13 January 2020

[Press release] Phonegate Scandal: Environmental Health Trust and Phonegate Alert Call for Congressional Hearings on Illegal Phone Radiation

[Press release] Phonegate Scandal: Environmental Health Trust and Phonegate Alert Call for Congressional Hearings on Illegal Phone Radiation
Equipe Phonegate 12 Jan 2020

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Tests reveal phone radiation levels 4-11 times over U.S. approved levels

In a joint letter dated 17 December 2019, Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Phonegate Alert (AP) called on congressional leaders to end the failure of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide appropriate ways to test cellphones and to recall the millions of devices that French government and other independent assessments find emitting excessive levels of radiation.

“The FCC is failing in its regulatory duties to protect consumers and instead is setting policy to protect the cell phone manufacturers whose phones exceed the federal safety exposure guidelines by over 500% in some cases, simply when tested as consumers are using them: directly against the body in shirt and pants pockets and tucked into waistbands and bras,” stated Devra Davis PhD, MPH, President of EHT and Dr. Marc Arazi, President of AP in their letter to Senators Roger Wicker and Lamar Alexander, and Representatives Carolyn Maloney and Frank Pallone.

The letter included a report, “Background and facts documenting Phonegate,” detailing numerous serious shortcomings of the FCC.

“The FCC has knowingly relied on unrealistic test methods for years fully aware that radiation levels would violate FCC limits if phones were tested in body contact positions. The parallel assessments from the Chicago Tribune, the law firm of Fegan Scott, CBC Broadcasting, and the government of France leave no doubt phones would be illegal if they were tested the way we use them,” stated Davis, noting that several expert American scientists and doctors have called for Congressional hearings regarding the compelling results obtained through Phonegate Alert.

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