07 May 2017

The Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on Health: Summary of Presentation of Professor Dominique Belpomme - Biarritz, February 2017

The Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on Health: Presentation of Professor Dominique Belpomme in Biarritz, 3 February 2017 (96 mn. in French with Spanish sub-titles)

Summary of Prof. Belpomme’s presentation, Biarritz, 3 February 2017

(The conference, attended by 400 persons, was organized by Biarritz Antennes.)

[Electromagnetic pollution] is a huge challenge – we are in a time of corruption, financial and more serious, ideological corruption. Operators have a responsibility to defend their product in a world where one must generate profit. There is a headlong rush for wireless technologies without considering public health.

But there should be a balance. It could come from the medical corps but the doctors who practice today have not received training in environmental medicine, in conditions linked to the environment. Many do learn this, but not all. The media confuses us. It picks up from the operators who lie by saying “all is well in the best of worlds”. Doctors say nothing has been proven and as long as it’s not proven, we can’t say these diseases are linked to electromagnetic fields.

Even more serious are the national agencies like ANSES, an agency that should normally be concerned with health safety linked to work and the environment. A working group was created at ANSES in order to inform policy-makers. The specialists in the working group are competent in their respective fields but not in the field of EMF [electromagnetic fields]. Their conclusions are not correct. There is an “intellectual dishonesty” in this group. In July last year, they made available to the public a report on EMF and children. The conclusion of this report is that there is no risk to children from EMF.1 This is unacceptable. It contradicts the results of American researchers.

There is also a pre-report on electrohypersensitivity (EHS) from ANSES where there is complete confusion, a scientific dishonesty in the interpretation of international publications. In this pre-report there is an annex that criticizes line by line the peer-reviewed report of our team on the clinical and biological research on EHS. There is loss of scientific independence.  The only articles on EHS being published [in France] are written by pseudo-scientists working with the operators.

Millions of euros have been spent by France on EMF research but no study has been published. The results of the Cochard study, begun 3 or 4 years ago, have not yet been published. Where have the two to three million euros gone? An inquiry into this should be conducted by IGAS [general inspection agency for social affairs]. Policy-makers are misinformed because the agencies are not doing their work and the medical corps is confused.

Faced with denial of this major health problem, what can we do? There must be scientific work done by experts who know the subject. There is work to do by educators and families. One of the big problems today is children’s and teenagers’ addiction to wireless technology with all its health consequences. 

The work of Barbara Demeneix2 notes that 5-10% of teenagers have a lowering of 5-7% IQ. In France, it is a 3.8% lowering of IQ. This should interest policy-makers but how many talk about environmental health? Today, 20-25% of French people are on long-term disability due to serious chronic diseases requiring permanent care. Social security will not be able to cover these persons 100%. We have the worst health minister that we’ve had in the last 25 years – Marisol Touraine – who hasn’t understood anything about these health problems. It’s up to the medical corps to wake up. This is beginning to happen.

[Professor Belpomme then talks about ARTAC and its work.] There are diseases other than cancer due to EMF. We need to put in place treatment of people suffering from these diseases and try to prove a causal link between abusive exposure to EMF and these diseases. We receive no subsidies from the State. We asked ANSES which refused because our conclusions were against health policy.

[Professor Belpomme talks about the development of these technologies] where, at each stage, there have been maladies: testicular cancers from exposure to radar, screen dermatitis from cathode ray computer screens as described by Swedish researchers, breast cancer in women who use computers to a great extent. And now, exposure to electrosmog from morning to evening – cancers, brain tumors, leukemia, Alzheimer’s disease, electrohypersensitivity (more and more frequent – a “soaring incidence” not recognized, including by WHO).

[Professor Belpomme goes on to explain the EMF spectrum and the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.] Natural EMF is neither polarized nor pulsed. The real problem is artificial EMF which is polarized and pulsed – and this is pathogenic.]

Looking at all studies on high-power transmission lines, at a distance of less than 600 meters from these lines, there is double the risk of leukemia. Regarding exposure to radiofrequencies from cordless DECT and cell phones, there is 5 times the risk of brain tumors to persons under age 20 who talk for more than one hour a day for five years with the phone held to the same side of the head where the tumor appears. Doctors have no time to inform themselves about these risks.

[Professor Belpomme mentions the upcoming meeting of his team, including Dr. Lennart Hardell, with WHO [which took place at the beginning of March3], to discuss raising the classification of EMF to group 2A, inscribing EHS and MCS in the international classification of diseases, and recognition by WHO of EHS.]

Regarding Alzheimer’s disease, there are 20 epidemiological studies showing an associative link to ELF (extremely low frequency) and LF (low frequency) and the appearance of that disease. There are biological arguments for a causal link and indirect arguments that exposure to radiofrequencies from abusive use of mobile telephony could in all likelihood result in major cognitive disorders, especially in young people.

There is emerging evidence of spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant women who use computers on their laps, connected to Wi-Fi.

[Professor Belpomme talks about his clinical research on EHS and MCS.] Women are twice as sensitive as men. Alzheimer’s may appear at age 15, 20, 25. He describes some of the young people he has seen:

- a 15 year-old comes into the office holding his mother's hand - he had slept 3-4 years with his cell phone switched on beneath his pillow. He could not find his way out of the office and was suffering from behavioral disorders.

- a young person with a pre-Alzheimer’s condition – who, after birth, had been using a babyphone for 3 years.

- a 14 year-old who did not know how to read and was dyslexic. National education says since he has this problem, he should pass to the computer to learn how to read and write.
[Prof. Belpomme describes biological markers for EHS and encephaloscan tests] which reveal a deficit of blood flow in the temporal lobes of the brains of EHS persons similar to those who have Alzheimer’s. While Alzheimer’s is irreversible, in the case of EHS it is reversible. Left untreated, however, the person may progress to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

[He describes the effects on genes and the medical-scientific arguments suggesting a causal link between EHS and EMF.] To say EHS persons are crazy goes against the Hippocratic Oath. Studies on animals exposed to EMF reveal the same biological anomalies as exposed people.

The principle sources of EMF implicated are:

- 50% DECT and cell phones
- 20% Wi-Fi
- 10% antennas
- 20% high power transmission lines, electrical transformers, geolocalisation technology, wind turbines

Treatment includes:

- anti-inflammatories - ginko biloba - (liquid tanakan) and fermented papaya
- anti-histamines
- anti-oxydants
- vitamins (B1,2,6)
- protection (source reduction)
(- removal of metal amalgams)

EHS will persist, but the symptoms will diminish. It is extremely important to reduce exposure. He noted among his patients that only about 5% were truly cured while 60% responded well and could return to a near-normal life.

Professor Belpomme concludes by emphasizing the importance of the role of civil society in this “fight” (for example, educators, parents, grandparents, communes backed by their mayor to ban mobile phone antennas and smart meters).

1 The ANSES report called for “moderate and supervised use of wireless technologies” by children. “The expert appraisal work carried out by the Agency on the basis of current data from the international scientific literature was unable to conclude as to whether or not radiofrequencies have effects on children’s behaviour, auditory functions, development, male and female reproductive systems, immune system and systemic toxicity, or carcinogenic or teratogenic effects.

"On the other hand, the Agency did find a possible effect of exposure to radiofrequencies on the well-being of children and on their cognitive functions (memory, executive functions and attention). The effects observed on well-being may however be more related to the use of mobile telephones rather than to the radiofrequencies they emit."

2 Author of "Toxic Cocktail - how chemical pollution is poisoning our brains" (published February 2017). Her research is focused on chemical pollution.

3 See ECERI newsletter, March 2017:

Presentation in French with Spanish sub-titles (96 mn.):

Summary by Meris Michaels who has added the footnotes.  Note:  We have not summarized the presentation in full - information on subjects mentioned:  EHS, EMF spectrum etc. can be found elsewhere on this blog.

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