Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

31 March 2021

[Press release] The French National Agency for Health Safety (ANSES) questioned on its ability to protect the health of citizens using cell phones

[Press release] The French National Agency for Health Safety (ANSES) questioned on its ability to protect the health of citizens using cell phones
Equipe Phonegate 31 Mar 2021

Press release dated March 30, 2021

The mission of ANSES is to implement: “an independent and pluralistic scientific expertise” and to contribute to “[propose] to the competent authorities any measure likely to preserve public health”.

Accordingly, four associations, Phonegate Alert, CRIIREM, Robin des toits and SERA, members of the dialogue committee “Radiofrequencies and health”, wrote on March 25, 2021 to the Director General of ANSES, Mr. Roger Genet, to ask him to clarify the positions of the agency with regard to ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), in particular concerning the validity of its work from a scientific point of view, and the conflicts of interest that govern it. This is particularly true at a time when the agency is inviting Mr. Rodney Croft, President of ICNIRP, to speak at the next meeting of the committee on April 1.

They also ask the agency in charge of health issues to transmit in full transparency the scientific information in its possession concerning the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measurements and especially the factors that determine these measurements (1g, 10g, duration of exposure, size of the dummy, polarity, etc.).

United States: In ‘Disheartening’ Ruling, Court Paves Way for Deployment of 5G Wireless Antennas on Private Property

In ‘Disheartening’ Ruling, Court Paves Way for Deployment of 5G Wireless Antennas on Private Property
By CHD 5G and Wireless Harms Project Team

CHD Chairman RFK, Jr., said the recent court ruling allowing the installation of wireless antenna on private property sentences vulnerable adults and children to eviction, diminished property values and debilitating illness without legal recourse.

An emergency injunction filed earlier this month by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) to stop a rule allowing private property owners to place fixed point-to-point antennas on their property and extend 5G wireless services to users on neighboring properties was denied last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

CHD’s emergency motion for an emergency injunction to stay the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) amendment to the “Over-the-Air Reception Devices” rule (OTARD) would have stopped the rule from going into effect March 29.

30 March 2021

NY State Lawmakers Float Creation Of 5G Safety Commission

NY State Lawmakers Float Creation Of 5G Safety Commission
Khorri Atkinson, Law360, Mar 29, 2021

Law360 (March 29, 2021, 10:24 PM EDT) -- Two New York state lawmakers have introduced legislation to establish a commission charged with examining the health and environmental impacts of wireless radiation emitted by 5G technology and other wireless antennas.

The temporary commission, proposed by Sen. Anna Kaplan, D-Great Neck, and Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, D-Greenburgh, would consist of 15 members including health experts, environmental scientists and independent electromagnetic radiation researchers.

Under the legislation, the panel would present an initial report on its findings to the state legislature by June 2022 and a final report the following December.

24 March 2021

Prominent Scientist Links Cellphone Radiation to Brain Tumors

Prominent Scientist Links Cellphone Radiation to Brain Tumors
By Suzanne Potter, Public News Service - CA - March 24, 2021

Many cellphone user manuals contain a section
warning that the devices should not be held 
close to the body.
(Laura Musikanski)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - There's a high probability that radio-frequency radiation from cellphones causes certain rare but often malignant brain tumors in humans, according to a former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Christopher Portier submitted his findings as part of a lawsuit by patients and families against multiple cellphone manufacturers and carriers.

Ellie Marks' husband, Alan, just had a second surgery to remove tumors caused, according to experts they consulted, by cell-phone use. She joined the lawsuit and founded the nonprofit California Brain Tumor Association to get the word out.

22 March 2021

Phonegate: The Mission of Dr. Marc Arazi


by Klaus Scheidsteger, kompetenzinitiative.com, posted 22 March 2021 - article in German and English

Mit seiner Initiative PHONEGATE ist Marc Arazi in Frankreich längst kein Unbekannter mehr. 
Marc Arazi is well known in France for his initiative PHONEGATE. 

Klaus Scheidsteger schreibt über seine Aktivitäten und sein neues Buch. 
Klaus Scheidsteger reports on his activities and his new book.

Als der französische Arzt Marc Arazi 2016 erstmals die offiziellen Zahlen der für den französischen Mobilfunk und Verbraucherschutz zuständigen, staatlichen Agentur ANFR (Agence Nationale des Frequences) zu den Grenzwerten der Smartphones und Handys einsah, traute er seinen Augen nicht. Hier stand es schwarz auf weiß: von über vierhundert getesteten Modellen waren die Grenzwerte bei knapp 90% überschritten! Also bei 9 von 10 Modellen! Und was den Mediziner dabei besonders irritierte – keinen schienen die Testberichte sonderlich zu interessieren.

When in 2016 the French physician Marc Arazi had his first look at the official numbers of the regulatory compliance reports regarding smartphones / cell phones and exposure limits, which are overseen by the French government agency ANFR (Agence Nationale des Fréquences) tasked with consumer protection and wireless communication technologies, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There it was in black and white: of more than four hundred tested models, the exposure limits were exceeded in nearly 90% of the cases! These are 9 out of 10 models! And what irritated the physician the most was the fact that nobody seemed to care much about these test reports.

21 March 2021


ehtrust.org, 11 March 2021

Facebook Live event:
Monday, March 22, 2021 at 9 AM Mountain Daylight Time (USA/Canada) - 16.00h (France/Switzerland)

LOCATION: Zoom (registration required):

Protecting public and environmental health even with a lack of evidence of damage from new products and processes is the foundation for the Precautionary Principle. So what happens when the scientific evidence on the dangers of wireless radiation is proven, but public health and safety agencies ignore it?

For scientists, researchers, and public health advocates, you issue a clarion call.

Epidemiological rock stars Dr. John William Frank and Dr. Anthony B. Miller are issuing that call, joining the international appeal of hundreds of scientists for a moratorium on the rollout of 5G networks.

In their first interview ever together, they join EHT President and Founder Dr. Devra Davis to discuss the science of radiofrequency radiation (RF-EMF), the epidemiological evidence for effects, and the precise technology that should be included in studies on the impacts of 5G.

United States: Children's Health Defense Files Emergency Injunction to Stop Rule Allowing 5G Antennas on Homes: Press Conference 22 March 2021

CHD Files Emergency Injunction to Stop Rule Allowing 5G Antennas on Homes
by CHD 5G and Wireless Harms Project Team, 19 mars 2021

Children’s Health Defense will hold a press conference March 22 to discuss why it seeks emergency relief to stay a rule that would preempt federal and state civil rights laws designed to protect the disabled.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Thursday filed a motion for emergency relief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit asking the court to stay the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Over-the-Air Reception Devices” (OTARD) Rule Amendment before it goes into effect March 29.

The motion is part of CHD’s petition, filed on Feb. 26, challenging the rule amendment. CHD will hold a press conference March 22, at 4 p.m. EDT [21h CET (France/Switzerland)] (register below).

International Public Call to the World Health Organization for Lower Electromagnetic Field Exposure Limits

International Public Call to the World Health Organization for Lower EMF Exposure Limits -


Letter and petition will be delivered to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in April


To: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)

International Public call for Protection from
Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure

We write as experts in bioelectromagnetics with grave concerns about the public health and environmental impacts of exponentially increasing use of wireless radiating devices relying on radiofrequencey (RF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field (EMF) throughout the world today. As the authors of more than a thousand relevant peer-reviewed publications on this topic and concerned citizens, we urge the WHO to convene an independent global Commission on wireless radiation and health, and recommend biologically-based EMF exposure limits.

17 March 2021

"Falling sperm counts and changes to sexual development are 'threatening human survival' " : The role of cell phone and Wi-Fi signals

"Cell phone and WiFi signals exposed sperms have been seen with more head defects, decreased sperm count, lowered motility, decreased viability, and other malfunctions as well as DNA damage, and severe effects on fertility have been found."

Olle Johansson: Fuck your telephone?

By Olle Johansson, associate professor, retired from The Karolinska Institute Medical University, Stockholm, Sweden, newsvoice.se, 17 March 2021

In an article in the Guardian, of February 26, 2021, it is reported that falling sperm counts and changes to sexual development are “threatening human survival” and leading to a fertility crisis, according to Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, who warns that the impending fertility crisis poses a global threat comparable to that of the climate crisis.

“The current state of reproductive affairs can’t continue much longer without threatening human survival,” she writes. It comes after a study she co-authored in 2017 found that sperm counts in the west had plummeted by 59% between 1973 and 2011, making headlines globally. Now, Swan says, following current projections, sperm counts are set to reach zero in 2045. “That’s a little concerning, to say the least”.

Expert Report by Former U.S. Government Official Concludes High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors

Expert Report by Former U.S. Government Official Concludes High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors

Link to article by Electromagnetic Radiation Safety (Dr. Joel Moscowitz), 15 March 2021 - extracts

The report can be downloaded from: http://bit.ly/PortierExpertReport

Christopher J. Portier, Ph.D., former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and a scientific advisor for the World Health Organization (WHO), recently completed an expert report on brain tumor risk from exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation used in cellphone technology.

After completing a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, Dr. Portier concluded:

"In my opinion, RF exposure probably causes gliomas and neuromas and, given the human, animal and experimental evidence, I assert that, to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, the probability that RF exposure causes gliomas and neuromas is high."

12 March 2021

Japan Hasn’t Recovered 10 Years After Fukushima Meltdown

Japan Hasn’t Recovered 10 Years After Fukushima Meltdown
By Arnie Gundersen, Truthout, 11 March 2021

Bags of radioactive soil are gathered on
March 7, 2021, in Futaba, Japan.
Yuichi Yamazaki /
Getty Images
On March 11, 2011, a devastating offshore earthquake and ensuing tsunami rocked Japan and resulted in nuclear meltdowns in three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear site. Until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were placed on a one-year hiatus because of concerns over COVID-19, the Japanese government had portrayed these events as the “Recovery Olympics.” It had hoped to use the Olympics to showcase a claimed restoration of Japan since it was devastated in 2011. But has Japan really “recovered”?

Recently, corresponding author Marco Kaltofen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), co-author Maggie Gundersen (Fairewinds Energy Education) and I published our second peer-reviewed journal article* analyzing hundreds of radioactive samples from northern Japan that we collected with assistance from Japanese citizens and scientists. Our sampling on five occasions over almost a decade totaled 70 days on the ground. Here are four things we discovered.

The 5G Appeal: 415 Scientists and Doctors from 47 Nations Have Signed as of 11 March 2021

Scientists and Doctors Demand Moratorium on 5G

Scientists and doctors call for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G.
5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.

Sep 5, 2019 (updated March 11, 2021)

As of today, 415 scientists and doctors from 47 nations have signed The 5G Appeal which calls for a moratorium on the deployment of 5G, the fifth generation of cellular technology.

The Appeal asserts that, "5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment."

For a list of signatories see http://www.5gappeal.eu/signatories-to-scientists-5g-appeal/.

Switzerland: Phone Users also Exposed : Opinion

Phone users also exposed
Opinion, 24heures.ch, 11 March 2021 - English translation

Re article "New antennas for 5G would not be safe" ("24heures.ch" of 24 February 2021).

The Physicians for the Environment (MfE) consider that the new adaptive antennas for the extension of the 5G network do not guarantee a sufficient level of protection for humans.

Not only people living near these antennas will be exposed to more radio frequency (RF) radiation, but also users of wireless devices, leading to an increase in the number of people suffering from diseases, including microwave sickness (already estimated at about 10% of the population, or more than 800,000 people).
Largely ignored by health authorities, cell phone users are also victims of fraudulent practices by some manufacturers who test RF exposure using software that varies energy emission levels, thus compliant with international standards ("Phonegate" book by Dr. Marc Arazi). Tested in the way we use cell phones - close to the body (against the ear, in a pants pocket), the actual radiation levels of many of the most popular phones exceed the legal limits by three or even five times as the "Chicago Tribune" revealed in a 2019 investigation.

As MfE states, this increased radiation exposure is "unacceptable." Do we want current and future generations to suffer the health consequences of exposure to this type of radiation for the sake of consumer convenience and the financial greed of the industry?

Meris Michaels, Geneva

04 March 2021

United States: Children's Health Defense Sues FCC to Stop New Rule That Could Lead to ‘Wireless Wild West’

CHD Sues FCC to Stop New Rule That Could Lead to ‘Wireless Wild West’

Lawsuit challenges rule allowing people to install wireless transmitting antennas on their homes without notifying neighboring property owners. The new rule would preempt state and local zoning laws, homeowner association rules and deed restrictions.

By CHD 5G and Wireless Harms Project Team, 3 March 2021

On Feb. 26, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed a new lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) challenging the adoption of a rule that would allow people to install wireless transmitting antennas on their homes without notifying neighboring properties. The suit was filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals in the DC Circuit.

At issue is an amendment to the “Over-the-Air Reception Devices” rule (“OTARD”) that would deprive people of the opportunity to object to the installation of wireless transmitting antennas on neighboring homes.

The rule, set to take effect March 29, would facilitate the fast deployment of 5G and 1,000,000 SpaceX’ Satellite antennas and create super Wi-Fi mesh networks in urban and rural areas.

CHD’s lawsuit, filed under the Administrative Procedure Act, asserts that the FCC’s amended OTARD rule violates constitutional rights and upends long-standing common law personal and property rights. The suit alleges that the amended rule leads to due process violations, is arbitrary, represents an abuse of discretion and was passed without authority and statutory jurisdiction.

01 March 2021

Non Merci: French Village Rejects Elon Musk and his Satellite Internet Antenna

Non, merci: French village rejects Elon Musk and his satellite internet antenna
Text by News Wires, 19 February 2021

To realise his dream of satellite-powered internet, tech billionaire Elon Musk needs to install antennas around the world. In northern France, a village hopes he’ll decide to keep those antennas far away.

Saint-Senier-de-Beuvron, population 350, is none too thrilled to have been picked as a ground station for Musk’s Starlink project for broadband from space.

(Photo): Elon Musk looks at his mobile phone during a news conference at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on January 19, 2020. © Joe Skipper, Reuters (file photo)

“This project is totally new. We don’t have any idea of the impact of these signals,” said Noemie Brault, a 34-year-old deputy mayor of the village just 20 kilometres (12 miles) from the majestic Mont Saint-Michel abbey on the English Channel.

“As a precaution the municipal council said no,” she explained.