Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

31 October 2013

Breast Cancer Epidemic Still Raging After 30 Years of "Awareness" and Pink Ribbons

Think Before You Pink: Toxic Time Is Up
by Annie Sartor, MsMagazine.com, 24 October 2013

Why is the breast cancer epidemic still raging after 30 years of “awareness” and pink ribbons?

Each year, corporations pack the shelves with pink-ribbon products, surrounding us with “breast cancer awareness” messages. These products help to raise billions of dollars in the name of breast cancer, yet more than 40,000 women in the U.S. still die of the disease every year. And many corporations sell pink-ribbon products that actually contain chemicals linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. At Breast Cancer Action, we call this blatant hypocrisy “pinkwashing.”

34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects from Wi-Fi

34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse
Health Effects From Wi-Fi
by WakingTimes / WifiInSchools, 30 October 2013

Here is an excellent collection of scientific papers finding adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz), complied by campaign group WiFi In Schools.

The papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below. Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can be exposed to electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. Papers are in alphabetical order. A file of first pages, for printing, can be found here.

If you feel like sending a copy of this collection to the local schools in your area, you can search for them here and either print out this article to post or email the link.

Wi-Fi papers

1. Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology 9(2): 223-229. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22465825

2. Avendaño C. et al., 2012. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22112647

29 October 2013

The Deliberate Lies They Tell About Diabetes

At least 26 million Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and another 79 million are prediabetic.  What’s hidden behind medical smokescreen is that Type 2 diabetes is completely preventable. The cure lies in a true understanding of the underlying cause (which is impaired insulin and leptin sensitivity) and implementing simple, inexpensive lifestyle adjustments that spell phenomenal benefits to your health.

The Deliberate Lies They Tell About Diabetes
by Dr. Mercola (this excellent article probably dates from 2011 and is posted in full without several of the images)

There is a staggering amount of misinformation on diabetes, a growing epidemic that afflicts more than 26 million in the United States today. The sad truth is this: it could be your very OWN physician perpetuating this misinformation

Most diabetics find themselves in a black hole of helplessness, clueless about how to reverse their condition. The bigger concern is that more than half of those with Type 2 diabetes are NOT even aware they have diabetes.

Diabetes: Symptoms of an Epidemic

The latest diabetes statistics 1 echo an increase in diabetes cases, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. By some estimates, diabetes has increased more than 700 percent in the last 50 years!

How to Reduce Cholesterol Levels by Natural Means

Too many doctors write a prescription for statins for their patients the moment they see cholesterol levels that are too high. This was the case with my (now former) family doctor. I told him, “Give me a few months to change eating habits, and the levels will be lower”. We must challenge our doctors’ recommendations because sometimes medications can be more harmful than beneficial, as is the case with statins prescribed to persons who have not had a previous cardiac event. This article gives excellent dietary advice to those persons who wish to lower their cholesterol levels through natural means.

Getting Cholesterol Too Low May Put Older Woman at Risk
People's Pharmacy, 28 October 2013

Q. Dear Joe & Terry Graedon,

Thank you for all the information you make available to the public about alternatives to many pharmaceuticals. You are providing a needed service to the public.  I looked on your website for alternatives to statins to lower high cholesterol. I found a suggestion about using vinegar, but none of the respondents had reported whether it worked.  My cholesterol was 187 and my doctor has said if I don't lower it in three months on my own, he wants to put me on statins. I would prefer not to take such drugs.  Do you know of any other options that might work? I would like to lower my cholesterol naturally before my next appointment.  Again, thank you for your public service.


A. Dear Pearl,

Thank you for your thoughtful question. If you have not had a cardiac event, we're not sure your doctor would be doing you any favors by prescribing a statin. In fact, if your total cholesterol is 187, we are hard put to understand why he would want to lower your cholesterol levels any further.

United States: Doctors Urge Parents to Ban Cell Phones, Internet Use in Children's and Teenagers' Bedrooms

Children and teenagers who use cell phones and Internet-
enabled devices in their bedrooms at night are at higher
risk of bullying, anxiety and other mental disorders, and
also for obesity.  (Photo:  Getty Images/ Thinkstock)
Is digital technology threatening humanity ? Dr. Sherry Turkle, MIT development psychologist, interviewed recently by Bill Moyers, says parents should create device-free places: the kitchen, diningroom, and cars. The average teen-aged girl is interrupted every 4 minutes with a text message. We are texting in the classroom, in church, at funerals...

Ban cellphones, Internet use in children’s and teenagers’ bedrooms, U.S. doctors urge parents
by Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press / 
National Post, 28 October 2013

CHICAGO — Doctors 2 parents: Limit kids’ tweeting, texting & keep smartphones, laptops out of bedrooms. #goodluckwiththat.

The recommendations are bound to prompt eye-rolling and LOLs from many teens but an influential pediatricians group says parents need to know that unrestricted media use can have serious consequences.

It’s been linked with violence, cyberbullying, school woes, obesity, lack of sleep and a host of other problems.

28 October 2013

Canada: WiFi in Schools and Heart Irregularities

Although this article dates from 2010, the situation regarding WiFi in Canadian schools has not changed all that much.  

School Board threatens to fine Parents and expel Students because of WiFi concerns
by Dr. Magda Havas, 26 November 2010

Very disturbing state of affairs that we are experiencing in Ontario Schools. School Board is threatening to fine parents and to expel students (click here for story) and they are also threatening teachers who do not toe the line regarding WiFi. What kind of country has Canada become? How can educational authorities be so insensitive, so militant, and so ignorant? Perhaps someone should follow the money because none of this makes any sense.
All parents are asking for is that computers be wired when they connect to the internet! In some areas the parents are even willing to pay for the costs of hardwiring their children’s school.

25 October 2013

Campaign Launched to Educate the Public Regarding Link Between Prolonged Skin Contact of Cell Phones and Breast Cancers

Dr. Lisa Bailey, one of California's top breast surgeons, says young women should never store their phones in their bras. “Until more data becomes available, efforts should be made to encourage cellular phone users to follow the recommendations of mobile device manufacturers and to avoid skin contact… In our practice, we have started to incorporate frequency of cellular phone use and placement location into part of our routine patient-history documentation. Physicians should document this behavior and also inform their patients that, until sufficient safety data becomes available, prolonged skin contact with cellular devices should be avoided.”

Environmental Health Trust Launches Campaign Aimed to Educate the Public Regarding Link Between Prolonged Skin Contact of Cell Phones and Breast Cancers
sbwire.com, 24 October 2013

Teton Village, WY -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/24/2013 -- Most women have no idea that cellphones are two-way microwave radios that should not be kept directly on the body warns Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a group promoting safer phone use especially for non-adult users and for pregnant users. The group has launched a public education campaign called “Save the Girls” that includes an online banner ad, media tour, doctor’s pamphlet and a social media campaign (#savethegirls).

For many young women today, tucking cellphones in the bra has become a cool, hip way to have easy access to these electronic devices. Women can jog, drive, shop or sit in darkened movie theaters, quickly responding to tingly vibrations at their breast. “The month of October serves as a reminder of breast cancer awareness, the media are packed with warnings about the disease.

Facing Lawsuits Over Deadly Asbestos, Paper Giant Launched Secretive Research Program

Chrysotile asbestos
The following article is one in the Center for Public Integrity series, Toxic Clout: how industry uses well-paid experts to minimize the hazards of toxic chemicals and fend off liability, regulation, or both. The Atlanta-based company, Georgia-Pacific Corp., faced a nearly $1 billion in liability from its product, Ready-Mix, a putty-like building material, known as joint compound, containing the cancer-causing substance, asbestos. Named in more than 60,000 legal claims, the company sought salvation in a secret research program it launched in hopes of exonerating its product as a carcinogen.

The article also describes Daniel Stupino’s fight against the company. He regularly used the Georgia-Pacific joint compound, among other brands, in renovating apartments, sealing joints between sheets of drywall with the product. When he sanded it, he said, it was “like a snow … that penetrate[d] all over … in my body, my head, you know, my clothes.” His case against Georgia-Pacific settled mid-trial. He died of mesothelioma on Dec. 14, 2012, just before his 64th birthday.

Chrysotile asbestos, is the only type of asbestos still imported to the United States, with some 2.3 million pounds entering the country from Brazil in 2012. More than 107,000 people die of asbestos-related diseases each year, the World Health Organization estimates. “All types of asbestos cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, cancer of the larynx and ovary, and asbestosis (fibrosis of the lungs),” it warns. In all, 55 countries — but not the United States — have banned all forms of the mineral.

Facing lawsuits over deadly asbestos, paper giant launched secretive research program
by Jim Morris email, publicintegrity.org, 21 October 2013

In the spring of 2005, Georgia-Pacific Corp. found itself facing nearly $1 billion in liability from a product it hadn’t made in nearly three decades: a putty-like building material, known as joint compound, containing the cancer-causing mineral asbestos.

19 October 2013

Protect Yourself from Laptops' Electromagnetic Radiation

NEVER use a laptop on your lap!  This woman is
irradiating her future baby with harmful
electromagnetic waves.
Protect yourself from laptops’ electromagnetic radiation
by Dr. Jon, emfhelp

Laptops and notebooks have become powerful enough to satisfy the computing needs of most people. They have also become very affordable and consequently gained much popularity especially with the younger generation and professionals. The problem with laptops is that they expose the user to significant levels of electromagnetic radiation. Their compact structure and light weight may lead to a false belief that they are relatively EMF safe. However using a laptop actually exposes you to higher levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) than using a bulkier desktop computer. There are several reasons for this and it is important to get a good grasp of the concepts as this will help you apply an effective laptop EMR defensive strategy and use your laptop safely.

Laptops emit several types of electromagnetic radiation

18 October 2013

Digital Wireless Video Baby Monitor: "A Horrendous Case of Untested Products Running Amok", Exposing Vulnerable Children to Dangerous Microwave Radiation

Comment from Santa Fe doctors on this product: “This is a horrendous case of untested products run amok, not unlike the marketing of Thalidomide…another case of companies making money off the ignorance of the US public on the dangers of microwave radiation–especially to children whose brains are more vulnerable.”  Read the comments following the product description.

View this video which demonstrates the aggressive sound of harmful pulsed microwave radiation emitted from a digital baby monitor such as this one : right into your baby's brain and body.

Product Review: Motorola MBP18 Digital Wireless Video Baby Monitor
BabyCenter Staff, 10 October 2013

What it is: You could be almost a full city block away from your baby’s nursery and still receive clear audio and video with this monitor, even through floors, ceilings, and doors. There are lots of ways to customize your view, and the controls are intuitive and easy to use: You can choose to turn off the video or the audio, tilt the camera left or right, or zoom in for a closer look.

11 October 2013

Cell Phones and Acoustic Neuroma: Comments on May 2013 Study from the United Kingdom

Read the following two articles on the May 2013 U.K. study linking long-term use of mobile phones and elevated risk of acoustic neuroma.

U.K. Acoustic Neuroma Link Fades Away After Data from 2009-11 Added
Microwave News, 6 October 6, 2013, Last updated 8 October 2013

The research group at the University of Oxford that reported a link between long-term use of a mobile phone and an elevated risk of acoustic neuroma (AN) in May now says that it is no longer there. In a short letter to the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE), the Oxford team advises that when the analysis was repeated with data from 2009-2011, "there is no longer a significant association." Also gone, the team writes, is the "significant trend in risk with duration of use."

After ten or more years of phone use, the risk of AN is now only 17% higher with a confidence interval (0.60-2.27) that indicates the small increase is not significant. In their earlier paper, the Oxford group reported that the AN tumor risk more than doubled after ten years and was statistically significant (RR = 2.46, CI = 1.07–5.64).

04 October 2013

Surgeon Dr. John West Addresses Cancer - Cell Phone Link on 'Dr. Oz Show'

OCMA Corner: Surgeon Addresses Cancer - Cell Phone Link on ‘Dr. Oz Show’
Physicians News Network, 15 September 2013

Dr. John West, a breast cancer surgeon at Breastlink in Orange County, recently traveled to New York City to film an upcoming episode with Dr. Oz’s TV show.

The episode focuses on suspected cell phone-related breast cancer in young women.

Dr. West, who is also the co-founder of the Be Aware Foundation, which funds clinical research through a partnership with Breastlink, said the Dr. Oz show contacted him after linking him to Tiffany Frantz.

The young woman drew wide media attention after being diagnosed with breast cancer in the area where she’s been storing her call phone inside her bra.

“We don’t have any scientific proof that cell phones cause cancer,” Dr. West told PNN last week. “It could be coincidence that women develop an unusual cancer right there on the breast, or this could be the tip of the iceberg.”

Today about 40% of college women keep their cell phones inside the bra.