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20 May 2024

SWISS Pilot Files Lawsuit Alleging that Airline has Endangered Flight Safety

We have purposely kept mention of the Covid-19 "vaccination" out of our blog, however, as we are following the issue of "aerotoxic syndrome", we are posting here the latest article from the substack on this subject. Mention of inoculating aviation crew against Covid-19 spelled the demise of a long period of published readers' mail in the Tribune de Genève and other Swiss media. After my comment had been approved for publication in June 2022 by the person responsible for that column, I was told by the editor of the newspaper that it contained "erroneous information".   Comment extract:  "Swiss pilot (...)  is right to question the safety of Covid "vaccines". No one could assure her that 'the injection would have no impact on her health and safety in flight: 'Safety always comes first in flight.' "

We are heartened to learn that now a Swiss pilot has filed a lawsuit with the District Attorney of Basel and the International Criminal Court against Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, alleging that the airline has endangered flight safety. The Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss introduced compulsory vaccination for all staff on December 1st, 2021. "The plaintiff contends that Swiss has ignored all publicly available reports of side effects and continues to require its employees to be vaccinated, which endangers flight safety."

SWISS Pilot files Lawsuit

A Swiss pilot has filed a lawsuit with the District Attorney of Basel/Switzerland and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Den Haag against Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, alleging that the airline has endangered flight safety.

The airline industry keeps detailed records of distress signals pilots can communicate with. I.E. Mayday" is used in the most urgent life-threatening situations, while "pan-pan" indicates urgent situations that are serious but not life-threatening.

The most well-known code is „sqwak“ 7700. This is used to indicate an emergency of any kind. A pilot will enter this code when in an emergency. This will inform all tracking ground controllers that the aircraft has a serious issue on board and should be given appropriate assistance.

The number of such serious emergency calls based on (crew) “medical emergency“ increased by 386% in correlation with the vaccination campaign, which is astonishing since pilots and flight attendants are supposed to be fit and undergo regular physicals. Interestingly, the US Federal Aviation Administration** (FAA) has lowered the ECG requirements for pilots. The question is whether this is related to the mRNA vaccination campaign. Many pilots from airlines across the board have had their licenses revoked for medical reasons after receiving this medical substance.

The Swiss Pilot

A Swiss pilot has filed a lawsuit with the District Attorney of Basel and the ICC against Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, alleging that the airline has endangered flight safety*. The plaintiff contends that Swiss has ignored all publicly available reports of side effects and continues to require its employees to be vaccinated, which endangers flight safety and is relevant under criminal law for various other reasons. According to the plaintiff's attorney, the case is moving slowly, with many departments delaying their responses. Warnings have been issued to the departments responsible for handling the case. According to the plaintiff, the destinations served by Swiss no longer require a coronavirus vaccination, the reason for the mandatory vaccination no longer applies, and the vaccination is no longer operationally necessary for the staff, the plaintiff argues. Swiss even canceled flights in January 2022 to avoid using unvaccinated personnel, even though in January 2022 there were only two countries in the world that still required passengers to be vaccinated upon entry.

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