05 August 2023

EMF/RF/5G: Get Off the Gigantic/Titanic Wireless Party Boat

The FDA and the FCC and political partners from both parties, along with the military, have been having quite a party while counting their riches and thinking of ways not to recognize the harm that new technologies are causing. (Article begins with Big Tobacco and continues with Wireless.)

EMF/RF/5G:  Get Off the Gigantic/Titanic Wireless Party Boat
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image courtesy Floris Freshman, 24 July 2023

The FDA and the FCC and political partners from both parties, along with the military, have been having quite a party while counting their riches and thinking of ways not to recognize the harm that new technologies are causing.

Many wireless consumers are too young to remember scientists and industry executives working for the tobacco companies, lying to congress.

In this example, companies were denying, under oath, that cigarettes are addictive,
Searcy Law Video

Regarding health, B and W whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand asked, “Have you done any biological studies?” “pharmacology?” “effects on central nervous system?”

The companies had studies indicating harm, but they suppressed the findings.
60 Minutes

Even as the public began to learn about the risks associated with cigarettes, including cancer, many smokers were unable to pivot because they were addicted.

The industry threw everything they had at consumers to foster a presumption of safety, including claiming that women preferred small birth weight babies, and creating a “tobaccommeter” to measure tar and nicotine while ignoring evidence that cigarettes (not tobacco itself) caused harm to many systems throughout the body.

The public was brain-washed to focus only on lung cancer in smokers, with a long gestation period and a smokescreen that could implicate other factors.

Why does this sound so familiar?

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