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29 September 2022

United States: Lawsuit Goes to Court Alleging Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors

Lawsuit Goes to Court Alleging Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors
by Suzanne Potter, publicnewsservice.org, 28 September 2022

Evidentiary hearings are underway in a Washington, D.C., courtroom this week, to decide if a massive lawsuit against the cellphone industry will be allowed to go to trial.

Multiple families are suing most of the major wireless companies and their trade association, asking for hundreds of millions in damages, claiming cellphone use causes brain tumors.

Monique Solomon Martinazzi, a plaintiff whose husband Andy passed away at age 43, said he had a brain tumor which developed right where he used to hold his cellphone.

27 September 2022

Phonegate Canada: Court Authorizes Class Action against Apple and Samsung

Phonegate Canada: Court authorizes class action against Apple and Samsung
By : Equipe Phonegate • 27 Sep 2022

In a judgment rendered on September 22, 2022, the seven plaintiffs, Tracey Ariel, Claire O’Brien, Erika Patton, Zoe Patton, Alex Tasciyan, Mathew Nucciarone and Vito Decicco, have been given a win by Judge Christian Immer. They will therefore be allowed to launch a class action against the manufacturers of Apple and Samsung smartphones, in the context of the Phonegate scandal.

The action had been initiated in September 2019 by Attorney Charles O Brien, following the revelations in August 2019 of American journalist (and 2008 Pulitzer Prize winner) Sam Roe in the Chicago Tribune.

24 September 2022

United States: After 21-Year Delay, Judge Hears Evidence in Lawsuit Alleging Cellphones Caused Plaintiffs’ Brain Cancer

This article covers two cell phone - brain cancer lawsuits in the U.S.: Murray v. Motorola and the lawsuit in Lousiana.

After 21-Year Delay, Judge Hears Evidence in Lawsuit Alleging Cellphones Caused Plaintiffs’ Brain Cancer
By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Children's Health Defense, 23 Sep 2022

In an interview with The Defender, Hunter Lundy, an attorney representing plaintiffs in two lawsuits alleging cellphones caused plaintiffs to develop brain cancer, said he was frustrated with the legal system’s slow pace, but that he believes the “truth is going to come out.”

A judge this month is hearing evidence in a lawsuit filed in 2011 by a group of individuals who developed cancer, allegedly as a result of radiation from their cellphones. Depending on how the judge rules, the lawsuit could finally head to a jury trial.

Evidentiary hearings in Murray v. Motorola began Sept. 12 in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and are scheduled to continue until Sept. 30. Expert testimony will be presented during the hearings before the case goes before a jury.

In a parallel case that may have repercussions for the D.C. case, a similar lawsuit before a federal court in Louisiana — filed by the widow of a man who died of an aggressive form of brain cancer allegedly caused by cellphone radiation — also is headed to trial.

21 September 2022

Phonegate USA: Apple iPhones Win a Legal Battle

The legal battle will be long and difficult. We have suffered a setback with this decision concerning the iPhones of the giant Apple in the American chapter of Phonegate. But the most shocking thing for Dr. Marc Arazi: "is the total absence of media coverage of this judgment, both in the USA and in the rest of the world. 'Do not talk about the case' is the motto that seems to be the rule for the mobile phone industry."

Phonegate USA: Apple iPhones win a legal battle

Equipe Phonegate 20 Sep 2022

In a ruling issued on August 26, 2022, the judges of the 9th Circuit affirmed that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations prevail in the lawsuit against Apple over the radiation of its iPhones.

FCC regulations prevail over those of the states

The District Court dismissed the class action lawsuit claiming that Apple’s iPhones expose their users to radiation exceeding regulatory levels in actual use (for example, as carried in a pocket).

“Plaintiffs want a California jury to determine that phones that the FCC said are safe, are dangerous, and find that disclosures that the FCC said are sufficient are inadequate,” Joseph R. Palmore, who represents Apple, told the panel. “And they would invite juries in all 50 states to make their own determinations on these same questions.”

16 September 2022

Getting Fried by WiFi in Airplanes

Getting Fried by WiFi in Airplanes
By Beverly Jensen, opednews.com, 14 September 2022

Choice of image by Editor, 
"Towards Better Health"
Since 9/11 the security protocols at airports have made flying stressful.

Now sometime in the past two years, flying has become life threatening. In beautiful, comfortable new aircraft, passengers (and the flight crews!) are being zapped by the non-ionizing radiation of WiFi.

Having internet access while en route on flights isn't as dangerous when it's WIRED, as it is in Boeing's Dreamliner. It's the WIRELESS technology that's dangerous. Yet it's now being beamed through the cabin on most airlines. Whether it's being used by passengers depends on, in part, whether it costs extra or is free.

Lloyd's of London, the bellwether of the insurance industry, declared in 2015 that the science shows conclusively that wireless technology causes non-ionizing radiation. Lloyd's announced that they are not covering health claims due to wireless devices in ordinary policies, and the entire insurance industry has followed.

Switzerland: Popular Initiative Launched by Cross-Party Committe to Better Protect the Population against Electrosmog

The collection of signatures for the "SaferPhone" initiative, which aims to incorporate health protection against non-ionizing radiation (NIR) into the Federal Constitution, will begin on September 13, 2022. See https://www.saferphone-initiative.ch/FR/actuel.html .  To get on the ballot, this popular initiative will require 100,000 signatures of Swiss citizens to be gathered over a period of 18 months.

"SaferPhone" initiative - A cross-party committee wants to better protect the population against electrosmog
ATS/blick.ch, 12 September 2022 (translation)

The population must be better protected against the radiation of mobile phone antennas and have a future-oriented fiber optic network. An inter-party committee launched a popular initiative to this end on Monday.

(Photo): With its initiative "Protection against mobile phone radiation - Progress for health and the environment", an inter-party committee wants to promote the development of the fiber optic network in order to limit electrosmog (archive).

The "SaferPhone" initiative aims to incorporate health protection against non-ionizing radiation (NIR), also known as electrosmog, into the federal constitution. The collection of signatures will begin on Tuesday.

The Moscow Signals Declassified: Microwave Diplomacy, 1967-1977

US hid fears of radiation in Moscow embassy in 70s from staff, documents reveal
Julian Borger in New York, theguardian.com, 15 September 2022

[View the declassified documents at this link: National Security Archive.]

President Ford and state secretaries complained to Soviet Union about health concerns over ‘Moscow signal’

The US complained to the Soviet Union for more than a decade about microwave radiation directed at its embassy in Moscow, but kept concerns secret from embassy staff for nine years, according to newly declassified documents.

(Photo): Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev sign a joint statement on the limitation of strategic offensive arms in 1974. Staff may not have been told of the radiation to avoid upsetting these ongoing talks. Photograph: AP

The reported microwave radiation came to be known as the “Moscow signal” and was the source of frequent complaints from Washington. US officials were unsure of either the purpose of the signal or the potential health effects of long-term exposure to low-level microwave radiation.

11 September 2022

Insurance Industry: 5G is an Emerging High Risk Situation Along with Climate Change

Insurance Industry: 5G is an Emerging High Risk Situation Along with Climate Change
Physicians for Safe Technology – Cindy Russell, M.D, 26 August 2022

Insurance companies typically do not insure harm from radiofrequency radiation (RFR), it is an exclusion in almost all insurance policies. Special pollution insurance is required to cover this. The insurance industry keeps track of relevant emerging risk topics to make sound business decisions to reduce their exposure and costs.

Wireless Radiofrequency Radiation is an Insurance Risk

Swiss Re is the second largest reinsurance company in the world. In 2013, their Swiss Re Emerging Risk profile listed electromagnetic fields in the highest casualty risk due to “unforeseen consequences” beyond 10 years, similar to asbestos. This distinction is shared with endocrine disruptors and nanotechnology due to their long latency period for harm. 2013- Swiss Re Sonar Insurance Risk Report. Emerging Risk Insights 2013.

08 September 2022

5G in Switzerland

5G in Switzerland
Towards Better Health, 8 September 2022

Since the allocation of 5G licenses to the three operators in Switzerland in February 2019, the deployment of this technology has encountered strong resistance from the population. Many new independent associations have been created to counter its development and have launched thousands of opposition procedures against new antennas and modifications to existing ones.

A representative survey of the comparison portal, Comparis, carried out in May 2022, showed that 41.7% of the population are opposed to the implementation of 5G. Another survey worth mentioning is from the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich) where 60% of the population believe they are NOT adequately protected from EMF signals.