’ to ‘there is a problem’. Society does not recognize humans as electromagnetic beings, as well as physical bodies needing careful nutrition to maintain health. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of people suffer, often ignored or dismissed because society doesn’t yet appreciate the issue, and doctors have no answers. Electrosensitivity is soundly supported by both biology and physics.

12 March 2017

Wearable Tech Radiation Exposure – A Complete Guide

What You Don’t Know About Wearable Tech Radiation Exposure
vesttech.com, posted March 2017

Wearable Tech Radiation Exposure – A Complete Guide

We live in an era of immense convenience driven by technological advancements. We have smartphones to ensure seamless communication, laptops and tablets to enable productivity, and now, wearables are taking connectivity to a whole new level.

While we enjoy the advantages of technology, the subject of how these gadgets affect our health has become a topic worth considering. Smartphones are often at the forefront of these concerns because of their ubiquity; but as electronics continue to evolve to accommodate our needs, it’s time we take a look at how newer technologies come into play–like wearables.

My Daughter's Story of Cell Phone Breast Cancer

Tiffany Frantz
Tiffany was only 21 when she was diagnosed with an unusual breast cancer directly under the place she carried her phone in her bra. She did not know that the manual stated she should keep the phone at a distance from her body.

Download her Powerpoint Presentation HERE.

My Daughter's Story of Cell Phone Breast Cancer
by Traci Frantz

An Open Letter

My name is Traci Frantz and I live in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. On January 4, 2012 my daughter, Tiffany, was diagnosed (in Lancaster, PA) with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in her left breast. Tiffany submitted to genetic testing and, as a family, we underwent genetic counseling. Genetic tests including BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53 tested negative. Therefore, there is no genetic pre-disposition to breast cancer. However, Tiffany stored her cell phone in her bra (against her bare skin) for at least 5 years, every day, all day (12 hours/day) and the masses that were found lined up exactly with where she stored her cell phone.

"Cell Phone Radiation and Breast Cancer - A Reivew of the Evidence" - Slide Presentation by Dr. Devra Davis

In March 2015, Dr. Devra Davis delivered a presentation on "Cell Phone Radiation and Breast Cancer - A Review of the Evidence" during the Spring Symposium organized by the group, Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert JALBCA).  

Read more about JALBCA:


JALBCA was founded by a small group of judges and lawyers who were all personally affected by breast cancer, either as survivors themselves or as family or close friends. We realized that together we could make a difference in the legal community and resolved to take action. Our first target was to increase awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment. We also began to raise money to provide critically needed services to the legal community and beyond.

10 March 2017

School Asks Parents Not to Use Mobiles at Gates

The signs are an attempt to get families talking,
the school says.
School asks parents not to use mobiles at gates
BBC News, 9 March 2017

A primary school has put up signs asking parents not to use their mobile phones when they pick up their children.

The circular notices at St Joseph's RC Primary School in Longlands, Middlesbrough, feature a figure on a phone with a red line through it.

Reading "Greet your child with a smile not a mobile", they have been placed at three entrances.

The school said it was part of a plan to get families talking.

Jade Collett, whose four-year-old son attends the nursery at St Joseph's, welcomed the idea.
'Good thing'

09 March 2017

Cyprus Removes Wi-Fi from Kindergartens and Halts Wireless Deployment Into Public Elementary Schools

Cyprus Removes Wi-Fi from Kindergartens and Halts Wireless Deployment Into Public Elementary Schools
Environmental Health Trust, 6 March 2017

Cyprus Minister of Education issues new Decree to minimize wireless radiation exposure to children in schools and require parental consent

Teton Village, WY -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/06/2017 -- The Cyprus Minister of Education and Culture issued a Decree on January 31, 2017, marked "urgent" to all Directors of Kindergartens and Primary Schools, with specific measures to eliminate and minimize wireless radiation exposure to children in schools. "We have taken the decision to have the wireless network Wi-Fi disabled in all Public kindergartens in Cyprus," reads the Decree. Wireless is to be removed from all Cyprus kindergartens, and wireless installations have been halted in elementary schools and limited to administrative offices.

Here's What 7 Billion Smartphones in 10 Years Looks Like

What will Samsung do with its 4.3 million
recalled smartphones?
We're all on track to use at least 29 phones in our lifetimes.

Here's What 7 Billion Smartphones in 10 Years Looks Like

by Elizabeth Jardim, Greenpeace, 
1st March 2017

Smartphones have undeniably changed our lives—and the world—in a very short amount of time. Just 10 years ago, we took pictures with cameras, used maps to plan routes and kept in touch with friends and family using T9 text messages.

If you're among the more than 2 billion people in the world that now uses a smartphone, chances are pretty good you remember your first smartphone. You remember how your life changed when your phone suddenly became connected to the Internet and became a tool to find your way around almost anywhere instantaneously, send emails on the go, stay in touch with loved ones 24/7 and answer all your random curiosities.

06 March 2017

News Article from India: "Mobile Use for 10 Years Raises Tumour Risk"

(Choice of image by the Editor, "Towards Better Health")
Mobile use for 10 years raises tumour risk
The Times of India, 6 March 2017

Is radiation from mobile phones harmful? Multiple studies globally have not conclusively reached an answer. But an analysis by AIIMS of all research on the subject has found an interesting pattern-government-funded studies show increased risk of brain tumour on long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation while industry-funded research tends to underestimate the risk.

"We found that industry funded studies are not of good quality and tend to underestimate the risk. Government funded studies show increased risk of brain tumour on long-term exposure," said Dr Kameshwar Prasad, head of neurology at AIIMS, who is lead author of the study .

05 March 2017

First State in the Nation: Maryland State Advisory Council Recommends Reducing School Wireless to Protect Children

First State in the Nation: Maryland State Advisory Council Recommends Reducing School Wireless to Protect Children
Environmental Health Trust, 3 March 2017

Children’s environmental health experts respond to new US study linking wireless radiofrequency radiation to cancer after the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reducing radiofrequency exposures.

Teton Village, WY -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/03/2017 -- After reviewing new and growing evidence on health risks of wireless radiation, the Maryland State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council (CEHPAC) issued a Report advising the Department of Education to recommend local school districts reduce classroom wireless radiation exposures by providing wired-rather than wireless-internet connections. CEHPAC's health experts include Governor appointed pediatricians, Maryland State House/Senate appointees and representatives of the Department of Education and Department of Health. Theodora Scarato, MSW, of the Environmental Health Trust, first brought the issue to the Council's attention three years ago, in February of 2014. The Council cited the recent US National Toxicology Program (NTP) findings of increased rates of rare malignant cancers in animals, as well as children's unique vulnerability to the radiation in their recommendations to minimize exposure.

Several countries, such as France, Israel and Cyprus, already have protective measures minimizing school wireless radiation exposures as national policy. However, CEHPAC's action to issue recommendations to reduce classroom wireless exposures is the first of its kind by an expert state body in the United States.

The Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council recommends:

Cell Phone Safety Guidance from the California Public Health Department

Cell Phone Safety Guidance from the California Public Health Department
saferemr.com, 2 March 2017

This page will be updated periodically with further developments and links to media coverage. 

Last May we sued the California Department of Public Health for a cell phone safety guidance document under the California Public Records Act. The document was originally prepared in 2010 and has been updated several times but never released to the public.

Late this afternoon, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) emailed a cell phone guidance document, entitled "Cell Phones and Health," to Melody Gutierrez, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle who attended our court hearing.

This "fact sheet" summarizes research on cell phone radiation health risks and provides safety tips on how to reduce cell phone radiation exposure. The document highlights a potentially greater risk to "pregnant women, children, and teens." The safety recommendations are similar to those issued by the Connecticut Department of Public Health in May, 2015.

We are grateful to see CDPH’s cell phone guidance document after a long battle for it.

California: State Kept Secret Guidelines on Safe Cell Phone Use

Pam Patino, left and Beatriz Israde, right, first year
students at University of California, Berkeley, takes a
picture of flowers using their cell phones on Friday, Feb. 24,
2017, in Berkeley, Calif.  
Photo:  Dangond, the Chronicle
State kept secret guidelines on safe cell phone use
by Melody Gutierrez, sfgate.com, 
3 March 2017

SACRAMENTO — For years, state health officials kept secret a set of guidelines meant to inform the public about the risks associated with cell phone use and the best practices to avoid potential harm.

On Thursday, the California Department of Public Health released the guidelines, which advise cell phone users to keep the devices away from their bodies, keep calls short and to use the speaker phone on lengthy calls. The guidelines were released only after a Sacramento Superior Court judge indicated she would order them to be disclosed, and after The Chronicle told the state it was publishing a news story about the case.

The health department’s lawyers had argued in court that the guidelines were never formally approved by the agency and that releasing them to the public would cause unnecessary panic.

03 March 2017

Cellphone Radiation Exposure Fact Sheet Draft Released By California Health Officials

Cellphone Radiation Exposure Fact Sheet Draft Released By California Health Officials
by Hannah Albarazi, 
sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com, 2 March 2017

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — After keeping it hidden for years, California’s Department of Public Health has released a draft document outlining health officials’ concerns about cellphone radiation exposure.

The previously unpublished document was released this week after a judge indicated she would order the documents be disclosed in the case Moskowitz v. CDPH.

Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., who is the director of the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health, sued the state in 2016 under the California Public Records Act to get the document released.

The document is dated April 2014, but Moskowitz says the document was originally prepared seven years ago and updated several times, but never released to the public.

He previously told KPIX 5 why he decided to sue the state.

01 March 2017

Evaluation of the Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted From Wi-Fi Router and Mobile Phone Simulator on the Antibacterial Susceptibility of Pathogenic Bacteria Listeria Monocytogenes and Escherichia Coli

"Altogether, the findings of this study showed that exposure to Wi-Fi and RF simulator radiation can significantly alter the inhibition zone diameters and growth rate for L monocytogenes and E coli. These findings may have implications for the management of serious infectious diseases."

Evaluation of the Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted From Wi-Fi Router and Mobile Phone Simulator on the Antibacterial Susceptibility of Pathogenic Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli
Dose Response. 2017 Jan-Mar; 15(1): 1559325816688527.
Published online 2017 Jan 23. doi: 10.1177/1559325816688527


The Wireless Elephant in the Room

"True prevention means first removing from our lives those things that create biological dis-regulation and dis-ease, while identifying and proactively increasing the things that create balance and wellness."

The Wireless Elephant in the Room

by Camilla Rees, manhattanneighbors.org, posted on 5 February 2017

An overview of the rapidly emerging public health issue from cell phones, wireless devices and wireless infrastructure— and how the growth in these technologies is a little understood driver of poor health outcomes and costs.

“The Wireless Elephant in the Room” was written by Camilla Rees, MBA, Senior Policy Advisor, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy and Founder, ElectromagneticHealth.org and ManhattanNeighbors.org.

Hard copies in booklet form are available through Amazon.


We would certainly all agree that health and environmental consciousness has been increasing over the past two decades. Organic foods, yoga centers, mind body programs, health clubs and the healing arts have proliferated. Even healthy ‘fast food’ restaurants have arrived, and large food brands are beginning to go GMO-free. As consumers, we are increasingly making ‘green’ choices that support mother Earth, and which respect our intrinsic relationship with it.


Why then, despite all this interest in health and in living ‘green’, do we have over 133 million people with a chronic illness in the U.S.— approximately 45% of the population1, and growing? Promotion of ‘prevention,’ and, more recently, ‘rationing’ care, has been the response to high costs driven by chronic illnesses. But in looking for solutions to costs, we may be ‘missing the forest for the trees’, and also not understanding the true meaning of prevention.

New York: Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications

(Choice of image by Editor,
"Towards Better Health")
Jack O'Dwyer has kindly shared his excellent article with one of our Facebook friends:

O'Dwyer on radiation
O'Dwyer's, 28 February 2017 (text courtesy of Jack O'Dwyer)

A new group of radiation health advocates has been formed in New York to battle the profusion of radiating celltowers that sit atop many, if not most, buildings.

“Nowhere have I seen radiating antennas as densely situated as in Manhattan,” says Camilla Rees, founder of Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications (http://manhattanneighbors.org/)

Much of the world is polluted in the same way, adds Rees, who says people “are not connecting the dots between exposures to electromagnetic energy and things like fatigue, attention and memory difficulties, insomnia, irritability, headaches, low energy, immune challenges, heart irregularities, inflammatory conditions, neurological conditions, depression and much more.”