20 August 2023

Wi-Fi and Other EMFs May Be Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage: Scientists

Wi-Fi and Other EMFs May Be Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage: Scientists
by Marina Zhang, theepochtimes.com, 16 August 2023

Follow the series “EMF: The Invisible Hazard” here.

In this series, we will explore the invisible yet omnipresent electromagnetic fields from common home electronics to 5G and their potential impact on health.

As exposures to wireless and electronic devices and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) increase, so does the worry about rising infertility and miscarriage rates, leading to questions about a possible connection.

Infertility is increasingly affecting younger people of reproductive age; around 1 in 5 couples struggle with infertility, and miscarriage rates have been increasing by 1 percent every year.

EMFs and Reproductive Organ Damage

EMFs from wireless and electronic devices can induce oxidative stress within cells sensitive to these environmental signals.

Organs involved in reproduction are vulnerable to damage from EMFs, and animal studies have established a connection.

16 August 2023

Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research

Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 15 August 2023

The preponderance of research published from 1990 through July 2023 has found significant effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation as well as to extremely low frequency and static electromagnetic fields.
Dr. Henry Lai, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, Editor Emeritus of the journal, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, and an emeritus member of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of EMF, has compiled summaries of the research on the biological effects of exposure to radio frequency (RFR) and extremely low frequency (ELF) and static electromagnetic fields (EMF). His set of abstracts which cover the period from 1990 to July 2023 constitute a comprehensive collection of the research.

Dr. Lai reports that the preponderance of the research has found that exposure to RFR or ELF EMF produces oxidative effects or free radicals, and damages DNA. Moreover the preponderance of RFR studies that examined genetic, neurological and reproductive effects has found significant effects. Among hundreds of studies of RFR, 70% to 89% reported significant effects. Among hundreds of studies of ELF and static fields, 74% to 91% reported significant effects.

05 August 2023

EMF/RF/5G: Get Off the Gigantic/Titanic Wireless Party Boat

The FDA and the FCC and political partners from both parties, along with the military, have been having quite a party while counting their riches and thinking of ways not to recognize the harm that new technologies are causing. (Article begins with Big Tobacco and continues with Wireless.)

EMF/RF/5G:  Get Off the Gigantic/Titanic Wireless Party Boat
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image courtesy Floris Freshman, 24 July 2023

The FDA and the FCC and political partners from both parties, along with the military, have been having quite a party while counting their riches and thinking of ways not to recognize the harm that new technologies are causing.

Many wireless consumers are too young to remember scientists and industry executives working for the tobacco companies, lying to congress.

In this example, companies were denying, under oath, that cigarettes are addictive,
Searcy Law Video

Regarding health, B and W whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand asked, “Have you done any biological studies?” “pharmacology?” “effects on central nervous system?”

The companies had studies indicating harm, but they suppressed the findings.
60 Minutes

United States: FCC Defies Court Mandate, Delays Review of Cellphone Radiation Guidelines

FCC Defies Court Mandate, Delays Review of Cellphone Radiation Guidelines

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continues to defy a court order to reexamine its electromagnetic radiation exposure limits set in 1996. Children's Health Defense sued the agency in 2019, and won a 2021 ruling requiring the FCC to explain how its guidelines protect human health — but two years later, the agency shows no signs of complying.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, 2 August 2023

Despite the Children Health Defense’s (CHD) “historic win” against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) nearly two years ago, the FCC has yet to comply with the court mandate to explain how its radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure guidelines adequately protect humans from harm.

The agency last week published its regulatory agenda for the next six months. The agenda made no mention of the Aug. 13, 2021, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit court decision.

02 August 2023

Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout

Excellent article with input from Thea Scarato, Dr. David Carpenter, Mona Nilsson and many others: 

Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout.

Proponents of 5G say the technology will address the “digital divide” by increasing online services to the underserved — but critics say 5G is a marketing move the telecommunications industry is using to put their equipment up everywhere and strip away regulatory oversight.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, 1st August 2023

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series examining key questions in the public debate on the safety of wireless radiation. Part I addressed the question, How did the FDA arrive at its position on cellphones and cancer? Part 2 asks, What’s behind the rollout of 5G?

Telecom companies promote 5G, the “next generation wireless network technology,” as being faster and able to handle more connected devices than the 4G LTE network. And they assure consumers the result will be increased access for underserved communities that lack reliable internet connectivity.

But critics — including Theodora Scarato, executive director of the nonprofit research and education group Environmental Health Trust — said the 5G rollout is more about corporate greed than it is about helping people access fast and reliable internet.