Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

19 January 2015

NASA Proposes Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols into Earth's Atmosphere

Examples of solar radiation management:  spraying aerosols into the
atmosphere, cloud seeding, iron fertilization of the sea, pumping liquid
CO2 into rocks and the deep sea, growing trees...
NASA Proposes Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earth’s Atmosphere
by Arjun Walia, collective-evolution.com, 18 April 2014

It’s really amazing how many people are waking up to the fact that “chemtrails” are different from “con-trails.” What was once considered a conspiracy to many is now a fact, chemicals are constantly sprayed into our atmosphere and have been for quite some time now.

Not long ago, NASA personnel gave a lecture (that was also streamed live) at their Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. It was a series of talks by scientists and engineers exploring the topic of Geoengineering and Climate Intervention. (1)

12 January 2015

Ireland: Three Teenagers Discover Irish Water Ltd. Smart Meters Affect Mobile Phones

Young Scientist: Three Teenagers discover Irish Water Ltd. Smart Meters Affect Mobile Phones
Extract of article by Evelyn Ring, Irish Examiner, 
9 January 2015

Three teenagers who are also students at Kinsale Community School found that radio frequencies from recently installed water meters affect mobile phone signals.

Claire Bernard, Alana McSweeney, and Sarah Cotter of Kinsale Community School found that water meters are having an effect on mobile phone frequency, but they haven’t told Irish Water just yet.

Second-year students, Alana McSweeney, 14, Claire Bernard, 13, and Sarah Cotter, 14, found that the signal of a mobile phone weakened if it was within 3m of a water meter.

They have not told Irish Water about their findings but are happy that they have proved their case. “We did a lot of testing,” said Sarah. “We conducted 1,413 tests in 471 houses. We analysed all the data and got a 95% confidence level.

The students want to develop their project to see if the radio frequency from water meters could be interfering with anything else.

Full article:

10 January 2015

Petition to the WHO/IARC: Move Radio Frequency Radiation from Class 2b to Class 1: Carcinogen

The attached Joint Statement will be delivered to WHO/IARC, the United Nations, & the White House preceding delivery of the class 1 petition (reference said petition here) to those same sources.  [The petition, "IARC, WHO:  Move Radio Frequency Radiation from Class 2b to Class 1 has nearly 5,000 signatures to date.  Please sign it if you have not already done so.]

We respectfully request your signature & organization's signature on a Joint Statement (notice attached) that has been endorsed by Oncologist Lennart Hardell.

Dr. Lennart Hardell highly recommends that each NGO & EMF Organization sign this Joint Statement to further the effort to get WHO/IARC to act on the scientific findings & classify RF/EMF radiation as a class 1 carcinogen.

Notice his endorsement here:

"In May 2011 IARC at WHO classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) as ‘possible human carcinogen’ Group 2B. The scientific evidence has been strengthened after that and using the so called Hill viewpoints, initially established in the 1960’s on smoking and lung cancer, RF-EMF may now be considered to cause human cancer. Thus, I endorse the initiative by many NGOs to ask IARC for re-evaluation of the cancer classification of RF-EMF. This is important not the least in view of most people exposed to RF-EMF."

Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD
Oncologist and cancer researcher
Department of Oncology, University Hospital
SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden

09 January 2015

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity - A Summary by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe

This is the basic part of the text on EHS (first 7 pages) put together by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe.  The rest of the 79 pages are references.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity- A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
December 2014 - WORKING DRAFT Version 1

For printing purposes:

The first 1-7 pages are body text, the rest are references. This document consists of 79 pages.

Author's note:

This summary is expanded section of a larger document entitled "Electromagnetic Health for Children". The full document is designed in response to requests for information detailing current health concerns of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with a focus on radiofrequency (RF) radiation. This is an expanded subsection covering EHS only.


We are currently witnessing the largest change to the Earth's electromagnetic environment that has ever taken place in human history. This change has taken place in the very short period of a handful of decades and continues to escalate at an exponential rate (Appendix 1). Given that household electricity, which was the first anthropogenic (man-made) electromagnetic field (EMF), only became prolific after the turn of the century, artificial EMF has barely seen one generation from cradle to grave. The use of higher frequency microwave devices such as mobile telephony, Wi-fi and smart meters, have suddenly become commonplace despite almost no safety testing and decades of evidence of potentially lethal effects. This has sparked a political and scientific debate that is gathering momentum on a daily basis, raising concern about the continued use of such devices. One may assume when witnessing the vast implementation of, for example Wi-fi in the home, school, workplace or public domain, that experts have provided sufficient evidence of safety to overwhelm scientific concern. This is not the case.