Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

30 June 2018

Wi-Fi Radiation in Schools

Can You See It Now?
by Deb Mayer, paaoregon.org, 27 June 2018

Artist rendition of typical house showing WiFi radiation
Over the past few weeks, Oregonians have been asking questions and seeking answers as to the safety of WiFi radiation -- especially in schools. Nearly 500 people from Ashland, Eugene, and Portland attended events to find out more about health risks. They also are demanding information about smart meters on their homes and the roll-out of the new 5G technology. Communities around the state are making decisions on how to address the problem. On Monday, June 11th, I delivered testimony to the Portland Public School Committee on Teaching and Learning about the harmful health effects of WiFi radiation in schools -- especially on young children. This is what I packed into my three minute time allotment:

Switzerland: Mobile Telephony: War of the Waves

UPDATE:  30 June 2018:   Current video "Radiation from 5G antennas - a health risk?" from DW.com, with the participation of Dr. Carlos Quinto, member of the Federation of Swiss Doctors, one of the very few doctors to mention the NTP cell phone radiation studies in early March.

Dr. Carlos Beat Quinto, member of the central committee
of the Federation of Swiss Doctors (FMH) - which
has some 30,000 members
On March 5, 2018, the Council of States, Swiss Parliament, voted once again on revision of the Ordinance on Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation (ORNI). By a vote of 22 to 21 with 2 abstentions, the Council said “no” to the Motion,“Avoiding the collapse of mobile networks and securing the country's digital future" and thus rejected an increase in the limit values for mobile phone antennas.

A number of associations concerned about the effects of radiofrequency radiation on people and the environment were against the motion: Doctors for the Protection of the Environment, Federation of Swiss Doctors, Union of Swiss Farmers, HabitatDurable, Swiss Federation of Patients. and advocacy groups. During the debate prior to the vote, some of the deputies mentioned having received several hundred letters and copies of scientific studies from people concerned about health, including electrosensitive persons.

The following article appeared in Migros Magazine, which has a readership of over 700,000 persons.

29 June 2018

Press Release: Appeal for the Withdrawal of More than 250 Mobile Phone Models in France, Europe and Internationally

This press release contains links to the list of the 250 mobile phones to be withdrawn or updated, and the composition of the Scientific Committee of the association.

Appeal for the withdrawal of more than 250 mobile phone models in France, Europe and internationally
phonegatealert.org, 29 June 2018

Our press briefing was held Thursday 28 June 2018 in Paris. Dr. Marc Arazi, President of the NGO, Phonegate Alert, together with two members of the scientific committee, Dr. Devra Davis (USA), President of the NGO, the Environmental Health Trust, and Dr. Annie Sasco, former chief of a research unit, at IARC-WHO, called for the withdrawal of millions of mobile phones that present a risk to health, particularly of children.

Dr. Arazi briefly recalled the important steps marking the alert launched in July 2016. He then presented the association that was recently created on his initiative in March 2018, its international purpose and the composition of the scientific committee, which includes some of the internationally renowned personalities who are studying the potential links between electromagnetic waves and health.

28 June 2018

Council of Europe: Draft Guidelines to Promote, Protect and Fulfil Children's Rights in the Digital Environment Make No Mention of Children's Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation

RE-POSTED JUNE 2018:    To date, we cannot find a finalized version of this document.  The right to health and well-being is a fundamental right for all human beings. It seems to be neglected in this draft document, in the context of exposure to radiofrequency radiation.  Children, with their smaller bodies, are more vulnerable  to the dangers of this type of radiation and must especially be protected.

The Council of Europe has issued a draft document, comments due by 4 September 2017: "Guidelines to promote, protect and fulfil children’s rights in the digital environment", applying to all children under the age of 18 in the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe. It seems to cover subjects such as child sexual abuse, bullying, protection of personal data, etc. and to promote digital education. After a quick perusal of the document, we see no mention of the mental and physical risks of exposing children to the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by digital technology. The right to health and well-being is a fundamental human right that seems to be neglected in this document, in the context of EMR exposure.

27 June 2018

No Cell Phones in School!

Opinion published 27 June 2018 by the Swiss newspaper "24heures" on cell phones in schools and Phonegate. (translation)

No cell phones in school!

Re. article entitled "Schools are looking for a tool to replace WhatsApp" (24heures, 23 June 2018)

From the start of the 2018 school year in France, the use of cell phones will be banned for students in primary and secondary schools. This is a commendable decision also taken by the Government of Rwanda; and the United Kingdom and New South Wales in Australia, are considering a ban because cell phones are a source of distraction and cyberbullying.

According to the new European regulation on data protection, the age limit for using of WhatsApp has been raised from 13 to 16. This regulation governs Switzerland, as does another on the measurement of SAR (the amount of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) received by users of mobile devices) which has reduced the measuring distance between the device and the body. The measurements of the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) have revealed that many mobile phones exceed the limit values for the SAR trunk when tested in contact and thus, the Agency has begun to have phones withdrawn from the market or requested updates. These phones emit too much RFR when they are used or kept (in a pants pocket or bra) in contact with the skin.

26 June 2018

Massachusetts: Family Appeals Ruling in Fay School WiFi Sickness Case

Family appeals ruling in Fay School WiFi sickness case 
by Scott O’Connell, Telegram & Gazette Staff, 25 June 2018

WORCESTER – The parents who lost their lawsuit against a Southboro private school whose wireless internet they alleged sickened their son have appealed the decision, federal court records show.

The plaintiffs, identified only as “Mother” and “Father” and their son “G” in the original complaint, lost their civil action against the Fay School two weeks ago when a U.S. District Court judge rejected their last remaining claim of retaliation in the case.

The family submitted a notice of appeal of that decision, as well as a previous court ruling against their case, in U.S. District Court in Worcester on Friday, according to the docket for the case.

24 June 2018

Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse

Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse
By Nellie Bowles, The New York Times, 23 June 2018

(Photo): In training sessions on domestic violence and technology, people have started asking about how to handle the use of connected home devices in abuse situations, said Erica Olsen, director of the Safety Net Project at the National Network to End Domestic Violence.CreditTony Luong for The New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO — The people who called into the help hotlines and domestic violence shelters said they felt as if they were going crazy.

One woman had turned on her air-conditioner, but said it then switched off without her touching it. Another said the code numbers of the digital lock at her front door changed every day and she could not figure out why. Still another told an abuse help line that she kept hearing the doorbell ring, but no one was there.

23 June 2018

United Kingdom: Bristol University Suicides Were Not a Failure in Care, Says Academic

Our comment:  The city of Bristol has been running the first public trials of 5G technology since March this year.  Is there a connection between exposure to this new technology and the abnormally high number of suicides at Bristol University?  The university is conducting research on 5G technology. 

James Thomson, 20 took his life in his second year at
Bristol University.  SWNS
Bristol University suicides were not a failure in care, says academic
Jack Malvern, The Times, 22 June 2018

A spate of student suicides has been caused by a “cluster effect” rather than failings in pastoral care, an academic at Bristol University has said.

David Gunnell, professor of epidemiology at the university and a leading authority on suicide research, said that it was his instinct that the link between the ten deaths since October 2016 was the result of a phenomenon in which one death in a community can influence another.

Parents of students who killed themselves while studying at the university reacted to the suggestion with anger and distress. They argue that Bristol’s response to the deaths, including plans to spend £1 million on a programme to improve its provision of pastoral care, highlight current shortcomings.

Natural Resources Defense Council Takes Action Against FCC Regarding 5G Small Cell Tower Installation

Natural Resources Defense Council Takes Action Against FCC Regarding 5G Small Cell Tower Installation — Requesting Statements From Concerned Citizens.
By B.N. Frank, activistpost.com, 19 June 2018

The NRDC is challenging the legality of the March 30, 2018 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order exempting “small wireless facilities” from environmental review.

According to Arthur Firstenburg from the Cell Tower Task Force, The NRDC is requesting statements be sent to them about biological and environmental harm caused by 5G and other wireless infrastructure.

These statements are necessary to sue the FCC in court and invalidate the FCC’s recent action.

Statements should be emailed by July 2, 2018 to nrdcinfo@nrdc.org with “Reference Case No. 18-1135” in the subject line.

In September 2017, 180 scientists and doctors demanded a moratorium on the installation of 5G small cell tower infrastructure due to biological and environmental risks.

20 June 2018

Spain: Scientific Conferences Stop 5G in Segovia: the Negative Impact on Health of Future Telecommunications Networks

Scientific Conferences Stop 5G in Segovia: the negative impact on health of future telecommunications networks
By Electro and Chemical Sensitive for the Right to Health (EQSDS) (translation)

Experts predict an increase in health problems associated with increased electromagnetic pollution

Society is still not aware of the health impact of technological development models at the service of industrial interests.

This weekend, June 16 and 17, the 1st Scientific Conference on 5G and Health took place in Segovia. In coordination with the Stop 5G Platform, the Electro and Chemical Sensitive Association for the Right to Health organized the event. During the morning, at the former Faculty of Education, in front of some 200 people from different places, experts in electromagnetic fields and health sciences gave an overview of the implications of the excessive development of radiofrequency transmission technologies. Among the speakers were Dr. Annie Sasco, former director of epidemiology at IARC and Ceferino Maestu, director of the Bioelectromagnetism Laboratory at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. In the afternoon, a Human Chain was formed in the center of the city that ended with the reading of a Manifesto in the Plaza Mayor. The Human Chain wore a woven scarf 300 meters long symbolizing the balance between the traditional and the modern through the safe use of technology. At the end of the tour, shoes were placed on the ground as a reminder of those affected who for health or economic reasons could not attend.

Michigan House Energy Policy Testimony by Dafna Tachover on 5G - 29 May 2018

Dafna Tachover Michigan House Energy Policy Testimony 05/29/18 5G - 38 mn.

Outstanding testimony on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation and 5G by attorney Dafna Tachover, founder of We Are the Evidence. The association intends to expose the suppressed epidemic of sickness, suffering and human rights crisis created by wireless technology radiation; elevate the voice of those injured; defend and secure their rights and compel society and governments to take corrective actions and inform the public of the harm, through education, lobbying and legal action.

Interview with Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse by Nicolas Pineault on How the New 5G EMFs Will Make Us Sick

Exactly How The New "5G" EMFs Will Make Us Sick with Dr. Jack Kruse (Electrosmog Rx free preview) - by Nick Pineault - 14 June 2018 - 76 mn.

This interview is part of a bonus interview series that are available to paid members of the Electrosmog Rx EMF course for health practitioners I've put together in collaboration with amazing pioneers in health. See http://electrosmogrx.com/ to learn how to add EMFs to your functional medicine practice. 

18 June 2018

First Glyphosate Trial, of Thousands, Begins as Plaintiff Fights for His Life

First Glyphosate Trial, of Thousands, Begins as Plaintiff Fights for His Life
by Olivia Rosane, EcoWatch, 18 June 2018

A field worker sprays glyphosate. Plaintiff Dewayne
Johnson used the chemical 20 to 30 times per year.
Natural News screen shot / Vimeo
Monsanto may have dropped its name, but it can't drop the thousands of cases being brought against it by cancer sufferers claiming its weed-killer Roundup gave them non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the first of which goes to trial Monday, CNN reported.

The first plaintiff to get his day in court is Dewayne Johnson, a 46-year-old Bay-area father of two, but for Johnson that is a dubious honor. Johnson is being granted an expedited trial because his doctors say he is nearing death, and California law facilitates speedier trials in such cases.

Johnson worked doing pest management for a county school system and used Roundup 20 to 30 times per year in the line of duty. Now, he has days when lesions cover 80 percent of his body and he is too ill to speak.

17 June 2018

Fitbit Was Recalled Due to Mysterious EMF Wi-Fi Symptoms, Complaints Mounting

Fitbit was recalled due to mysterious EMF wifi symptoms, complaints mounting
Posted by Erin Elizabethhealthnutnews.com, 28 May 2018

Heather Callaghan, Natural Blaze

Judging by the ubiquity of Fitbits – those faceless watches nearly every woman wears today, with or without their active wear – this activity tracker has got to be the most popular fitness item. It uses WiFi (radiation) to track people’s every step and movement, how many calories burned, miles walked, and even tells time. This information also beams out to a personal account where the user can log-in and add more health stats in order to watch goal progression.


IQ Scores Are Falling and Have Been for Decades, New Study Finds

"It's something to do with the environment"... These environmental factors could include changes in the education system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online more, Rogeberg said.

IQ scores are falling and have been for decades, new study finds
by Rory Smith, CNN, 14 June 2018

Story highlights:
  • The research suggests that genes aren't what's driving the decline in IQ scores
  • "It's not that dumb people are having more kids than smart people," researcher says

(CNN)IQ scores have been steadily falling for the past few decades, and environmental factors are to blame, a new study says.

The research suggests that genes aren't what's driving the decline in IQ scores, according to the study, published Monday.

16 June 2018

Obituary: Leading EMF expert Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D

Obituary: Leading EMF expert Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D 

Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D, who made many lasting contributions to the scientific community, has passed away of natural causes at the age of 85. As a leading expert on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, Dr. Blank was a strong advocate for the use of science to create a better and healthier world.

Throughout his lengthy career, Dr. Blank published over 200 papers and reviews, authored numerous books, held appointments at 11 leading universities around the world and the US Office of Naval Research. He also organized and led many meetings, including two World Congresses on Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, and he started the Gordon Research Conferences on Bioelectrochemistry. He has been Chairman of the Organic and Biological Division of the Electrochemical Society, President of the Bioelectrochemical Society, President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and has been on editorial boards of Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Electromagnetic Medicine and Biology. In 2014 his book, “Overpowered” (7 Stories Press), which summarized his findings regarding the potential dangers of electromagnetic radiation, was published.

14 June 2018

Canada: Mississauga Mom Demands Catholic School Board Accommodate Son's Wi-Fi Injury

"Ostrich with its head in the sand": Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son's Wi-Fi injury
by Marta Marychuk, Mississauga News, 13 June 2018

“It’s a bigger problem than people realize,” said Paulette Rende.

(Photo): Alex Rende and his mother Paulette Rende outside the Dufferin Peel Catholic Separate School Board offices on Matheson Boulevard West. The Rendes are contending that Wi-Fi signals in the schools are causing issues with his health. Jun 6, 2018. - Bryon Johnson/Metroland

A Mississauga mother says she is protesting the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) so her son can go to school.

Paulette Rende’s goal is to raise awareness about electro-hypersensitivity (otherwise known as Wi-Fi injury) and the need for digital device safety in Ontario schools.

Phonegate Alert Comments on Peer Review of NTP’s Draft Technical Reports on Cellphone Radiation

Phonegate Alert Comments on Peer Review of NTP’s Draft Technical Reports on Cellphone Radiation
phonegatealert.org, 14 June 2018

Phonegate Alert comments to NTP 20 June meeting

Phonegate Alert submits new comments on the peer review of the National Toxicology Program’s draft technical reports on cellphone radio-frequency radiation. In March 2018, the external peer scientists reviewers strengthened the conclusions of the NTP reports that found clear evidence of health harm from exposure to cellphone radiation in rats. The scientific knowledge of the potential impacts of cellphone radiation on our health and the health of our children should no longer be ignored. Especially in the context of a complete bankruptcy of the international regulatory system at the origin of the Phonegate health and industrial scandal.


13 June 2018

Massachusetts: Despite Judgment, Lawyer Believes Fay School Case Is a Win for Wi-Fi Safety Advocates

Despite judgment, lawyer believes Fay School case is a win for WiFi safety advocates
by Scott O’Connell, Telegram & Gazette Staff, 12 June 2018

WORCESTER – While disappointed in a federal judge’s ruling against his clients last week, the attorney representing a family who sued a Southboro private school over its WiFi practices said on Tuesday the case still represents a legal step forward for people wary of electromagnetic radiation.

John Markham also said his clients haven’t ruled out an appeal in their case, which ended Friday when District Court Judge Timothy S. Hillman submitted a judgment in favor of the Fay School, a day and boarding school.

“We were hoping to go to trial, and looking forward to it. We’re disappointed we didn’t get that trial,” Mr. Markham said Tuesday. But the judge also made some rulings in the case, he added, that “really advances the ball for parents concerned about their kids being subjected to WiFi radiation seven hours a day ... this (issue) is not over at all.”

Opinion “The Phonegate Scandal Prey to Business Secrecy” Published by Mediapart

Opinion “The Phonegate scandal prey to business secrecy” published by Mediapart
phonegatealert.org, 13 June 2018

Today, June 12, 2018, the confidentiality clause was established at European level, included in Directive 2014/53/EU for all mobile devices at risk to human health (mobile phones, tablets, laptops and connected toys for children…). This has taken place at the same time as the European directive on business secrecy is in the process of being adopted by the French National Assembly and the Senate despite exceptional citizen mobilization.

To mark this black day, Dr. Marc Arazi, President of Phonegate Alert, and Mr. Jérôme Karsenti, lawyer at the Paris Bar, cosigned this opinion piece, published on the guest blog of Mediapart on 11 June 2018.

Read the article and please relay widely to those around you.

The Phonegate scandal prey to business secrecy

Marc Arazi and Jérôme Karsenti denounce the entry into force of the confidentiality clause of the European directive which allows « the manufacturers of mobile devices to benefit from total confidentiality for products they will place on the European market that may be a risk to human health ».

11 June 2018

France Has Banned Mobile Phones in Schools and It's Time We Did the Same in the UK

OPINION - France has banned mobile phones in schools and it’s time we did the same in the UK 
by Joe Bispham, teacher at Forest Gate Community School. He featured in Channel Four’s ‘Educating The East End’, metro.co.uk, 9 June 2018

Phones can be incredibly disruptive (Picture: Getty)
I admire the French. Not simply for their fantastic food, their joie de vivre or their working conditions but for their no nonsense attitude to government policy. Never has this admiration been greater felt than when I heard they had banned mobile phones in school; and I hate mobile phones.

Mobile phones are the bane of teachers’ lives. They have been proven to distract people who are simply sitting near them, allow secret communication that enables bullying and gets in the way of so much of the good work that can be achieved in schools. I must admit that there is a tinge of hypocrisy here. I find it exceptionally hard to pry myself away from my phone. Whether it’s WhatsApp, instant news or the social media car crashes that populate my Twitter feed, I am an addict. But isn’t this precisely the point? If us adults cannot focus with our phones so readily available to provide distractions from otherwise interesting or important matters, then how can we expect teenagers to? I am lucky to work in a school where they are banned in the building so I don’t have these distractions preventing the students from making the best use of their time at school. Others do, and this adds to the list of things making their jobs far too difficult.

Switzerland: Open Letter to the Federal Council and TTC Members on Raising of Limit Values for Mobile Telephony Antennas and 5G

"52% of the Swiss population or more than 4.3 million people consider mobile phone antennas to be rather dangerous or dangerous. 12% or 960'000 people even very dangerous... 

Open letter to the Federal Council and TTC members
by gigaherz.ch, 7 June 2018 (translation)

The Commission for Transport and Telecommunications (TTC) of the National Council has taken the upcoming detailed consultation on the revision of the Telecommunications Act as an opportunity to start a large-scale assault again on the existing radiation protection limits for mobile stations. Over the last 16 months, this has already failed twice with the "NO" of the Council of States. The Commission has held consultations with business associations, such as ASUT [Swiss Telecommunications Association], the leading association of the Swiss telecommunications industry, and now wants to write a letter to the Federal Council to receive detailed advice on the new FM law in July.

Contrary to all democratic practices, the Commission did not consider it necessary to hear organizations interested in electrosmog. Gigaherz also wrote a letter to the Federal Council, [extracts of which] can be read below.

10 June 2018

« Series of recalls of dangerous mobile phones » by Le Lanceur

« Series of recalls of dangerous mobile phones » by Le Lanceur
phonegatealert.org, 10 June 2018

On June 8, 2018, the site « Le Lanceur” published a new article on the industrial and health scandal of Phonegate. It is the seventh article in 18 months that it has devoted to this public health issue. In December 2016, it was the first media to relay the alert launched by Dr. Marc Arazi.

A big thank you to the editorial team and the journalist Antoine Sillières for their investigative work. It is also the only media for the moment to have made the link to our action following the withdrawal and updates of four new mobile phones.

It must also be noted that public broadcasting has been totally absent for months with regard to this affair. Why? In any case, certainly not for not having received our press releases regularly and trying to contact them so that the newsrooms (France2, France3, FranceInfo, France5, RadioFrance, …) inform the tens of millions of users of mobile phones of the danger to their health.

08 June 2018

Status of 5G Deployment in Europe

We have added below the letter sent to the European Commission.

We are sharing this letter from the European Commission in reply to the query of a concerned person regarding the rollout of 5G in Europe.  Read also the EC's response to the September 2017 International Scientist Appeal calling for a moratorium on 5G. 

Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology,  Future Connectivity Systems Unit,  The Head of Unit
7 June 2018

Subject: Reply to e-mail regarding 5G in Europe (dated 11 May 2018) 

Dear ..., 

Thank you for your e-mail dated 11 May 2018 to Commissioner Andriukaitis' Cabinet assistant Egidijus Dapkus on the status of 5G deployment in Europe. Your e-mail has been forwarded to the Cabinet of Commissioner Gabriel, who asked me to provide you with a reply. 

Let me first inform you on the 5G Action Plani , which the Commission adopted in September 2016. It is setting Europe's strategy to reach ambitious connectivity targets, in particular to cover cities and major transport paths with 5G networks. The strategy calls on Member States and stakeholders to take the necessary actions enabling Europe to lead in technology, deployment and take-up of 5G. 

07 June 2018

New Publication: Children Absorb 2-5 Times Higher Doses Of Microwave Radiation Than Adults, From Virtual Reality Systems

New Publication: Children Absorb 2-5 Times Higher Doses Of Microwave Radiation Than Adults, From Virtual Reality Systems

Children Absorb 2-5 Times Higher Doses Of Microwave Radiation Than Adults, From Virtual Reality Systems

Experts warn that injuries to vision, hearing and brain could prove irreversible
ehtrust.org, June 5, 2018

(Washington DC) In an innovative study published today in Environmental Research, researchers simulated microwave radiation from Virtual Reality(VR) with a video-streaming cell phone in a cardboard box placed in front of the eyes. Specific areas of the eyes and critical parts of the brain absorbed between 2 to 5 times more cell phone radiation in the youngest child model compared to the adult model. Children’s health specialists are concerned that higher exposures to unprecedented levels of microwave radiation pose risks of permanent damage to vision, hearing and brain development, and cancer.

This publication is the first to extend FDA computer-based anatomical modeling used for surgical devices to examine absorption of microwave radiation from cell phones held in virtual reality positions. The researchers also investigated microwave radiation with the phone at ear contact. They found that a 3-year old child absorbs about twice as much radiation into the cerebellum, and up to thirtyfold more into the hippocampus–the part of the brain central to memory, emotions, and impulse control.

06 June 2018

The Phonegate Scandal with Dr. Marc Arazi: Exclusive Interview by Canadian Journalist Nicolas Pineault

Exclusive Interview:  The Phonegate Scandal with Dr. Marc Arazi
 (90% of cell phones exceed limits) - (6 June 2018 - 33 mn)

(in French with English sub-titles)


Dr. Arazi is a French physician who has become a real crusader for cell phone and EMF safety. After months of legal action, he found out that the tests by the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) show that 90% of mobile phones that are already quite obsolete exceed the radiation limits.

03 June 2018

Top Mobile Phone Firms Warning Shareholders Over Devices' Possible Cancer Risks - But Fail to Tell Customers

Top mobile phone firms warning shareholders over devices' possible cancer risks - but fail to tell customers
by Grace Macaskill, mirror.co.uk, 2 June 2018

The news comes after we revealed brain cancer patient Neil Whitfield, 60,
is the first Briton to sue a phone maker and could win up to £1 million
from Nokia if successful. 
(Image:  Sunday Mirror)
Companies including Blackberry, EE, Nokia and Vodafone have told investors they could face legal action from device users if research eventually finds links between their products and cancer

Top mobile firms are warning ­shareholders about the potential health risks of phones but keeping the information from customers.

Companies including Blackberry, EE, Nokia and Vodafone have told investors they could face legal action from device users if research eventually finds links between their products and cancer.

Yet they fail to warn users of any potential risk in their ads and packaging.

British Telecom, which owns EE, tells investors starkly in its 2017 annual report: “We can’t provide absolute ­assurance that research in the future won’t establish links between radio frequency emissions and health risks.”

02 June 2018

« Le Monde » Caught Red-Handed for Misinformation on Phonegate

« Le Monde » caught red-handed for misinformation on Phonegate
phonegatealert.org, 2 June 2018

Yesterday, 31 May 2018, the internet site of the newspaper Le Monde published an article entitled « Ondes magnétiques : quatre smartphones épinglés ». This article written by the journalist Nicolas Six raises the issue of editorial independence when it comes to subjects relating to the mobile telephony industry.

For the record, the title had been purchased in 2010 by businessmen Xavier Niel (Iliad/Free Telecommunications Group), Matthieu Pigasse (CEO of Lazard Bank France) and Pierre Bergé. Since Pierre Bergé’s death in 2017, Mr. Niel and Mr. Pigasse have held 72.5% of the capital of the Le Monde group.

Switzerland: What Frequency for 5G?

Thank you to the journalist and consumers' group in French-speaking Switzerland, Bon à Savoir (400,000 readers) for having published this excellent article in their magazine, "Ma Santé".  We are glad that this message will reach a large part of the Swiss population.

What Frequency for 5G?
by Laurent Hêche, bonasavoir.ch, 23 May 2018 (translaiton)

COMMUNICATION The forest of antennas required for deployment of 5G worries Swiss doctors.  The Council of States has heard them but not the operators or Doris Leuthard.

Broadband is not a meaningless word.  3G, which has taken off at the same time as the twenty-first century, grew at a steady pace.  4G, which followed ten years later has plunged us directly into the immediate at home and in the street via our smartphones: sending photos, videos and selfies all over the world, streaming sound and music nearly without interruption, conversing just about everywhere via Facebook or WhatsApp, access to services like Uber and Airbnb etc.  - to such an extent that it has tried our patience and made us look with envy at the following generation, 5G announced for 2020 and supposed to be 100 times faster.  This will not only allow the connection of billions of devices (farming, appliances, industrial sensors...) but also open up  a safe route to autonomous cars, telemedicine, real-time energy management, etc.

01 June 2018

Large-Scale Recall of Phones in France - 'Safety' Limits Exceeded

Good article on the first recall of a mobile phone in France in early April for exceeding the European regulatory SAR trunk value of 2 W/kg.

Large scale recall of phones in France – ‘safety’ limits exceeded

emfsurveys.co.uk, posted on 30 April 2018

“Phonegate: millions of cell phones withdrawn due to dangerous radiation exposures”

This story should have made international headlines but didn’t. The following text was written by Lloyd Burrell of Electric Sense who lives in France where they are ahead of the UK when it comes to treating the safety of wireless telecommunications seriously.

On April 5, 2018, “60 Million Consumers” in France announced the recall of 90,000 “Hapi 30” phones made by “MobiWire”. Other models could follow.

The ANFR (the French regulatory authority) stated in a press release that they had given, “notice to the company MobiWire on January 22, 2018 to take all appropriate measures to put an end to the non-compliance detected of the devices currently on the market as well as those already sold.”