09 March 2023

France: Six associations suspend their participation in the Radiofrequency and Health Dialogue Committee of ANSES

Six associations suspend their participation in the Radiofrequency and Health Dialogue Committee of ANSES
By : Phonegate Team • 8 March 2023

The significant and multiple current deviations of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) on the public issue of waves do not allow our associations* to continue a constructive dialogue in confidence.

ANSES, speaking about the radiofrequency dialogue committee, wrote that its :

“ambition is to be a place of exchange, reflection and information on the scientific questions relating to the potential effects on health of radiofrequencies and their evaluation”.

The signatory associations believe that, contrary to the aforementioned ANSES petition of principle, this committee no longer presents the conditions for a true dialogue and no longer guarantees the scientific rigor that should prevail in risk assessment concerning public health issues related to electromagnetic fields.

In this respect, the conference organized by ANSES and WHO in Paris last November on the links between cancers and exposure to radio frequencies appeared to us to be scientifically biased. Instead of an objective assessment of the state of knowledge, we attended a biased conference. Indeed, the choice of studies presented, as well as the invited experts, whose links of interest with the cell phone industry are known, were an unequivocal reflection of this.

In order to place ourselves in the spirit of a true dialogue, we therefore ask ANSES officials:

1. that, in accordance with the various recommendations of the ANSES ethics committee, including Opinion No. 2022-2 of the ethics and conflict of interest committee of May 2022, clarity be provided on the conflicts of interest that undermine the proposed studies – including those funded by the Agency -, that the necessary changes be implemented to put an end to them and that scientific missions can be entrusted to laboratories and experts who no longer have conflicts of interest with the cell phone industry;

2. that scientific rigor prevails, which does not seem to be the case any more on the subject of radiofrequencies, and that the inconsistencies highlighted by the associations are taken into account so that the committee is not reduced to a recording chamber or sterile debates;

3. that the consultations be in conformity with the definition of a true consultation, and not the occasion to select the opinion;

4. that the rigorous analyses and proposals of the associations be taken into account, which has not been the case either with regard to the 5G report or to the establishment of new indicators that are more likely to protect human health;

5. that the choice of associations participating or likely to participate in the committee be, in accordance with the rules of the committee, based on their expertise and purpose, without prejudice, denigration or arbitrary positions of ANSES.

The associations that signed this press release expect ANSES to respond concretely and rapidly to these requests, with the objective of restoring constructive exchanges within the committee. Otherwise, these associations will question the usefulness of their presence.

They expect the ANSES radiofrequency dialogue committee to review its functioning, to respect its commitments to truly take into account the conditions for the preservation of public health, and to stop giving priority to economic and political aspects by denying or biasing the available literature on environmental health, health risks and biological effects induced by exposure to radiofrequency radiation of artificial origin.

Press Release, March 8, 2023

* Signatory associations members of the Radiofrequency and Health Dialogue Committee:

Alerte Phonegate
: CRIIREM : Centre de Recherche et d’Information Indépendant sur les Rayonnements Électro Magnétiques non ionisants, CVF : Collectif Vigilance Franklin, Santé environnement, Robin des toits : Informer sur l’impact sanitaire, environnemental et sociétal des technologies émettrices d’ondes électromagnétiques artificielles, SERA : association Santé Environnement Rhône Alpes, AZB : association Zones Blanches


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