05 September 2018

Intolerance to Electromagnetic Waves: Letter Addressed to Cardiologists in Geneva

Letter addressed to cardiologists in Geneva
June/July 2018 - translation from French

Dear Madam/Sir:

Allow me to introduce a subject which is largely neglected by the medical establishment - intolerance to electromagnetic waves.  It is estimated that 5% of the Swiss population is intolerant, and with the increasing installation of wireless technologies in our environment, this number will grow.

I am an active member of an association which raises awareness of the population of the health risks of wireless technologies, ARA (Association Romande Alerte).  I am writing this letter because recently, in the office of a cardiologist in Geneva which has powerful Wi-Fi, my heart troubles worsened.  I am intolerant to electromagnetic waves, especially Wi-Fi.  I talked to the doctor and to the persons at the reception, but they did not want to know anything about this and even said that the only way to access the Internet is through Wi-Fi.  This is a widespread message from the telecommunications industry, but it is false.  Indeed, one can have wired access to the Internet, as well as corded phones, which protect users' health.

Concerning the use of Wi-Fi, the site of the Federal Office for Public Health recommends:

Wi-Fi:  "Only switch on WLAN when you need it."

(Ref: Electromagnetic Fields: Fact Sheet (WLAN)

In Geneva, doctors' offices and medical establishments without Wi-Fi exist, but unfortunately these are very few.

Researchers - independent of industry and interested in intolerance to electromagnetic fields (EMF) - have published scientific articles based on observations of patients developing more or less serious health issues when they are exposed to EMF: insomnia, abnormal nervousness, near-permanent state of stress, anxiety, depressive tendencies, nervous breakdown, loss of balance, dizziness, nausea, sudden drops in blood pressure sometimes leading to collapse, heart rhythm disorders, memory loss, loss of consciousness, skin rashes, eczema, asthma attacks, etc.

On 26-28 March 2018, the 11 international experts of the peer review committee of the $25 million U.S. National Toxicology Program studies on exposure to mobile phone radiation of rats and mice recommended that the malignant schwannoma tumors of the heart found in male rats, be reclassified from some evidence to "clear evidence of cancer".  The panel also drew attention to statistically significant increases in an unusual pattern of cardiomyopathy and heart tissue damage in exposed male and female rats.
Ref : https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2018/4/feature/feature-2-cell-phone/index.htm

Moreover, exposure to certain wireless technologies (mobile phones, Wi-Fi) significantly affects human blood: agglutination of red blood cells (formation of rouleaux).

Intolerance to EMF, although not yet unanimously accepted by the medical profession, is indeed a pathology and in certain cases, it can endanger the lives of those who suffer from it. Moreover, most physicians facing symptoms of intolerance in their patients see treatment opportunities only in psychiatry. The drug treatments prescribed by the majority of the medical profession are equal to the symptoms observed: sleeping pills in high doses, antidepressants, drugs for heart rhythm disorders, beta-blockers. All of this ultimately only intoxicates the patient without solving the problem in depth and especially without establishing the real cause.

I would like to draw your attention to an extract from the International Doctors' Appeal 2012:

"A number of serious mental health disorders appear to be increasing at a worrisome rate, including depression, burnout syndrome as well as sleep, anxiety, and panic disorders.  This is also evident for a number of other diseases: strokes in younger people... Wired solutions should be installed for home use and public institutions, especially at preschools, schools, colleges, universities, nursing homes, and hospitals."

Ref : http://freiburger-appell-2012.info/media/International_Doctors_Appeal_2012_Nov.pdf

In 2016, the European Academy for Environmental Medicine (EUROPAEM) published Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses.

Ref: https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-3/reveh-2016-0011/reveh-2016-0011.pdf

Some countries recognize intolerance to EMF as an occupational disease: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden in 2000. As early as 2002, Sweden recognized this intolerance as a functional handicap. In May 2017, a motion for a resolution on the recognition of intolerance to EMF was tabled in the Belgian Senate.

I hope that cardiologists will become aware of EMF intolerance and the adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation on the heart and do everything they can to protect patients from electromagnetic pollution, according to the Hippocratic oath: "Primum non nocere". This begins with a waves-free environment in medical facilities.

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