11 January 2019

David O. Carpenter, MD, Top Public Health Physician, Joins NTEF'S Advisory Board

NTEF’s (National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation) core purposes are to provide education and services to the growing segment of the population who are adversely affected by everyday chemicals and toxins in our environment.

It has been proven that chemicals/radiation have a direct effect upon the brain whether during pregnancy, childhood or in adults. Chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning/disinfectant products, building materials, vaccine preservatives, perfumes, air fresheners, fragranced products, mold, along with electro-magnetic radiation/smart meters are most likely causing harm to your health and/or to the health of those around you.

David O. Carpenter, MD, Top Public Health Physician, Joins NTEF'S Advisory Board
prlog.org, 10 January 2019

LAS VEGAS - Jan. 10, 2019 - PRLog -- The National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation (NTEF) is pleased to announce that David O. Carpenter, MD, has become a member of the NTEF'S Advisory Board.

Dr. Carpenter is a world-renowned research physician, recipient of numerous awards; Leon Resnick, Jacob Javits Neuroscience Investigator, Homer N. Calver, and Albion O. Bernstein.

Dr. Carpenter received both his undergrad and medical degrees from Harvard. After graduation from medical school, Dr. Carpenter chose to study brain function rather than to practice clinical medicine. Even as a medical student he graduated with a number of first-author publications on neural control of movement. He went on to study basic mechanism of synaptic transmission, first in invertebrate neurons and then using mammalian brain slices. His recent work is entirely focused on environmental causes of human diseases.

His research interests are in alignment with those of the NTEF. He has many publications focused on study of basic mechanisms of learning and memory. He has also studied behavioral effects of environmental contaminants; including effects on IQ, ADHD, and other neurobehavioral diseases in children as well as the neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease and ALS) in adults. He is currently involved in study of the central nervous system effects of exposure to non-ionizing radiation and study of Gulf War Illness.

"It is a great honor for me to be invited to join the NTEF Advisory Board. I look forward to helping in any way I can to support the critical missions of NTEF."

"I am very excited to have Dr. Carpenter associating with the NTEF. Ongoing research is showing that most "psychological" conditions are actually physiological. Dr. Carpenter's interest in neurological pathologies in relation to environment contaminates will improve both the diagnosis and treatment of the increasing number of "mental health" cases." –Angel De Fazio. BSAT, President.

Dr. Carpenter is the former Director of the New York State Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, and the former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University at Albany. Since 2001, he has been the Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany. The Institute was named a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization in 2011.

He has been the lead researcher on numerous Federal Grants: USAF, NIH, Defense Nuclear Agency, NIEHS, EPA, US National Academy of Sciences and Department of Defense.

"Dr. Carpenter has been at the forefront of research regarding environmental impacts upon human health. His recent grant from the Army, "Gulf War Illness: Evaluation of an Innovative Detoxification Program", reaffirms the NTEF's position, that our service members were chemically injured and should be evaluated and treated exactly like the chemically exposed civilians are", said De Fazio.

He was an integral part of various committees either as a member or director: International Brain :Research Organization, Engineering Board, Neurophysiology Peer Panel for NASA; Electric Energy System Division, U.S. Department of Energy National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements; Association of Schools of Public Health; Life Sciences Division of the NASA; EPA -Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee; World Health Organization; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; New York State Power Lines Project; Connecticut Academy of Sciences and Engineering Committee on Electromagnetic Field Health Effects.

"With all the research coming out regarding electro-magnetic radiation and radio frequency, along with the accelerated installation of 5G cell towers, Dr. Carpenter's research and knowledge, will be a valuable asset to our work", said De Fazio.

For more information on Dr. Carpenter:

https://www.national-toxic-encephalopathy-foundation.org/... (https://www.national-toxic-encephalopathy-foundation.org/...)

Media Contact
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Angel De Fazio, BSAT, President


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