30 January 2020

Summary of the Judgment of the Turin Court of Appeal, 904/2019 of 3 December 2019, published on 13 January 2020 (Romeo c. INAIL)

Following is a link to a summary in English of the judgment of the Turin Court of Appeal, 904/2019 of 3 December 2019, published on 13 January 2020 (Romeo c. INAIL).  This summary has been translated by an official translator of canton Geneva, Switzerland. (Posted on the site of Radiation Research Trust).

Turin Court of Appeal confirms: head tumor caused by mobile phone exposure:

Extract: (p.5)

Avv. Stefano Bertone; "From a legal point of view, we are mostly interested in the confirmation that industry-funded 'denier' studies could not be the basis of, affecting it, the reasoning of court-appointed consultants in cases involving mobile telephony. The Court of Appeal agrees with us with a concept as simple as it is decisive: since the industry has an interest in the outcome of the studies, those who work for it, or do so using their money, end up expressing less reliable opinions compared to those who do research without profit."

Avv. Stefano Bertone continues: "I hope that the news of this decision, in the absence of information from the public sector, will encourage parents to carefully reconsider their children's relationship and closeness with their mobile devices."


Full text of judgment:


29 January 2020

Suppression of Science of Wireless Technology and Risk to Public Health: U.S. Federal Communications Commission Sued

Corporations push dangerous 5G, US gets sued (28 January 2020, 8 mn.)

Critics allege that corporate power and control over the institutions like the FCC have led to the suppression of the science of wireless technology and the risk it poses to public health. Dafna Tachover, senior attorney and director of the 5G program at Children’s Health Defense joins RT America’s Michele Greenstein (in for Rick Sanchez) to share her expertise.

28 January 2020

Group Calls on Citizens to Blow the Whistle on Motorola Cell Phone Safety Studies

Group Calls on Citizens to Blow the Whistle on Motorola Cell Phone Safety Studies
By Editorcorporatecrimereporter.com, 27 January 2020

Mark Worth, 
Berlin, German
A new organization was launched last week to expose concealed information about the health and safety risks of mobile phones.

The Mobile Phone Whistleblower Project – an initiative of Whistleblowing International – is calling on citizens – especially current and former employees of Motorola and other mobile phone and communications companies – to report information about fraud, deception, corruption or other misconduct within the industry.

The group said that Motorola operated a radio frequency research laboratory at its Plantation, Florida headquarters from 1993 to 2009.

“It opened the facility shortly after the wife of Madeira Beach resident David Reynard sued two mobile phone companies following the death of her husband from a brain tumor,” the group said in a press release. “A federal court in Tampa dismissed the case in 1995, but the lawsuit received significant national media attention and spawned a still-ongoing debate over whether mobile phones can cause cancer and other health problems. Many published, peer-reviewed studies conducted since the 1960s have linked mobile phone radiation to a myriad of health effects.”

26 January 2020

"5G was not designed to reduce CO2 emissions"

"5G was not designed to reduce CO2 emissions."
Françoise Berthoud, Engineer at the CNRS in Grenoble and founder of EcoInfo, a group that defends digital sobriety, 24heures.ch, 25 January 2020

Can 5G reduce CO2 emissions in the long term?

The use of 5G is likely to lead to an increase in energy
Image: Cavan Images
The answer is probably no, although the future can never be predicted. 5G technology itself was not designed to do this, but to increase the amount of data transmitted and to enable a whole host of applications such as autonomous vehicles or even tactile internet.

It is precisely because it will support teleworking, e-banking, or connected agriculture that some telephone operators claim that 5G is good for the environment. Is that a preconception?

Yes. In reality, we don't know. But we do know, however, that so far there has been no reduction in greenhouse gas emissions linked to the use of digital technology. However, 4G already makes it possible to do teleworking and many other things compared to 3G. But it has not substantially reduced pollution from other sectors, although there has been a lot of belief in it. This can be explained by a number of phenomena such as indirect effects and rebound effects, and above all by the fact that our economic model has remained unchanged. Reasonably, it is not conceivable that 5G by itself would lead to a large reduction in greenhouse gas emissions without further action.

20 January 2020

NTP Scientists Endorse Precaution - First Federal Officials To Take a Stand on Cell Phone Safety

NTP Scientists Endorse Precaution -
First Federal Officials To Take a Stand on Cell Phone Safety

microwavenews.com, January 17, 2020

NTP scientists have decided to follow the science.

In a recent revision to the information it offers the public on cell phone radiation, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) revealed that its scientists are now taking precautions by spending less time on cell phones and, when on a call, increasing the distance between their heads and the phones.

The NTP released the final report on its $30 million animal study that showed “clear evidence” of a link between cell phone radiation and cancer in late 2018. But until now NTP scientists have downplayed the implications of their findings in public statements.

19 January 2020

Cell Phone and Tumors, the Judgment of Turin is a Milestone

Cell phone and tumors, the judgment of Turin is a milestone. For me a breath of air
by Dr. Patrizia Gentilini, oncologist and hematologist, member of ISDE, ilfattoquotidiano.it,
18 January 2020 - auto-translation

The recent ruling of the Court of Appeal of Turin - which recognized the causal link between the onset of a rare acoustic nerve tumor (neuroma) in a worker exposed to a mobile phone and its use for an estimated time of 12,600 hours over 15 years - represents a milestone in the heated issue of the risks of mobile phones.

The first instance ruling had already recognized the pathology in question as an occupational disease and this further ruling, which confirms the first instance ruling and rejects the appeal made by INAIL, undoubtedly does justice to many repeated negationist positions on the subject.

17 January 2020

Electrosensitivity - an Environmental Illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder - by Dr. Andrew Tresidder

Physicians could learn from the example of British general practitioner Dr. Andrew Tresidder, who wrote an article with the purpose of educating public health professionals in his country about electrosmog. 

The article has been translated into French and is posted on the Swiss association site of ARRA .   Link to pdf in English and  Link to pdf in French

To my Medical Colleagues, GPs, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and others:

Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder
November 2018

How much is a life worth?
Summary: Electrosensitivity is the symptomatic sensitivity to Electric or Magnetic Fields of any frequency, including RadioFrequency (RF or Microwave) transmissions. As a symptomatic condition, it is becoming common due to the increasing environmental pressure on human biology. The source is pollution from wireless and other EM fields. Doctors as yet rarely recognize it due to educational issues. Safety always lags technological advance. There are barriers to recognition of harms. Current UK Advisory Safety Limits are based upon the outdated and disproven myth that Non-Thermal means Non-Harmful. Society and organizations have yet to fully travel the road from ‘there isn’t a problem’, ‘there might be a problem but it’s very small’ to ‘there is a problem’. Society does not recognize humans as electromagnetic beings, as well as physical bodies needing careful nutrition to maintain health. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of people suffer, often ignored or dismissed because society doesn’t yet appreciate the issue, and doctors have no answers. Electrosensitivity is soundly supported by both biology and physics.

Continue reading:

16 January 2020

Italy: Cell phone and tumors, Turin Court of Appeal confirms: “Link between use and ear cancer. Often scholars are in conflict of interest "

We thank Dr. Joel Moscowitz, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, for this translation of the excellent article on the recent legal decision by the Turin Court of Appeal. He draws our attention to two other versions of the same news story published by The Guardian and Newsweek which demonstrate the pro-industry bias of the mainstream media in the U.S. and U.K. when reporting about cell phone radiation health risks.

The tumor involved in this legal case was a very rare tumor called an acoustic neuroma, also known as vestibular schwannoma. For information about the science see Dr. Moscowitz's post: Acoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use.

Cell phone and tumors, Turin Court of Appeal confirms: “Link between use and ear cancer. Often scholars are in conflict of interest "
by Andrea Tundo, il Fatto Quotidiano, Jan 14, 2020 (Google translation from Italian)

The 36 pages represent a historical verdict, because for the first time a worker has obtained two favorable judgments of merit in similar cases: Roberto Romeo, a former Telecom employee, spent at least 4 hours a day on his cell phone.

15 January 2020

The Court of Appeal of Turin Confirms the Link Between a Head Tumour and Mobile Phone Use

The Court of Appeal of Turin confirms the link between a head tumour and mobile phone use
Equipe Phonegate 15 Jan 2020

The Court of Appeal of Turin confirms in a full judgment published on 13 January 2020 (904/2019 of 3.12.2019 , Romeo v. INAIL) the decision of the Tribunal of Ivrea of 2017. Judge Fadda considers that the worker’s acoustic neuroma (benign tumour of the head) was indeed caused by the use of the mobile phone.

Direct link to judgment.

According to the Court:

“there is protective scientific jurisprudence that supports the assertion of causation based on criteria of “more likely than not”. P.33.”

And to add:

“Epidemiological data, the results of experiments on animals (not contradicted, at present, by other experiments of the same type), the duration and intensity of exposure … which are particularly important in view of the dose-response relationship established – at the scientific level – between exposure to mobile phone radiofrequencies and the risk of acoustic neuroma, as well as the absence of any other factor which could have caused the disease”.

The scientific analysis by independent experts appointed by the Court confirms the causal link

Mainz Statement, 4–6 October 2019: For Advances in Radiation Protection – For New Precautionary Policies

Mainz Statement: For Advances in Radiation Protection – For New Precautionary Policies 
International Public Symposium “Biological Effects of Wireless Technology”
Mainz, 4–6 October 2019

Summary of the document:

For advances in radiation protection – for a new precautionary policy

The most urgent key issues that need to be addressed first are listed below. According to our assessment, they form the basis for a new precautionary policy:

Stop the rollout of 5G until genuine, independent technology risk assessments provide relevant risk analyses regarding health and the environment.

Adequate risk awareness, especially in politics and industry – supporting and promoting research that is free of industry interests – raising public risk awareness without limits

Substantial review of current exposure limits to issue guidelines that replace the physics-based limits, which cannot protect living organisms, with guidelines that are based on biological and biophysical conditions of life

14 January 2020

Switzerland: The Risks of 5G are Under Debate

The risks of 5G are under debate
by Meris Michaels, Letter to the Editor, Tribune de Genève, 14 January 2020 - translation

While the number of "5G" antennas is exploding in Geneva and elsewhere in Switzerland, the authorities continue to claim that "no health effect has been consistently proven".

At the request of several Swiss citizens, on 7 January, radio frequency expert Dr. Lennart Hardell sent a letter to the President of the Confederation, co-signed by twenty-two internationally renowned experts, challenging the biased conclusions of the health risk assessment of mobile telephony in Switzerland.

These experts, without any conflict of interest, believe that the report "Mobile telephony and radiation" of the working group mandated by the Confederation contains an assessment that is "scientifically inaccurate and is in opposition to the opinion of the majority of scientists in this field".  They fear that the reports led by a certain Swiss expert may be influenced by his links with the wireless industry.

It is time for the authorities to stop hiding the risks associated with wireless technology and support the recommendations in the letter: declare a moratorium on 5G until independent research by scientists with no links to the industry confirms its safety. These experts also recommend an awareness campaign to educate the public about the health risks of exposure to radio frequency radiation and the safe use of the technology (e.g., deployment of wired Internet in schools).

Dr. Hardell's original letter in English:

German translation:

13 January 2020

[Press release] Phonegate Scandal: Environmental Health Trust and Phonegate Alert Call for Congressional Hearings on Illegal Phone Radiation

[Press release] Phonegate Scandal: Environmental Health Trust and Phonegate Alert Call for Congressional Hearings on Illegal Phone Radiation
Equipe Phonegate 12 Jan 2020

Attention! The links in the "Background" document in this press release do not work.  Click here for the corrected pdf:  

Tests reveal phone radiation levels 4-11 times over U.S. approved levels

In a joint letter dated 17 December 2019, Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Phonegate Alert (AP) called on congressional leaders to end the failure of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide appropriate ways to test cellphones and to recall the millions of devices that French government and other independent assessments find emitting excessive levels of radiation.

“The FCC is failing in its regulatory duties to protect consumers and instead is setting policy to protect the cell phone manufacturers whose phones exceed the federal safety exposure guidelines by over 500% in some cases, simply when tested as consumers are using them: directly against the body in shirt and pants pockets and tucked into waistbands and bras,” stated Devra Davis PhD, MPH, President of EHT and Dr. Marc Arazi, President of AP in their letter to Senators Roger Wicker and Lamar Alexander, and Representatives Carolyn Maloney and Frank Pallone.

10 January 2020

Peer Reviewed Science on Risk of Cancers from Cellphone Use

Peer Reviewed Science on Risk of Cancers from Cellphone Use
by Lloyd Morgan, 7 January 2020

A document written by L. Lloyd Morgan, Berkeley, CA USA
Co-Founder and Board Member, International EMF Alliance
Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Health Trust
Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States

Download the document here.

To date there are eleven individual types of cancers and/or tumors from many countries. In addition there are four studies reporting many tumors within these four studies. Three of the studies are studies of military personal (Israel, Belgium and Poland), and one is a study of California Middle School Teachers with many different types of cancer. Two large animal studies (United States, and Italy) found many of the same cancers, previously reported in epidemiological studies.

Switzerland: Mobile Telephony and Radiation: A Group of Experts without Conflict of Interest Denounces a Biased Evaluation

Mobile telephony and radiation: a group of radiation experts without conflict of interest denounces a biased evaluation
9 January 2020

Attention! The links below to the letter in English and in German work only if you are logged into Facebook.

In a letter to the President of Switzerland dated January 7, Dr. Lennart Hardell and twenty-two radiation experts with no conflict of interest, including Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Prof. Dominique Belpomme, Dr. David O. Carpenter, Dr. Paul Héroux, Dr. Henry Lai, and Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld, challenge the biased conclusions of the health risk assessment of mobile telephony in Switzerland.

The experts with no conflicts of interest dispute, for example, Martin Röösli's assertion that "no health effects have been consistently proven below the set emission limit values".

The experts without a conflict of interest believe that the report "Mobile Telephony and Radiation" published in November contains an assessment that is "scientifically inaccurate and contradicts the opinion of the majority of scientists in this field".

05 January 2020

Switzerland: Dispute Over the 5G Network: The Battle Goes to the Next Round

Dispute over the 5G network: The battle goes to the next round
by Anna Miller - CH Media, Aargauer Zeitung, 3 January 2020 - translation

People protest with posters during a demonstration
against the introduction of 5G on the Bundesplatz in
© CH Media
Although the new mobile phone network is already up and running in some places in Switzerland, it is controversial. Now the 5G opponents are rearming.

Should the federal government raise the radiation limits and thus give the new 5G technology a free rein? This question has divided the whole country for months. Some people can hardly wait to finally download entire films within a few seconds on the fastest network ever. Others are afraid of brain tumors caused by the new technology.

Initial studies confirm a change in brain waves.
The new study by the federal government, which appeared in November, also refers to possible health risks. However, this is not clear enough to show that 5G really does pose a risk to humans or the environment. It remains unclear for the time being what the long-term damage to humans will be. There is not enough time for science to draw clear conclusions. This is because technologies are changing rapidly.