03 March 2023

France: List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users (3 March 2023)

List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users
By : Phonegate Team • 2 March 2023

You can download the list here.

The symbolic number of 40 has been reached! There are now 40 models of cell phones, identified as dangerous for the health of users, which have been either withdrawn from the French market or have seen their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) being updated by software. The latests: the Xiaomi Poco X3 and the Logicom Le Swipe

The Xiaomi company pinned for exceeding SAR and sentenced to an administrative fine of 7,500€

In a press release published on March 1, 2023, the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) indicates that, during an inspection, trunk SAR measurements were found to be too high on the Xiaomi Poco X3 smartphone. Its trunk SAR has been measured at 2.33 W/kg, the limit value being set at 2 W/kg. A first software update, performed by the manufacturer, did not bring it into compliance: the trunk SAR amounted to 2.67 W/kg, while the limb SAR was measured at 5.49 W/kg , for a regulatory threshold set at 4 W/kg.

A second update has therefore been necessary for the measurements to finally comply with the legislation, with a trunk SAR at 1.3 W/kg and a limb SAR at 2.78 W/kg. Due to the persistence of non-compliance following the first update, Xiaomi was ordered by the ANFR to pay an administrative fine of €7,500.

Logicom also sentenced to a fine of €7,500

In the same press release, the ANFR indicates that it has carried out similar tests on the Le Swipe smartphone from the Logicom brand. Here again, too high SAR values were observed: 2.07 W/kg for the trunk SAR, the legal limit being set at 2 W/kg. Despite a software update carried out by Logicom, the non-compliance of the phone was still observed, the trunk SAR being reduced to 2.04 W/kg, but still above the regulatory threshold.

It is only after a second update that the trunk SAR has finally been measured in compliance, at 0.757 W/kg. Logicom has also been sanctioned by the ANFR with an administrative fine of €7,500.

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