20 March 2019

Electrosensitivity: Its Disabling Level of Severity Could Be Prevented

Jacques Lintermans Ph.D.

If it is no longer doubtful that physiological alterations can be provoked by electromagnetic fields (EMF), these are generally not taken into consideration before having reached a disabling level of severity. One then speaks about “electrohypersensitivity” (1)

Little attention is paid to symptoms which could be possible signals of a beginning of sensitivity in a subject exposed to waves of various frequencies.

Temporary episodes of headaches , loss of short term memory, tingling, should however, be alarm signals to be taken seriously as reflecting premises of a problem, the development of which can lead to irreversible state.

Being careful to not neglect these signals, a patient and his or her doctor could prevent a serious handicap.

The dramatic consequences of exposure to EMF require questioning the first causes of the problem.

On the one hand, damaging effects for health of non-ionizing radiations have been confirmed by eminent members of the scientific and medical world, who strongly recommend limiting their emission (2)

On the other hand, referring to professional conditions, who has never been exposed to WiFi, Bluetooth and computers radiations at their working place?

Is that an irreversible trend? Is there any way to reduce these potentially harmful conditions?

It must be recognized that the results of the so far made attempts in this domain were insufficient.

For this reason, when causes cannot be sufficiently kept under control, all means must be used, in parallel, to minimize their effects.

In this particular case, one should call on the pharmacological arsenal in order to protect health threatened by the waves.

Of course, the EHS diagnosed patients are treated by drugs, vitamins or antioxidants but this is a symptoms-based therapy relating to effects when it is too late to heal the pathological Imbalance which has provoked them.

For instance, instead of treating patients with an antihistamine, it would have been preferable to give them a product protecting his immune system when disorders of electrosensitive type were observed at an early stage (3).

Also, working at the cellular level, instead of using antioxidant substances to combat the damages provoked by the production of free-radicals, it would have been more appropriate to prevent the early formation of these with substances protecting the cell integrity, particularly its membrane (4).

Based on the action mechanisms of the waves, which depend on their frequencies, concepts of cellular pharmacology have been stated and use of natural antagonists of EMF has been suggested (4).

In summary, when a physical or pharmacological protection is established at an early stage of EHS threat, an aggravating evolution could be slowed down and hypersensitivity be avoided.

References :

(1) Belpomme D et al., Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrosensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two ethiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder, Rev Environ Health 2015; 30(4): 251-271

(2) Belpomme D, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Burgio E, Carpenter DO, International Perspective on Health Effects of Low Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation , Environ Pollut. 2018 Nov; 242 (Pt A): 643-658

(3) Johansson O, Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields – A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment PATHOPHYSIOLOGY August 2009, Volume 16, issues 2-3, pages 157-177

(4) Lintermans J, Effets cellulaires: Les champs électromagnétiques et leurs antagonistes, NEURONE, Vol 22, N°4,2017 :12-13

(5) Id., LinkedIn, June 11, 2018

Jacques Lintermans
Pharmaceutical Consultant
7 articles

English translation of article in French on Linkedin:

Text in French also on "Mieux Prévenir": 

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