31 May 2021

The Difficulty of Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Testimony of microwave sickness: New article by Ronald Vivar Pachas who started a LinkedIn group for scientists, academics, medical professionals, and politicians called, “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Safe Technology Advocates”.

The Difficulty of Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Connecticutreader, medium.com, 15 May 2021

I am typing this article because my girlfriend suffers from a severe case of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). It is a topic near and dear to my heart because someone I love is being harmed with malicious intent. Since she cannot be exposed to technology, electricity, or anything man-made that runs on electrical current (lights, AC, sink, toilet, car, shower, and etc), she needs someone to be there 24/7. It surprises even electricians when they research how even the sink, toilet, and shower are running on electrical current. When exposed to EMFs, her symptoms include: ringing in the ears, rashes, nerve loss and Parkinson’s-like shaking, bleeding, memory loss, migraines, fatigue, and sleep problems. Back in Michigan, the outdoors made her feel better in comparison to being indoors next to wireless technology. For this reason, she slept outside for four months until I had enough money to pick her up. Given that her neighborhood was inundated with high levels of EMF exposure she became an EMF refugee and moved to Connecticut.

The biggest challenge was bringing her across the country and ensuring she doesn’t faint (another symptom of EHS) through the duration of the trip. A larger object containing electromagnetic frequencies will worsen her symptoms. This is why we could not come by airplane. When we arrived here, she was wide-awake while I was fast asleep. Individuals with electrosensitivity have low melatonin causing them to have difficulty sleeping. For this particular ailment, being “allergic” or “sensitive” to electricity is an understatement.

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