11 May 2019

Hippocrates Electrosmog Appeal Belgium

Hippocrates Electrosmog Appeal Belgium (auto-translation)

Faced with the massive and reckless deployment of wireless technologies, we health professionals are asking the government to apply the precautionary principle in order to protect the population and more particularly the most vulnerable groups, including pregnant women. and the children.

"Hippocrates Electrosmog Appeal Belgium"

On the eve of the deployment of 5G, Belgian health professionals sound the alarm

Smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, connected objects of all kinds, WiFi at home, at workplaces, nurseries, schools, transport and public places, ... The exposure of the population to electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation / microwave (RF / MO) keeps increasing. We are now talking about the arrival of 5G and its myriad of connected objects.

However, the safety of this ubiquitous and prolonged exposure has never been demonstrated . On the contrary, evidence of its harmfulness accumulates. Since 2011, electromagnetic RF / MO radiation from wireless technologies is considered by the WHO as possibly carcinogenic.

The Precautionary Principle was by no means respected during the massive deployment of these wireless technologies. The standards intended to protect the population from exposure to electromagnetic RF / MO radiation only take into account the heating of the tissues (thermal effect) during an exposure of limited duration (30 minutes). These standards do not take into account repeated and / or prolonged exposures or any other non-thermal biological effects that occur at values ​​well below currently permitted values. They have not been designed to protect fetuses, children, adolescents, the elderly ...

The widespread deployment of wireless technologies has had known health risks for several decades. Thousands of studies (studies on cells, animals, epidemiological studies) confirm the existence of non-thermal biological effects induced by exposure to electromagnetic RF / MO radiation emitted by wireless technologies. For children, the risks may be increased due to the cumulative effects of prolonged exposure. Their developing and immature brains, organs and tissues may be more sensitive to exposure.

As healthcare professionals, we deplore more and more pathologies that may be related to environmental components such as the increasing exposure of the population to electromagnetic radiation from wireless.

We are also meeting more and more people with physical disorders potentially related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. They describe headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia, skin rashes, muscle and / or joint pain, severe cognitive impairment (attention and concentration deficit, loss of immediate memory), heart problems (arrhythmia, tachycardia), .... These symptoms disappear when the person moves away from the source of exposure. These people suffer from the so-called electro-hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) syndrome recognized in Sweden as a functional disability. They are often unable to work and experience some form of social exclusion.

With reference to Resolution 1815 of May 2011 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and in line with dozens of calls from doctors and scientists around the world, we ask that federal, regional and local public take their responsibilities and the necessary measures to obtain:

* the application of the precautionary principle to protect the population, especially the youngest,
* the ban on WiFi in kindergartens, nursery schools and places with young children,
* stopping the deployment of WiFi and connected objects in schools and the return to unconnected or wired alternatives,
* health impact studies before deploying new wireless telecommunications technologies, including 5G,
* a moratorium on the deployment, distribution and sale of connected objects such as phones, tablets, games, watches, baby-phones and other RF / MO transmitters for children,
* raising the awareness of citizens, in particular parents, teenagers and pregnant women, to a reasoned and responsible use of wireless connected objects,
* educating health professionals about the biological and health risks of exposure to electromagnetic radiation,
* means to invest in research on the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of electro-hyper-sensitivity (EHS),
* recognition of the existence and extent of EHS as a syndrome that affects more and more adults and children,
* the creation of a "vigilance center" to monitor the evolution of emerging EHS cases,
* the establishment of truly protective exposure standards based on the biological and non-thermal effects of EMFs...

Original text in French:

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