17 April 2017

Screen Time in Schools: Forum: 20 April 2017 - Denver, Colorado

Screen Time in Schools - 
Why Parents Should Care

SCREEN TIME Colorado presents an expert forum of presenters to speak at the Field House in Denver on Thursday, April 20, 2017, from 6:30-8:30p. A happy hour will start at 5:30 and an audience Q&A will follow the presentations.

"We're honored to present this vital information to anyone with responsibility for the care of children, or concerned with the adequacy and efficacy of children's education."
-----Heather Lahdenpera & Christine Zipps, event co-sponsors

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), today's children are spending an average of SEVEN hours per day on electronic devices! Screen use and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from these devices have been associated with health risks such as myopia, retinal damage, sleeplessness, addiction and behavioral issues. Screen use at school also brings with it information sharing and privacy issues.



The growing trend of giving children one-to-one devices such as Chrome-books, laptops, virtual reality headsets, and iPads at school is increasing the amount of screen time our children experience daily. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, today's children are spending an average of SEVEN hours per day on entertainment media, including televisions, computers, cell or “smart” phones and other electronic devices. Screen use and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from these devices has been associated with myriad health risks including myopia, retinal damage, sleeplessness, addiction and behavioral issues to name a few. The use of technology in schools also brings with it information sharing and privacy issues associated with online curricula, online assessments, and student data collection.

Please join us and learn from five experts in various aspects of this new field of public health and information sharing. Practical advice and action steps for parents, teachers, schools and policymakers will be presented. It is time to begin discussing best practice and safety guidelines for these devices in schools. Anyone with responsibility for the care of children, or concerned with the adequacy and efficacy of children’s education, is encouraged to attend.

Learn how screen time affects the brain.


Victoria Dunckley, MD
is an Integrative Child Psychiatrist who specializes in children with complex or treatment-resistant mental health conditions. In her book, Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time, she outlines how everyday use of interactive screen devices can easily overstimulate a child’s nervous system, triggering a variety of behavioral, learning and mental health symptoms. She finds a strict electronic four-week fast single-handedly improves mood, focus, sleep, and behavior, regardless of the child’s diagnosis, and can often also greatly reduce the need for medication.

Camilla Rees, MBA
is a researcher, health educator, and expert on the biologic and health effects of RFR. She is founder of ElectromagneticHealth.org, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications and co-founder of the International EMF Alliance (Oslo). She authored The Wireless Elephant in the Room, co-authored Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution, and is Senior Policy Advisor to the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy in Washington, D.C. Camilla lectures around the world raising awareness of this issue that faces us all.

Cheri Kiesecker
is a Colorado parent and active advocate for children's privacy. She is a frequent blogger and member of many organizations, including Parent Coalition for Student Privacy. Cheri and Leonie Haimson wrote this Washington Post article explaining the many ways student data is being collected and shared.

Heather Lahdenpera - Moderator and Co-Sponsor
is a passionate mom, licensed acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine practitioner, physical therapist, and educator regarding the biological health effects of RFR. She is active politically in the state of Colorado with an interest in health policies.

Christine Zipps - Host and Co-Sponsor
is a natural wellness researcher/writer and editor, certified plant-based nutritionist, independent consumer advocate and founder of Studio LUNA Press & WIRED in COLORADO.

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