Two extracts from Dr Andrew Goldsworthy's much longer paper, The biological effects of weak electromagnetic fields – problems and solutions, first published in March 2012. Dr. Goldsworthy is an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London.
Electromagnetic radiation, obesity and chronic fatigue, and, the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body's brain, respiratory and skin barriers – Dr Andrew Goldsworthy explains the links
Electromagnetic radiation, obesity and chronic fatigue
Gland cells (thyroid, adrenal etc) may be particularly sensitive to radiation because their secretions are normally produced in internal membrane systems, which can also be damaged.
Their secretions are usually released in vesicles (bubbles of membrane) that fuse with the external cell membrane and disgorge their contents to the outside (exocytosis). The vesicle membrane then becomes part of the external membrane. The resulting excess external membrane is counterbalanced by the reverse process (endocytosis) in which the external membrane buds off vesicles to the inside of the cell, which then fuse with the internal membranes.
In this way, an active gland cell may internalise the equivalent of its entire surface membrane about once every half an hour. This means that if the surface membrane is damaged directly by the fields or by electromagnetically conditioned blood, the damaged membrane will rapidly become part of the internal membrane system, upon which its normal glandular activity depends. If the damage is too severe, the cell concerned may lose its normal function. We are now seeing increasing evidence of this.