13 July 2022

List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France

List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France
Equipe Phonegate 13 July 2022

To date, 30 different models of mobile phones with non compliant SARs have been either withdrawn from the French market or have had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus pinned for exceeding SAR

On July 11, 2022, the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) revealed in a press release that three new models from manufacturers Samsung (Galaxy Note 10 Plus), Hisense (Infinity H 30) and Gigaset (GX290) have been checked for SAR exceedances. A software update has been imposed to the manufacturers in order to bring the SAR back to the regulatory level (procedure for which Phonegate Alert is reserved).

It should be noted that the test of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus was performed at the very beginning of 2021 and that the information is given to users only 18 months later….why?

Attention danger for the RealMe 7i of Oppo

The last one dated December 20, 2021, is the RealMe 7i of the Chinese manufacturer OPPO whose SAR member after control of the National Agency of Frequencies (ANFR) exceeded the regulatory level set at 4W/kg. It was checked in the laboratory at 4.91 W/kg and the SAR trunk is also particularly limited as reaching 1.96 W/kg (maximum 2W/kg in EU). As a reminder, there is a significant margin of error of about 25%. After the update the SAR member is reduced to 2.37 W/kg and the SAR trunk to 0.948 W/kg. However, it is up to the users to update their devices.

Nokia and the French retailer Boulanger sanctioned

Among the latest tested with a SAR trunk “non-compliant” we find the smartphone Nokia 7 Plus (SAR 3.48 W/kg) and Sony XPERIA 5 (2.64 W/kg). The manufacturer HMD GLOBAL OY (Nokia) received a financial penalty of 7 500 euros. And very recently in March and April 2021 two smartphones sold by the distributor Boulanger (EssentielB HeYou 60 and 40) with a SAR trunk and limbs “at risk” respectively of 2.86 W/kg and 5.26 W/kg for the HeYou 60 was sanctioned for exceeding regulatory thresholds.

Updated list of cell phones dangerous to health

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