Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

31 October 2016

Australia: ABC's Catalyst Staff to be Sacked and Weekly TV Show Format Scrapped

What happened to freedom of speech?!

ABC's Catalyst staff to be sacked and weekly TV show format scrapped

by Amanda Meade, The Guardian/ msn.com, 
31 October 2016

The ABC’s Catalyst program is to lose its weekly slot and its 11 staff – including the suspended presenter Maryanne Demasi – made redundant under a radical plan which has been approved by the ABC board.

Under the plan the in-house magazine-style program will be replaced by 17 one-hour science specials, mainly from the independent production sector.

But senior ABC program makers have warned that ditching the weekly half-hour program and disbanding the science unit would lead to a dumbing down of science programming and effectively kill off Australian science on television.

24 October 2016

Brain Cancer Top Killer in Kids: Are Cellphones a Factor?

(Copyright Fotolia)
Brain Cancer Top Killer in Kids: Are Cellphones a Factor?
by Sylvia Booth Hubbard, newsmax.com, 19 September 2016  

Brain cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in children, according to a new study. Researchers say a chief reason is that new treatments for leukemia — long the No. 1 killer of kids — have knocked it from the top spot in recent years.

But some studies and experts suggest brain cancer rates in kids may be, in part, tied to the increasing use of cellphones by children and teens, and the rates of brain cancer may increase — perhaps drastically — when they become adults.

"I think that there will be a significant, if not enormous increase in primary brain tumors among young people, but perhaps not until they reach the age of late twenties or even thirties," neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock tells Newsmax Health.

21 October 2016

Easy Jet Pilot France Aerotoxic Syndrome Litigation

Easy Jet Pilot France Aerotoxic Syndrome Litigation
(article from Aviation Travel Writer)
by John Hoyte, aerotoxic.org, 17 October 2016

The airline pilots, the disease of the cockpits:
( Pilotes de ligne, la maladie des cockpits )

For the first time in France, a pilot removal complaint against his company. He believes that the air circulating in the aircraft would cause a “aérotoxique syndrome“.

Collectives of seafarers and passengers have given a name to their combat: The “aérotoxique syndrome”. (Sipa Press)

Can flying a plane be dangerous to your health? Monday, Eric B., Captain among EasyJet, will file a complaint against the airline for involuntary violations of physical integrity, endangering the lives of others and… deception on the quality of the air”. He is convinced to have been “poisoned due to small fire” in his cockpit. He is 53 years old, which makes him one of the most senior pilots at the low-cost airline that he has integrated into since February 2002. After the end of the year 2009, he began suffering from a number of disorders including (nausea, gastrointestinal, fatigue, hyperventilation, etc. ) which have led to a chain of neurological and mental judgment diseases. In 2012, his state of health has deteriorated, as well as its relations with his employer. The center of expertise of Aviation Medicine of Toulouse-Blagnac issued to him a “medical incapacity Temporary” in June 2015. The former Airbus Instructor then lost his license to fly and was later nailed to the ground, no longer allowed to fly. He now seeks an explanation to his health problems.

14 October 2016

What Is Killing Bees Most Of All?

What Is Killing Bees Most Of All?
by Makia Freeman, naturalblaze.com, 
17 April 2016

You may already be aware how humanity is killing bees through a variety of methods. In an earlier article The Top 4 Reasons for the Bees Dying Off, I discussed how neonicotinoid pesticides, GMOs, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and geoengineering were all contributing to disrupting and killing bees, through phenomena like CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder). Mankind is gravely endangering its own survival on the planet by injuring the bees like this, since we are all dependent on bees for pollination and our food supply. Einstein famously said that humanity would only survive for 4 years if the bees were wiped out. There may well be more than 4 ways in which humanity is killing bees, but a recent interview with Gabe Cruz (a former cell phone industry worker who has become a kind of whistleblower and interspecies communicator) reveals that one of these threats may be the greatest of all.

Is EMF Killing Bees Most of All?

06 October 2016

Eco-WiFi: The Low Radiation WiFi Router Is Now A Reality

The author of this article, Lloyd Burrell, says "Eco-WiFi" is "a step in the right direction", however "the safest way to connect to the Internet is via a hardwired Ethernet connection. That’s to say no WiFi.  Why? Because WiFi devices introduce radio frequency microwave radiation into your environment. The solution I’m reviewing here allows you to reduce your radiation exposures by a factor of 20.  But it’s still only a step in the right direction because you’re still exposing yourself to WiFi."

Eco-WiFi: The Low Radiation WiFi Router Is Now A Reality
Posted by Lloyd Burrell, electricsense.com, 
3 October 2016

What if I told you, you could enjoy the exact same WiFi performance as you do now but with a fraction of the radiation exposures?

That you could stream, watch movies, listen to music, connect multiple devices all with a greatly reduced exposure to WiFi radiation?

Low radiation WiFi is now a reality.

But how low radiation? How does it work? Is it really safer?