05 July 2020

France: The Display of the SAR Reinforced and Extended as of 1 July 2020: ANFR to Carry Out Tests "to Ensure Compliance with the New Provisions"

Thank you very much to all the associations and people, in particular Dr. Marc Arazi, President of the Phonegate Alert Association, who are working to ensure standards that better protect the health of users of mobile telephony devices.

The display of the SAR reinforced and extended in France as of 1 July 2020
by Alexander Boero, clubic.com, 3 July 2020 - translation

All radioelectric devices emitting more than 20 milliwatts must display their specific absorption rate (SAR) as of the beginning of the month, under the control of ANFR .

Until now, only smartphone manufacturers were legally required to inform consumers about the specific absorption rate of devices, better known as SAR. As of 1 July 2020, this obligation has been extended to all radioelectric devices that emit more than 20 milliwatts (mW) that can be used close to the body.

The SAR, an indicator measured by ANFR in France

First of all, let's recall what the SAR is. The specific absorption rate is an indicator that is becoming increasingly important in a society where radioelectric equipment is in abundance. In concrete terms, it allows us to measure the energy transported by the electromagnetic waves absorbed by the human body. Waves that are propagated by the devices.

In France, it is the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) that controls the SAR, not without regularly pinning mobile phone manufacturers which exceed European regulatory limits. They are 2 watts per kilo (W/Kg) for the head and trunk, and 4 W/kg for the SAR members, i.e. if your phone is in your trouser pocket or in your hand.

You will now be able to know the SAR of your computer, wireless headset or tablet ...

From now on, the mandatory display of the SAR is no longer limited to smartphones but has been extended to equipment emitting more than 20 mW, in order to be more in line with current digital usage of consumers. 

This means that tablets, certain models of connected watches, wireless headsets, laptops with 3, 4 or 5G systems are now subject to the obligation to display the SAR, which will allow consumers to make their choice according to the level, knowing that the regulatory levels remain the same: 2 W/kg max for the trunk and head, and 4 W/kg for the SAR "limbs". In the broadest sense, a large proportion of the most commonly used connected objects will therefore come under the supervision of the ANFR, which will ensure compliance with the SAR.

The agency has indicated that it will carry out tests "to ensure compliance with these new provisions" starting this July. The results of these measurements will be made public by the authority. If, at the end of the tests, ANFR finds that certain devices exceed the SAR limit, it may issue a formal notice to the manufacturer and request that the device be removed or that the emission problem be corrected.

[The results of the measurements will be available in opendata on the website www.data.anfr.fr .]

Original article in French:

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