26 March 2017

Radiofrequency Pollution a Serious Safety Issue in Cars

Electric car
Alternative Energy News
We know electrosensitive persons who suffer from exposure to radiofrequency radiation in their cars. Below, are extracts from excellent information on the subject:

Radiofrequency Pollution a Serious Safety Issue in Cars

Cardiac Arrest
A number of studies show that electromagnetic radiation, including radiofrequency radiation, alters heart rate variability, blood pressure (including inducing hypertension with microwave exposure) and increases risk of arrhythmia related heart disease and heart attack. (Mahra et al 1971) (Cherry 2000) (Havas et al 2010) (Havas and Marrongelle 2013) (Havas 2013).

Cardiac arrhythmias can be caused by wireless technology. Recent replicated double blind studies show that a cordless phone base station operating at WiFi frequencies can cause cardiac arrhythmias in susceptible individuals (Havas et al 2010) (Havas and Marrongelle 2013) (Havas 2013). This short video discusses the cardiac effect that wireless can have- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EI9fZX4iww. View this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv1E9IXUd6M/a> to see further discussion. You can read the studies at http://www.magdahavas.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Havas-HRV-Ramazzini.pdf and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23675629#.

A recent study in rabbits found that not only did WiFi change heart function parameters, but it dramatically changed the cardiac effects of both dopamine and epinephrine (Saili et al 2015). A mouse cardiac study showed that mice exposed to RF radiation from a cellphone had significantly lower vitamin D levels, low calcium, low antioxidant capacity, low cardiac tissue MDA and elevated renin levels compared to controls. They also had enlarged left ventricles and ECG abnormalities (Fatma 2011). Both these cardiac effects are pre-disposing factors toward cardiac arrest. Obviously, these serious cardiac effects caused by RF radiation exposures from consumer devices should preclude them from cars.

Cardiac arrest is undesirable at any time but when a person is operating a large potentially lethal object like an automobile or truck, it is particularly so.

Cars and trucks should not have wireless technology in them and they should have shielded compartments for the storage of consumer wireless technology during transport. Furthermore, other sources of RF exposure in cars should be minimized through good engineering by automobile manufacturers.

The very serious consequences of cardiac arrhythmia or cardiac arrest while operating a vehicle should impel the FCC and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to tighten RF limits on all classes of RF emitters in vehicles.

Cognitive and Neurological Impairment
A review of old Soviet literature discusses the fact that reflexes, including conditioned reflexes, are slower in individuals exposed to RF. They go on to state "It is possible to observe degeneration of the neurons in the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia, the pons, the medulla oblongata, and in some cases even the cerebellum, as well as histological and chemical changes in the vicinity of nerve fibers." Obviously, it is not a good idea to have an environmental toxin that can impair reflexes and damage nerves inside vehicles whose safe operation relies on those very reflexes and good neurological and brain function. (Mahra et al 1971)

Many more people are adversely affected by RF radiation than realize it. Radiation from wireless devices may exacerbate the effects of a distraction such as conversation and impair reflexes and slow brain processing even at the lower levels phones emit when not connected. This may occur in part due to RF lowering dopamine levels (Buchner and Eger 2011) or thyroid levels (Eskander 2012), as well as the other effects mentioned above.

"A Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver" shows delays in reaction times that may relate to the RF emissions from the phone (Strayer et al 2006). Unfortunately, driving studies have not been designed to examine whether it is the RF emissions of the phones that are causing the problem. In "Examining the Impact of Cell Phone Conversations on Driving Using Meta-Analytic Techniques," the authors state "There was a similar pattern of results for passenger and remote (cell phone) conversations."(Horrey and Wickens 2006) However, it is not clear whether both driver and passenger had their cellphones on and emitting at the time of the conversation, which would obviously be a confounder. Measuring Cognitive Distraction in the Automobile, a recent report on distracted driving also provides data additional technology in cars may not be safe (Strayer et al 2013). Unfortunately, the potential effect of the RF exposure itself whether from transmitters, electronics, or the vehicle electrical system was not factored into the experimental design. An article with the great title "A Problem of the Brain, Not the Hands: Group Urges Phone Ban for Drivers" probably has it right - although perhaps not for the right reason. Radiation from cellphones does indeed interfere with brain function, thus it may matter little whether the driver is conversing on a phone they hold, hands-free, or, indeed, with a passenger, as long as phones are on in the car or the area is high in wireless radiation. Ambient microwave radiation levels have gotten quite high in many metropolitan areas.


Simple steps to protect your family from RF in your car

1. Use a meter to measure radiofrequency radiation emitted by wireless technology to check your car for transmitters.

2. Remove fuses for transmitters installed in your car in consultation with your car's manual. Alternatively, your can have the dealer remove or disconnect the transmitters.

It is important to de-power your transmitters, especially those controlled by outside companies since they can turn them on and off as THEY want. At least one person has had a problem with such a system being turned on and causing functional impairment for them against their explicitly expressed request to have the transmitter off. The company seemed to feel that as long as they weren't charging for having it on, it was fine. The company did not "believe" that RF had health effects and apparently wanted the data they could collect with the transmitter on. Transmitters in cars can include: bluetooth, WiFi, cellphones, transmitters for roadside assistance companies, GPS, radar for assistive driving technology (a.k.a V2V communication), and wireless tire pressure monitors. Always verify that the transmitters are turned off using an appropriate RF meter.

3. Use a portable battery operated transistor radio to check for electrically polluting technologies (e.g. stereos, video systems, GPS systems, windshield wiper motors, air re-circulators, unfiltered and unshielded spark plugs in gas engines, ignition switches, alternators, fuel pumps, and a variety of other DC motors which may contribute RF that is conducted around the car on wires and returned on the frame.) Please use great care - do not touch radio antenna to electrical or moving parts or injury can result - or have a professional check for the polluting devices. Radiofrequency pollution often radiates from the polluting device and wires, leading to recognized RF interference problems and unrecognized RF health problems. Older radios which have not been "hardened" to prevent interference from RF "noise" work best for this step. It can be a challenge to track down the culprits. Start in the AM range, preferably inside an RF-blocking space like a steel shed, and move through the AM dial. Then, try FM. Pulling non-essential fuses carefully while listening for changes in the RF "noise" on the radio while the car key is in the accessories position can be helpful in tracking down the source. If you do this for too long, there is the potential for draining the battery. (Be sure not to run the car in a closed space since carbon monoxide poisoning can result.)

4. Remove fuses for non-essential electrically polluting devices like the inverter which provides 60 Hz electricity to AC outlets.

5. Filter the alternator using capacitive filters. Careful selection of capacitors is important. According to what I have read, capacitors must be motor-run or rated for continuous usage and preferably rated for 4 times the voltage of the system they will be installed in so that they can withstand the large transients (RF) they will be filtering. We have used Panasonic Dry Film 20microFarad 180VAC capacitors (JS181206-AA) connected from the hot to the ground on the alternator for years. On vehicles where the alternator output leads are difficult to access, we have installed the filters from the positive to neutral on the battery. The suggestion for this approach was provided in the 1996 edition of Radio Frequency Interference: How to find and fix it published by the American Radio Relay League (ISBN 0-87259-375-4). We have since added some smaller capacitors, as discussed in Radio Frequency Interference: How to find and fix it.

6. Carefully use ferrites, capacitive filters, and shielding to minimize RF exposure from essential components of the car that are "Incidental" and "Unintentional" Radiators. You may need a professional to do this. See these links for directions for filtering DC motors like the ones used in windshield wipers and fan blowers: https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J15/9 point number nine "Dealing with Motor Noise" and http://www.kerrywong.com/2012/01/26/a-short-guide-on-motor-electrical-noise-reduction/ and http://robotics.stackexchange.com/questions/267/why-are-capacitors-added-to-motors-in-parallel-what-is-their-purpose and http://www.recentscientific.com/sites/default/files/2485.pdf

7. After care has been taken to minimize RF emissions from inside the vehicle, it may be helpful to install shielding on the vehicle's windows to block RF radiation out. This can be done using SD100 from Signals Defense or some other RF-blocking window film. Do NOT shield your windows if wireless will be used in the car.

Disclaimer: The author is motivated by personal experience to learn and teach about radiofrequency exposure and does not possess any financial interest in Signals Defense.

Steps to minimize RF exposure in your home can be found on the Solutions page at www.electricalpollution.com


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