Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

28 February 2020

Switzerland: Three-year moratorium on 4G + and 5G in Geneva

Three-year moratorium on 4G + and 5G in Geneva – rts.ch
ats / ddup, rts.ch, 28 February 2020

This modification was accepted Thursday evening by 60 yes, 35 no (PLR) and one abstention, without having been studied in committee despite three requests to this effect. State Councilor Antonio Hodgers, in charge of the Territory Department, however, noted the confusion that exists between 4G +, 5G and millimeter 5G, which is not yet deployed in Switzerland.

“If you want, the state will refuse any antenna transformation for three years, but it will do so without a legal basis. There is a great risk of seeing this law broken by a court,” said the magistrate. And to recall that the canton introduced last year a moratorium on the installation of new antennas, but that the operators adapt their antennas to allow 4G +.

27 February 2020

Switzerland: 19.4496 INTERPELLATION: Mobile Phones. Health Risks Due to Non-Compliance with SAR Values

UPDATE:  Read below the Opinion of the Federal Council of 26 February 2020.

Mobile phones. Health risks due to non-compliance with SAR values -
unofficial translation

Fied by: MUNZ MARTINA, Swiss Socialist Party
Date: 18.12.2019
Filed at: National Council
State of deliberations: Not yet dealt with in the Council


In its replies to interpellations 18.362218.3966 and 19.3180, the Federal Council provided a range of information on devices that generate radio frequencies. These include mobile phones, watches measuring the pulse, headphones, laptops and tablets, which are often located all day long on or near the user's body. Although the Federal Council has indicated that it takes health risks seriously, it has minimized the seriousness of the problem, insisting on the high level of individual responsibility of the manufacturers of these devices.

25 February 2020

Meet Taylor, First EMF Child Ambassador of Children's Health Defense

Meet Taylor, CHD’s First EMF Child Ambassador
By Dafna Tachover, Director, Stop 5G and Wireless Harms Project, 
childrenshealthdefense.org, 25 February 2020

Photo: [Taylor, CHD’s EMF Child Ambassador, Won District Champion for her “Invisible Health Hazard” Science Project about Wireless Harms; She Will Compete in the Hawaii State Science Fair.]

I met Taylor, an 8th grader, on my trip to Hawaii in January 2020. She came to my lecture in Honolulu. I was excited when she approached me and told me that she came to learn more about the harms of wireless for her science project. Taylor decided to do her science project on the radiation that is emitted from wireless devices and the health effects caused from these invisible but very harmful electromagnetic waves. The title she gave to her project “Invisible Health Hazard”, perfectly describes the problem. She came to my lecture after she already won the science competition in her school and was selected to go to the district’s competition.

15 February 2020

Health Effects Of 5G In Real Life Conditions: Newly Published Paper

Health Effects Of 5G In Real Life Conditions: Newly Published Paper
Environmental Health Trust, February 2020

“Adverse Health Effects of 5G Mobile Networking Technology Under Real Life Conditions” published in Toxicology letters identifies the wide-spectrum of adverse health effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation and concludes that 5 G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.


  • Ronald N. Kostoff Research Affiliate, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, United States
  • Paul HerouxToxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism, McGill University, Canada
  • Michael Aschner Molecular Pharmacology, Einstein Center of Toxicology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, United States
  • Aristides Tsatsakis Laboratory of Toxicology, Medical School, University of Crete, Voutes, 71409 Heraklion, Crete, Greece and Department of Analytical, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Sechenov University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

14 February 2020

Health Concerns Bring #5G to a Standstill in #Switzerland

Health concerns bring #5G to a standstill in #Switzerland
Guest contributor, Dr. Devra Davis, eureporter.co, 14 February 2020

As the realization that the marketing has jumped ahead of the technology sets in, and following an international protest day against 5G in January from South Africa to Sweden, and from Australia to America, Swiss concerns about possible health risks of this largely untested technology have brought it close to a standstill, writes Dr. Devra Davis.

The Financial Times just ran an article with the headline ‘Switzerland halts rollout of 5G over health concerns’. Silicon Republic quoted Switzerland’s environmental agency, Das Bundesamt für Umwelt (Bafu), the health agency focused on the issue said: “It would not be willing to allow the use of 5G without further testing for the potential impact of radiation.”

Posed as critical to the Internet of Things, 5G has many kinks that remain unresolved. In the US, the view of the federal government has been ‘let’s get this thing built and then we will figure out how to make it work’. Tom Wheeler, the enthusiastic former-telecom industry leader who led the Federal Communications Commission under President Obama and Ajit Pai, his similarly credentialed counterpart who is the current chair, share a naïve enthusiasm for 5G that bespeaks the success of the ad men in this business.

12 February 2020

Switzerland Halts Rollout of 5G Over Health Concerns

Switzerland halts rollout of 5G over health concerns

by Sam Jones, Financial Times, 12 February 2020

'The country’s environment agency has called time on the use of all new towers'
© AFP via Getty Images
Switzerland, one of the world’s leaders in the rollout of 5G mobile technology, has placed an indefinite moratorium on the use of its new network because of health concerns.

The move comes as countries elsewhere around Europe race to upgrade their networks to 5G standards amid a furious rearguard diplomatic campaign by the US to stop them using Chinese technology provided by Huawei. Washington says the company, which is fundamental to most European networks’ upgrade plans, presents a grave security risk.

11 February 2020

United States: Apple Bid To End IPhone Safety Suit Prompts Discovery Order

This is a new article from Law360.com on the Cohen et al. v. Apple Inc. et al., case number 3:19-cv-05322, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

Apple Bid To End IPhone Safety Suit Prompts Discovery Order
law360.com, 10 February 2020

Law360 (February 10, 2020, 9:44 PM EST) -- A California federal judge refused Apple's motion to dismiss a proposed class action claiming it fraudulently marketed iPhones as safe and exposed consumers to excessive radiofrequency radiation, instead converting the motion to a summary judgment bid and sending the case to discovery.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup said Monday that Apple Inc.’s argument — that the suit should be dismissed because the company followed the Federal Communications Commission’s guidelines for testing such radiation — requires outside evidence and can’t be determined at the dismissal stage.

“The vast array of material presented outside of the pleadings, including supposed factual statements and findings of the Commission, triggers treatment of this motion as one for summary judgment,” he said. “This motion cannot and should not be decided on this record. Further discovery into the issues presented is necessary.”

07 February 2020

Switzerland: 5G: "We're Being Lied to about the Consequences."

5G: "We're being lied to about the consequences."
by Christian Rappaz, illustre.ch, 6 February 2020 - translation

An EPFL electrical engineer and specialist in electrosmog, Olivier Bodenmann, is one of the initiators of the Stop 5G movement. He explains why the resistance to the fifth generation of mobile phone standards continues unabated.

- Operators, the economy and part of the political world present 5G as a major step forward for Switzerland. Aren't you putting the brakes on this development?

- Olivier Bodenmann: People are rushing into 5G without thinking about the consequences. Worse still, we thought about it and decided to go ahead anyway, without regard for people or the environment. On the one hand, we are making efforts to reduce our carbon footprint; we are even counting on 5G for that. On the other hand, we are going to induce a frightening pollution with a hundred billion objects connected to build and then recycle, we don't know how yet. Not to mention countless data centers that are ultra energy intensive. It's a totally schizophrenic approach.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup Laments 'Dumb' FCC In IPhone Radiation Suit

Alsup Laments 'Dumb' FCC In IPhone Radiation Suit
law360.com, 6 February 2020

Law360, San Francisco (February 6, 2020, 6:34 PM EST) -- U.S. District Judge William Alsup said Thursday he's inclined to let a jury decide whether Apple fraudulently marketed iPhones as safe and exposed consumers to excessive radiofrequency radiation, slamming an FCC testing standard as "a terrible rule" and expressing disbelief that the agency "would be that dumb."

Apple Inc. urged Judge Alsup at a hearing in San Francisco to dismiss a proposed class action alleging that it deceives consumers by marketing its phones for use on a person's body despite radiofrequency radiation of the phones exceeding federal limits if used in that manner.

But Judge Alsup leaned away from dismissing the case and expressed his bewilderment as to why the Federal Communications Commission would allow testing for cellphone radiofrequency radiation emissions to be done anywhere between 0 millimeters and 25 millimeters away from the body.

The judge said he couldn't believe that the federal agency's guidelines allowed for such vast variability when it comes to the tests.

"I can't believe the FCC would be that dumb. That's a terrible rule," Judge Alsup said Thursday.

Electromagnetic Fields Effects on the Immune System of the Human Beings

by Jacques Lintermans PhD, Pharmaceutical Consultant, linkedin.com, 2 February 2020

I. Introduction

There is a controversy about the uncertain effects on health of the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) ranging from the very low frequencies to the very high ones (microwaves).

In our modern world, who is not exposed to EMFs emitted by professional or domestic appliances, or by antennas and devices belonging to the mobile phone technology?

Is that dangerous?

Experts are divided on this question.

On one hand, some experts say there is no disorder which can be clearly attributed to EMFs in usual environmental conditions. It was thus concluded that the EMFs don’t threaten the population’s health.

Such concept is the one adopted by the Health Authorities in most of the countries, except in Sweden. There, the EMF properties are recognized to provoke, not a disorder, but an unbalanced physiological state in irradiated people. (1) In some individuals, such a state can reach a highly exacerbated level. These subjects are called electro-hyper-sensitive (EHS). Since their symptoms are predominantly related to the cognitive sphere, they are suspected to be imaginary. EHS are not medically recognized.

06 February 2020

Phonegate Alert Will Speak on February 10 at the “2020 Expert Forum” in Israel

Phonegate Alert will speak on February 10 at the “2020 Expert Forum” in Israel
Equipe Phonegate 6 Feb 2020

On February 10 and 11, the “2020 Expert Forum” will be held at Tel Aviv University (Department of Public Policy) on the initiative of Dr. Paul Ben Ishaï on: “Mobile and Wireless Radiation and Public Policy”. Our president, Dr Marc Arazi, will speak by teleconference on 10 February on the theme: “International Phonegate Scandal: all overexposed, all deceived, all endangered by our mobile phones”. We would like to thank the organizers for this invitation.

Many other international speakers will participate in this conference, including Dr Devra Davis, Dr Ronald Melnick, Dr Yaël Stein, see the full program.

President of the Austrian Medical Association: Clear words about 5G

President of the Austrian Medical Association: Clear words about 5G

Dr. Thomas Szekeres
Statement ao. Univ. Dr. Thomas Szekeres President of the Austrian and Vienna Medical Association - auto-translation

Presentation: "Austrian Infrastructure Report 2020" Infrastructure symposium Future Business Austria - "Future infrastructure 5G: from digital dream to reality". 04.11.2019, Novomatic Forum

Dear Sirs and Madames,
Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to be able to take part in this very interesting event in the Austrian Infrastructure Report 2020 entitled "5G Future Infrastructure: From Digital Dream to Reality". The discussion about 5G technology is a very important and, above all, very varied one, and it is certainly up to those responsible that the dream that is to become a reality does not turn out to be a nightmare.

I do not want to spark a dispute here today, but as a health representative I would like to look at the discussion from a different perspective, and maybe we can then discuss one or the other argument. The fact is that neither mobile phone opponents nor supporters can present long-term studies. That is why both sides should and should demand this.

It is also a fact that in 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio radiation as potentially carcinogenic to humans based on epidemiological studies on brain tumors (group 2B). Since then, additional studies have confirmed the causal link between cell phone use and cancer.

Conflicts of Interest (Ties to Wireless Industry) of Prof. Martin Röösli Unveiled

Prof. Martin Röösli
In a letter addressed to the President of Switzerland, Dr. Lennart Hardell unveils conflicts of interest of Dr. Martin Röösli and recommends that the Swiss Government "consider excluding Röösli from a position as an objective expert on health effects of RF-EMF".

See Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski's post, "World Cancer Day 2020: Laurier, Röösli & reviewers whitewash RF effects, with a twist" where he writes that sub-chapter 2.5 of the World Cancer Report, dealing with ionizing radiation and non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, has been written by:  biomathematician Dominique Laurier from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (IRPA), and atmospheric physicist and environmental epidemiologist Martin Röösli from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

Letter on Expert evaluations on health risks from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) and 5G
lennarthardellenglish.wordpress.com, 15 January 2020

Several Swiss citizens have expressed concern that bias and misinterpretation of the science on radiofrequency radiation (RF) and health have influenced the expert evaluations in BERENIS and the subgroup 3. In fact, the conclusion that ‘No health effect has been consistently proven’ does not reflect the evaluation by scientists with no conflicts of interest. These circumstances are further elaborated in the included letter, original in English and with German certified translation. This letter is endorsed by 22 scientists with research in this area and no conflicts of interest.

05 February 2020

United States: Scientists Sue FCC for Dismissing Studies Linking Cell Phone Radiation to Cancer: Separate Lawsuit Filed

Message from Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University Berkeley:

The following news story is about a lawsuit that Environmental Health Trust filed in the D.C. Court of Appeals to contest the FCC's recent rulings regarding cell phone and wireless radiation limits and cell phone testing methods. This case is similar to a lawsuit filed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by Children's Health Defense (see my February 3 message, "Children's Health Defense Submitted Historic Case Against U.S. Government for Wireless Harms." 

Lawsuit: Environmental Health Trust et al v FCC

Scientists Sue FCC for Dismissing Studies Linking Cell Phone Radiation to Cancer
by Colin Kalmbacherlawandcrime.com, February 4th, 2020

A Nobel Prize-winning scientist has filed a lawsuit alleging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to update cellular phone and wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation limits and cellular phone testing methods in over two decades. These failures, the plaintiffs contend, ignore “peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that radiation from cell phones and cell phone towers and transmitters is associated with severe health effects in humans, including cancer, DNA damage, damage to the reproductive organs, and brain damage (including memory problems).”

03 February 2020

United States: Children's Health Defense v. FCC Case over Wireless Health Guidelines Submitted 3 February 2020

We thank the dedication of all the groups and experts and people working worldwide to raise awareness of the health risks of exposure to wireless technology to protect, in particular, vulnerable populations, including children and pregnant women.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Assembles Legal Team to Sue FCC over Wireless Health Guidelines
childrenshealthdefense.org, 21 January 2020 (this slightly revised article article posted on 3 February by "Towards Better Health")

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Legal Team Sues FCC – The team includes RFK, Jr., IRREGULATORs’ Attorney Scott W. McCollough & Dafna Tachover, CHD’s Director of Stop 5G & Wireless Harms

Robert Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), is committed to be proactive on the concerns regarding excessive exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation. To fulfill this promise, CHD submitted a lawsuit on February 2, 2020 against the FCC for its December 4, 2019 decision to decline to review its 1996 guidelines, and for its determination that the guidelines are protective of human health.

The Dec. 4 determination provides a rare opportunity to sue the FCC and expose its disregard for public health that has been causing so many injuries and deaths, including among children. We will be representing the many children who have been injured. This is the opportunity we have been waiting for; a successful lawsuit on this will be a game changer.