20 May 2020

Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Viral Infections

Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Viral Infections
by Jacques Lintermans, Doctor of Science and André Vander Vorst, Professor Emeritus UCL -

I. Introduction

Among the elements that fuel the controversy about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the human body, the possible action of these fields on the immune system has not received much attention until now.

Currently, this issue is of great concern since the emergence of a viral epidemic that some suspect has been promoted by massive exposure of the population to high power mobile phone antennas. (1,2,3)

It seems reasonable to admit that the steps that can lead to a pathological state after massive exposure to EMFs consist of immuno-suppression in exposed subjects, causing a weakening of their immune system and favoring infections on contact with pathogens, in particular viruses.

Each of these stages can be analyzed in detail.

II. Exposure to EMFs

Modern man is permanently exposed to numerous EMF emitting sources, the most widespread of which are those of mobile telephony and its applications. In the following considerations, reference will therefore preferably be made to EMFs in a particular frequency band known as microwaves because they are the main component of the electrosmog created by the communications technology. Microwaves - or hyperfrequencies - are the frequency band in which the geometrical dimensions of the objects used are of the order of magnitude of the electromagnetic wavelength. These are wavelengths ranging from about 1 metre to 1 millimetre, corresponding to frequencies ranging from about 300 MHz to 300 GHz. This similarity between dimensions and wavelengths leads to the development of special methods for both device design and measurement. 5G will be able to include frequencies of the order of 30 GHz, 30 times higher than the first frequency used for GSM, which was just under 1 GHz (4). Mobile telephony relay antennas play a predominant role in the exposure of the population to microwaves, while their installation is expanding exponentially worldwide.

III. Animal experiments

The effects of EMFs on the immune system have been studied in animal experiments in many laboratories with conflicting results. Some work exists which indicates that, in general, short-term exposure to microwave radiation can temporarily stimulate certain immune functions, while prolonged microwave radiation exposure inhibits the same functions. Some publications report changes in the activity of NK (Natural Killer) cells (5).

A review of animal experiments with EMFs on the immune system concluded that a long-term immuno-suppressive effect exists but is weak and inconsistent (6).

The application of this conclusion to humans, however, calls for caution because of the differences between the immune systems of different species (7, 8).

IV. Human observations

What can be said about the effects of the radiation on the general population?

Chosen for the precision of its protocol and the rigor of its execution, reference will first be made to a German study involving several hundred people living near a mobile telephony antenna, in whom a number of health disorders were observed and a dose-effect relationship measured in comparison with people living at greater distances from this source of radiation.

It is important to note that a significant increase in infections was among the majority of symptoms reported in this study, which argues in favor of an altered immune system(9).

Secondly, a weakening of the immune system was demonstrated by measuring blood parameters in men and women under various conditions of exposure to radiation ranging from very low frequencies to microwaves. In these subjects, EMFs cause depletion of lymphocytes, particularly T8 and NK produced by the thymus and bone marrow. It has been concluded that the population, especially those living in the vicinity of radio-frequency transmitters - which is a very common situation at present - routinely presents a deficit of its immunological system and that this is objectively proven (10).

V. Viral infections

Influenza viruses have been chosen as an example of pathogens that endemically infect a large part of the world's population, in varying degrees of severity but never mild. They belong to the family Orthomyxoviridae and are commonly called Myxoviruses.

Their infectious action can be stimulated by an EMF action on the figurative elements of the blood that are part of the immune system.

On the one hand, prolonged exposure to microwaves alters the ratio between types of white blood cells (lymphocytes), known as the T-helper/T-suppressor (T4/T8) cell ratio (11). An abnormality in this ratio has been shown to result in increased susceptibility of the carrier to an infectious agent (12).

On the other hand, microwaves alter the appearance of red blood cells (erythrocytes), give them a "rolled" shape and assemble them into bundles (13). This results in a congestion of the plasma space due to the increase in the volume of the erythrocyte population with the consequence of an obstacle to the circulation of lymphocytes and therefore to their defensive function with regard to the viral particles with which contact is reduced. (14).

Viral proliferation is further promoted by a reduction in cytotoxic activity due to a decrease in the number of NK cells (see above).

VI. Clinical experimentation

It was reported that in Poland, people living or working in the direct environment of a military radar base were regularly checked for health problems and that no abnormalities had been detected in tens of thousands of tests. In order to check their resistance to infection, a flu virus was inoculated into two groups of volunteers, one from the subjects exposed to radar radiation and the other from external subjects. It was found that the effects of influenza were much more virulent in the group from people living in the radar environment. It has been inferred that a weakening of the immune system has occurred in these individuals (15).

VII. Conclusion

The data currently available show that, although the effects of electromagnetic fields on the immune system of animals are slight, the human immune system is significantly sensitive to them, which is observed in cases of viral infections that are aggravated by microwave exposure. One explanation, based on experimental exploration of the mechanisms of action, implies a disturbance of the immune system. A logical medical implication of this evidence would be to intensify the prophylactic and therapeutic use of immunostimulant products in the population.


(1) Lintermans J, Vander Vorst A. Coronavirus et 5G, y aurait-il une corrélation? LinkedIn Post, 15 mars 2020 ; Mieux Prévenir Blog, 19 mars 2020

(2) Doyon P. China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and Wuhan Coronavirus. Free Press, 05 March 2020

(3) Havas M. Corona Virus and 5G-is there a connection. Electromagnetic Field News, March 21, 2020

(4) Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D. Bases de l’ingénierie micro-onde, 1996, De Boeck, Bruxelles-Paris, 470p

(5) Moskowitz J. Research on Wireless Radiation Exposure to the Immune System, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, March 18, 2020

(6) Szmigielski S. Reaction of the immune system to low-level RF/MW exposure. Sci Total Environ 2013; 454-455:393-400

(7) Haley D. Species differences in the structure and function of the immune system. Toxicology 2003; 188(1):49-71

(8) Mestas J, Hughes C. Of Mice and not Men: Differences between Mouse and Human Immunology. J Immunol 2004; 172(5):2731-2738

(9) Eger H, Jahn M. Spezifische Symptome und Mobilfunkstrahlung in Selbitz (Bayern) – Evidenz für eine Dosiswirkungbeziehung. Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 2010; 23(2): 130-139

(10) Lintermans J. Electromagnetic Fields Effects on the Immune System of the Human Beings. LinkedIn, 02 Feb.2020; Towards Better Health, Blog, 07 February 2020

(11) Dmosch A, Moszczynski P. Levels of immunoglobulin and sub populations of T lymphocytes and NK cells in men occupationally exposed to microwaves radiation in frequencies of 6-12 GHz. Med Pr 1998; 49(1):45-9

(12) Annibale A. et al. The role of the T-helper/T-suppressor ratio in the adaptive immune response: a dynamical model Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2018; 51(50)

(13) Havas M. Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart and the autonomic nervous system. Rev Environ Health 2013; 28 (2-3): 75-81

(14) Die Wirkung elektromagnetischer Strahlung auf den menschlichen Körper: Ergebnisse weltweiter Studien. Zalivdeneg 16. Oktober 2019 (aus dem Russischen übersetz)

(15) Szmigielski S. Rapport d’observation clinique (en langue polonaise). Etude mentionnée dans Microwave News, 1987

Original text in French:

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