Safe Tech for Schools Maryland, 22 October 2015
MCPS [Montgomery County Public Schools] states that "MCPS will monitor the credible findings and recommendations of the World Health Organization and FCC." in the WUSA news piece.
We are calling for a precautionary approach just as the World Health Organization clearly communicates in their press release and just as WHO scientists state. Read it all below. Everything is hyperlinked to source documents. We sure hope MCPS Technology Staff takes the time to educate themselves on this issue and follow WHO advice.
What Does the World Health Organization say about Wireless Radiation and Health ?
1. Wireless is classified as a Class 2 B “possible” Human Carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
The World Health Organization’s International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classified wireless radiation -also known as radio frequency electromagnetic radiation RF-EMF - as a Class 2B Carcinogen in 2011 based on evidence that linked long term wireless exposure to brain cancer.
Read The Lancet’s published statement by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer Here.
We are calling for a precautionary approach just as the World Health Organization clearly communicates in their press release and just as WHO scientists state. Read it all below. Everything is hyperlinked to source documents. We sure hope MCPS Technology Staff takes the time to educate themselves on this issue and follow WHO advice.
What Does the World Health Organization say about Wireless Radiation and Health ?
1. Wireless is classified as a Class 2 B “possible” Human Carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
The World Health Organization’s International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classified wireless radiation -also known as radio frequency electromagnetic radiation RF-EMF - as a Class 2B Carcinogen in 2011 based on evidence that linked long term wireless exposure to brain cancer.
Read The Lancet’s published statement by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer Here.