10 March 2023

Nordic Appeal: More Stringent Regulatory Framework on Microwave Radiation from Wireless Technologies is Needed - Stop Further Rollout of 5G

Nordic Appeal: More Stringent Regulatory Framework on Microwave Radiation from Wireless Technologies is Needed - Stop Further Rollout of 5G

Nilsson M - Radiation Protection Foundation, Sweden
Hardell L - Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Sweden
Ketti M - The Swedish Association for the ElectroHyperSensitive
Wells N - Environmental Association The Wave Breaker, Sweden
Nyberg R - Finland Radiation Protection Association, Finland
Halmøy S - Folkets Strålevern, Norway
Middelthon TJ - Folkets Strålevern, Norway
Glomsrød S - FELO, Norway
Schriver P - Council for Safe Telecommunications, Denmark 

Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, published 2 March 2023, ISSN 2639-8109 Volume 10

Full text in pdf: https://acmcasereport.com/pdf/ACMCR-v10-1909.pdf


In recent years, people’s exposure to pulsed radiofrequency (RF) or microwave radiation from wireless technologies has exploded, mainly due to the roll-out of 5G. In addition to more base stations, millions of so-called smart water and electricity meters are being installed. This technology is forced upon people near or in their own homes, despite a complete lack of research showing that 5G and wireless water and electricity meters are not harmful to human health. At the same time, the first two studies to date on the effects of 5G have shown that 5G base stations cause adverse health effects in humans and that radiation similar to 5G damages neurons in the brain in animal experiments. The brain damage observed could eventually lead to Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. In parallel with this explosion in radiation exposure, guidelines for permissible radiation are still being applied based on a seriously outdated approach. These guidelines only protect humans from harmful effects resulting from extreme intensive exposure that causes acute warming of the body. This means that people are completely unprotected from a range of harmful effects, such as cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress and neurological effects that the science has repeatedly shown occur at levels well below these guidelines. They offer no protection whatsoever against harmful effects on biodiversity. Given what is known today about the risks of this technology, it must be considered a violation of human rights to impose this harmful radiation on people in their own homes without their informed consent. More stringent regulatory framework on microwave radiation from wireless technologies is urgently needed. In the meantime, further rollout of 5G must be stopped.

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