03 March 2023

Testimony: "Electromagnetic Waves Ruin My Life"

Testimony: "Electromagnetic waves ruin my life"
lady-first.me, 3 March 2023

Wifi, relay antennas, smartphones ... Marie no longer supports the waves, which make her physically sick. But how to live in a daily life that is bathed in it? She testifies to her electrosensitivity.

It is an understatement to say that for eleven years, electromagnetic waves have rotted my life. They constitute a genuine poisoning of my health slowly. And the poison comes from everywhere: relay antennas, mobile phones, wifi, cordless telephones, microwave ovens and electricity. A pure nightmare!

Also, to save my skin, I tinker ersatz solutions.

I am not an enlightened but a victim of a real illness

When the pressure of the waves in my head becomes too painful, I bundle my skull with aluminum foil, eyebrows at the nape of my neck. This shields the bouncing waves and, in ten minutes, the pain subsides. I do the same in the subway, that I take almost no more.

I have the sensation of having the skull compressed while a drill punctures it in a constant back and forth behind each ear.

The effect is similar with cinemas' anti-moving jammers: a pain in banging one's head against the walls. I still have an aluminum roll in my bag, but people's eyes are hard to bear, I'm very uncomfortable.

I am not an illuminated but victim of a real disease, recognized in Sweden, Germany, Austria and California: electrohypersensitivity, characterized by vertigo, burning, loss of concentration and memory.

To continue teaching, I made a helmet covered with aluminum. I wear sunglasses to do the class, and also at home, even in winter because, the disease progressing, I became intolerant to light.

To get to sleep, I set up a tent above me

I can not even sleep with my husband in our room. Otherwise, every night, as it has been since 2003, I wake up at 3 am, unable to go back to sleep. Impossible to get up so far, I am paralyzed tired in the bottom of my bed, emptied of all strength, can not even go to the toilet.

I know today that at 3 o'clock the telephone operators "reboot" the relay antennas. In fact, they spit a maximum of waves.

After testing every corner of the house, I discovered that the least polluted space is the bathroom, between the bath and the closet. This is where I spend my nights.

To get to sleep, I set up a tent above me. It is specifically made of a fabric that blocks the few waves that still roam here. In physics, this is called the Faraday cage principle. The cotton of the fabric contains a very fine mesh of metal, composed of silver and copper in a polyurethane sheath: this is what prevents the waves from passing.

It makes people laugh: "Ah, ah, she's having a couple problem, she's going to sleep in the bathtub." Absolutely not ! We are very much in love. Besides, I was so sad that we were sleeping apart for a while, my husband came to sleep with me in the tent, in the bathroom.

The problem? While it protects me from the waves, but there is relatively little air below, we breathe our CO2. Also, by dint of waking up exhausted, lack of sufficient oxygenation during the night, he reinvested the room. Alone.

I bathe day and night in the toxic waves

The year 2003 coincides, moreover, with my arrival in the kindergarten where I teach. Bad luck, my class is surrounded by a field of antennas relay, all within 50 m.

And its ceiling is nothing less than fifteen neons that pour their wave of waves on me. Between my class, the street and our house, I bathe day and night in the toxic waves.

Result, little by little, I over-poison myself and I develop many symptoms: unsustainable headaches and belly, loss of memory, disorders of concentration, cognitive confusion, tinnitus, tendinitis everywhere, pains inside the bone, dizziness, breathing difficulties, irritability irrepressible ... And a mix between liver crisis and gastro, an impact of wifi.

The problem with the waves is that we over-contaminate non-stop

I now know that there are anti-wave t-shirts - at exorbitant prices - and long underpants made from the same fabric as the tent.

If I had discovered it earlier, I would have dressed in school, because the more the surface of the body is protected, the less the waves penetrate, and since we are bombarded, they insinuate themselves everywhere. I would have, of course, stayed longer in my class and, electrosensitive, I would not have become electro-hypersensitive.

The problem with the waves is that we over-contaminate nonstop and that the disease worsens. So, recently, for phoning for two minutes with a mobile - my tolerance threshold being less than a minute - I had the sensation, for three days, of being burned in the third degree, from the top of the skull to the shoulders. And, from now on, I am also allergic to electric waves.

Not long ago, I suddenly felt an unbearable pain in my stomach, worthy of the contractions of childbirth.

I had to turn off the electricity meter to stop it. Since then, I've been fleeing from home when a device that "pulls" a lot on electricity, like the washing machine or the oven, works because it makes the electric field ten times bigger.

I try to discharge myself as much as possible by taking 3 or 4 showers a day

The power is cut during the day, fridge, freezer and boiler excepted. It is put back in the evening, because the children are tired of having dinner with candles ... But to read, I always enlighten myself as well. Even if we have changed low consumption bulbs, which create me headaches, to return to old, incandescent, I am poisoned for too long for the benefit is obvious.

So I continue to tinker and I try to discharge myself to the maximum of the waves by taking three or four showers a day, but it is only a palliative and, finally, I have severe sequelae, particularly cognitively.

My orientation and memory problems have worsened, sometimes to the point of mental confusion, since the arrival of 4G.

Several times, I lost myself between my home and the bakery, located 200 m, knowing that I have lived in this area for years.

At school, while a blonde of 3 years was injured, I do not realize that I care and cajole, in its place, a big guy 4 years. It is hearing this little girl continue to cry that I finally hit that I do not care for the good child. I had to stop teaching last September. A drama because I love my job. But I had arrived at the end of the possible.

From time to time, I have to go back ten times to read a magazine article. I do not recognize myself. However, I activate myself to understand what is happening to me.

Ten years of medical wandering to suffer without knowing what, or why. Doctors immediately associate insomnia and memory loss with depression. So, even though I do not feel depressed, I followed two three-year psychotherapies. And I tried everything: light therapy, sophrology, kinesiology, EMDR, osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy. No result.

If you continue to live in the middle of the airwaves, in five years you are Alzheimer

The end of the tunnel arrived in April 2013, when I was finally diagnosed electrohypersensitive by a professor, oncologist, specialist in environmental medicine, who created a specific consultation in Paris in 2012.

It is an immense relief, to finally put a name on what I undergo. But bad news awaits me: "You are in a pre-Alzheimer state at times," he warns me.

If you continue to live in the middle of the waves, in five years you are Alzheimer!

A shock all the more violent that my mother is affected.

The good thing is that I discover that I'm not alone, and it's an incredible greeting for me to talk to others via the electrohypersensitive collective ( www.electrosensible.org ) and to listen to me, understood, not denied in the disease.

My family is trying not to judge me, even if she does not understand, but I spend my time convincing some relatives that I'm not crazy.

Fortunately, my husband and my children are supportive. We also leave the Ile-de-France to live in the woods, in Burgundy, in a "white zone", where the first antenna relay and the first neighbor with its wifi are 3 km.

Indeed, it is sufficient that I move away from the waves for at least twenty days for my body to be unloaded and that my cognitive abilities and my sleep are normal again.

Full of hope, I change my life, to become what I was before being polluted by the waves. I hope to find a simply normal life.


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