21 October 2018

Switzerland: Motion 18.3856: "For a better consideration of health in the mobile telephony sector (I)"

18.3856: MOTION:  For a better consideration of health in the mobile telephony sector (I)

This is an unofficial translation from French.

Submitted by  ESTERMANN YVETTE on 26 September 2018 to the National Council, Swiss Parliament

Status of deliberations: Not yet dealt with by the Council


The Federal Council is responsible for not raising the limit values applicable in Switzerland, not even due to a new measurement procedure. In order to prepare for a technological shift, an alternative to 5G must be sought immediately, the main objective being to separate outdoor mobile telephony from mobile telephony inside buildings.

By publishing his final report on the "MiniWatt" project on 18 March 2003, Professor Werner Wiesbeck made public the potential for such a dissociation: outside buildings, the radiation was about 100 times lower. Inside, the cabling of the Internet connection (via optical fiber or coaxial cable) eliminated the radiation. The above-mentioned dissociation would also be an effective measure to save energy. Today's mobile phones must use unnecessarily high power, electrical energy and radiation to penetrate building insulation - and this is particularly serious in the case of 5G.

Articles 100 to 104 of the Federal Constitution are devoted in particular to economic policy. They stipulate that the Confederation "may, if necessary, derogate from the principle of economic freedom".

All studies (19) conducted since 2000 on people living near an antenna with radiation at 0.06 and 1.5 V/m have shown impacts on health  (see "Land im Strahlenmeer"[a country in a sea of radiation] (2017), p. 440s).

According to Martin Röösli's study (2010), 10 percent of the population already has symptoms of electrohypersensitivity.

See the warning issued in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of WHO, about cancer risks.

According to the results of a survey conducted by the Confederation (2015), 52 per cent of the population have health concerns about mobile telephony.

Since the long-term consequences of radiation are particularly important, we must look at Professor Karl Hecht's research on the specialized Russian literature, which covers analyses carried out over more than 5 and 10 years between 1960 and 1996 on several thousand people exposed to microwave radiation in the workplace;  2 out of 3 persons showed symptoms (see "Land im Strahlenmeer" (2017), pp. 103-108).

In May 2018, "Diagnose Funk" published 406 studies on the website www.emfdata.org that can be consulted in one click.

Peter Schlegel: "Die öffentlich bekannten Elektrosensiblen sind nur die Spitze des Eisbergs" (the cases of electrosensitivity of which we know are only the tip of the iceberg), Bürgerwelle Publikation (4 p.), August 2018.

Professor Werner Wiesbeck's final report on the "MiniWatt" project (Bonn, 18.3.2003, 91 p.) is available on the Internet. The annex to Chapter 6, entitled "Bewertungsmatrix" (evaluation matrix), documents in a transparent manner the feasibility (with indication of the year) and costs of the proposals at the time.


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)


National Council




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