Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

26 February 2021

Switzerland: Doctors for the Environment: Press Release on 5G and the New Regulations for Adaptive Antennas

5G - New regulations for adaptive antennas
An increase of the limit values by a roundabout way as a mere detail of execution

Press Release, Médecins en faveur de l’Environnement (MfE), 24 February 2021 -
Unofficial translation *

MfE press release (pdf in French)

MfE press release (pdf in German)

For years, MfE has been fighting, with the help of its expertise, against a relaxation of the limit values for cell phone radiation, for lower limit values and stricter protection of emissions. The MfE, as a representative of the interests of protection, is a member of the Non-ionizing Radiation Implementation Support Group that prepared the new regulations. The MfE rejects the new existing regulations for adaptive antennas because preservation of the level of protection is not guaranteed. There are currently excellent alternatives from a technical point of view.

24 February 2021

Switzerland: Doctors for the Environment say new 5G antennas are "not safe" for humans

New antennas for 5G would be "unsafe"
ATS, Tribune de Genève, February 24, 2021 - translation

Doctors for the Environment (MfE) believe that the new antennas for 5G are "not safe" for humans.

The new adaptive antennas would allow 
extension of the 5G network in Switzerland.
Keystone/Salvatore Di Nolfi

The new adaptive antennas that will enable the extension of the 5G network in Switzerland do not guarantee a sufficient level of protection for humans, according to the Doctors for the Environment (MfE). They are not convinced by DETEC's arguments in this respect.

According to the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communic-ations (DETEC), the radiation limit values remain unchanged with the new antennas.

Doctors for the Environment do not consider that the current level of protection is maintained. They explained in a press release on Wednesday that the maximum transmission power is no longer valid for determining the operating mode of adaptive antennas that can be used for the 5G network and the existing 4G network.

5G’s Society-Changing Promise Carries ‘Forever Chemicals’ Price

Another potentially damaging aspect of 5G: fluoropolymers, the chemicals allowing data transfer by 5G technology, and which are linked to health problems and lawsuits.

5G’s Society-Changing Promise Carries ‘Forever Chemicals’ Price
by Pat Rizzuto, bloomberglaw.com, 23 February 2021

Components allowing 5G data-transfer speed rely on PFAS
Substances’ unique properties make them tough to replace

Hank Schwedes was driving in heavy traffic near his Morrisville, Pa., home when the car ahead of him suddenly stopped—and to Schwedes’ surprise, so did his.

“I wasn’t stopping quickly enough, so my car reacted before I did,” said Schwedes, who hadn’t known until that moment that his new Subaru Outback was equipped with a futuristic crash prevention system. “It’s a good safety feature.”

Why I'm challenging the FCC about antiquated safety standards for wireless devices

Why I'm challenging the FCC about antiquated safety standards for wireless devices
By Devra Davis, Opinion, Washington Times, February 23, 2021


FCC's broadband by Alexander Hunter
for The Washington Times

Would you let your family fly in a plane or ride in a bus that meets 25-year-old safety standards? Yet, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) assures us that wireless devices that meet last-century standards can safely be used by infants, toddlers and the rest of us.

During a fascinating hearing before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Jan. 25, the FCC maintained that 1996 standards can safely apply to testing devices many of which did not exist when those standards were first established.

15 February 2021

Korean National Cancer Center issues press release for cell phone-brain tumor study: “The longer the cell phone is used, the higher the risk of cancer"

Note from Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University of California, Berkeley: That the National Cancer Center of South Korea has now decided to issue a press release promoting the results of our study (published last November) seems significant because, like the U.S., the telecom industry in South Korea is very powerful. If this news story is reported by the popular press, people may take more precautions in using cell phones.

“The longer the cell phone is used, the higher the risk of cancer.”
Song Soo-yeon, Youth Doctor Newsletter, February 15, 2021 (Google translation from Korean)

National Cancer Center Professor Seung-kwon Myung's team, joint research with Seoul Medical University and UC Berkeley meta-analysis
Research shows that using a mobile phone for a long time increases the risk of developing cancer such as brain tumors.

(Photo): From left: Corresponding author Seung-kwon Myung, Professor of National Cancer Center, co-first author Dr. Joel Moskowitz, co-author Hong Yun-cheol, Seoul Medical University professor, and first author Choi Yoon-jung, Ph.D.

Prof. Seung-Kwon Myung (President of Graduate School) of National Cancer Center, Professor of Preventive Medicine, Seoul Medical University, and Joel Moskowitz, Director of Center for Family and Community Health, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. It was revealed on the 15th that the meta-analysis of 46 case-control studies published in international journals from 1999 to 2015 revealed the result.

Switzerland: Shielded Buildings to Protect Electrohypersensitive People

Shielded buildings to protect electro-hypersensitive people
rts.ch, 14 Feb. 2021 - translation

(Video: ) Fribourg architect Gédéon Abebe has decided to create armored buildings for people with electrosensitivity /7:30 p.m. /2 min.
Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) would be a reality for 800,000 people in Switzerland, according to associations that campaign for recognition of this sickness. Faced with this important figure, a market is developing, particularly in real estate.

After eight years of fleeing electromagnetic fields, the Rouiller couple found their respite in Maison Monsieur, a hamlet in Lime de Fonnier that still escapes the Swiss cell phone network today.

"The heart stops if I receive too many radio waves, I start shaking terribly or I get dizzy. We have been looking for years for a place where there are still no waves, no antennas, and we found it here. It allows me to survive", says Diana Rouiller, electro-hypersensitive, in the 19h30 news.

13 February 2021

United States: Court May Reverse the FCC’s Radiofrequency Emission Limits Decision

Court May Reverse the FCC’s Radiofrequency Emission Limits Decision
by Michael T.N. Fitch, National Law Review, February 11, 2021

On Jan. 25, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument on the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC’s) 2020 decision on radiofrequency emission limits (RFE) in which the FCC made a number of procedural changes to its rules but essentially left the RFE limits adopted in 1996 unchanged. See the Jan. 23, 2020 blog entry “Old Limits and New Procedures for FCC RF Exposure Rules” for detailed discussion of the FCC decision.

Press reports indicate that the FCC position was not well received by the Court of Appeals. Strikingly, one of the judges reportedly stated during oral argument that he was inclined to rule against the FCC because the agency’s reliance on U.S. health and safety agencies’ judgments was not well substantiated. The FCC does have an opportunity to add to the record of the case to try to bolster its position.

10 February 2021

Smartphones Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer

Smartphones increase the risk of breast cancer
Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, 5 Jan. 2021 - translation

A new study shows women who use smartphones are at higher risk of breast cancer. Cell phone-addicted women who use their phones before bedtime have almost seven times the risk. Those who store smartphones near their chest or waist run four to five times higher risk of breast cancer than those who keep their phones under their waistline.

On January 2, 2021, researchers at the Medical University in Taipei, Taiwan, published the first study to date that examined the relationship between breast cancer and the use of so-called smartphones. The study is a case-control study that included 211 women who experienced breast cancer during 2017-2018 and 894 healthy checks and whose use of so-called smartphones has been compared.

The results show that the women who used the mobile phone a lot (defined in the study as “mobile phone addiction”) had a 1.43 times increased risk of breast cancer compared to women who were judged not to be mobile phone addicted. Those who usually kept the mobile phone close to the chest or waist had between 5.03 and 4.06 times increased risk, respectively. The researchers found a significant association between the distance to the breasts when using a mobile phone and the risk of breast cancer. Similarly, the risk was increased 5.27 times for the women who used the mobile phone more than 4.5 minutes before going to bed.

09 February 2021

Dangers of Smartphones for Health: We Will No Longer Be Able to Say We Didn't Know

Dangers of smartphones for health: we will no longer be able to say we didn't know
by José Vieira, bioaddict.fr, 9 Feb. 2021 - translation 

Are we all overexposed to electromagnetic waves and endangered by our cell phones? Yes! says Dr. Marc Arazi in his book "Phonegate" published by Editions Massot. A book in which he explains the incredible omerta on the risks of smartphones imposed by manufacturers with the complicity of official bodies, and his fight to establish and spread the truth.

I thought I knew a lot about the health risks of cell phones. I also suspected that smartphone manufacturers were exerting powerful pressure to impose their products at all costs. I've been interested in this issue for many years. But when I read the book that Dr. Marc Arazi has just published by Editions Massot, I realized with amazement that I didn't actually know much about it. Neither about all the potential health risks of electromagnetic waves emitted by smartphones, nor about the manipulations of the manufacturers, nor about the scandalous complicity of the official organizations in charge of user protection ...

In his book, Phonegate, written like a true thriller, Dr. Marc Arazi* describes, step by step, day by day, his fight that began in 2004. He details the multiple obstacles he encountered with manufacturers, but also, incredibly, with the National Frequency Agency, to obtain information on the studies on the health effects of these radio waves to which we are subjected when using our smartphones.

08 February 2021

"The Microwave Delusion" - the Diary of an Electrosensitive

"The Microwave Delusion" - the Diary of an Electrosensitive
by Brian Stein CBE and Jonathan Mantle

For Immediate Release: 26 January 2021

The Microwave Delusion is the story of how one man’s personal experience of the damaging health effects of low-level microwave radiation became part of an international campaign to hold the mobile phone industry to account for its defective safety practices.

This book charts industry dirty tricks, government indifference and the rise of independent science over industry-controlled studies, leading to campaigns, political action, legal judgements in mainland Europe, North America and Israel and action to protect children in schools: a change of process which many countries are adopting and which British health authorities, politicians and those with a duty of care are the slowest to acknowledge.

The roll out of 5G worldwide presents the greatest threat yet to public health from low-level microwave radiation generated by a mobile phone industry which places profit above the long-term wellbeing of pregnant women, babies, children and adults at home, school, in public and in the workplace. As one leading independent scientist says: ‘We are taking risks of the sort that no rational society on earth should take.’

The Microwave Delusion describes how an industry-driven tragedy in the making has come into being on a scale comparable to tobacco and asbestos, how it can be averted, and what we as individuals and a society can do about it.

*All profits from this book go to charities campaigning for a safer wireless environment around the world.

07 February 2021

Genetic Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields: New Review by Dr. Henry Lai

Genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields 
Henry Lai. Genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. 
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Published online: 04 Feb 2021. 
doi: 10.1080/15368378.2021.1881866


This is a review of the research on the genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic field (EMF), mainly on radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and static and extremely low frequency EMF (ELF-EMF). The majority of the studies are on genotoxicity (e.g., DNA damage, chromatin conformation changes, etc.) and gene expression. Genetic effects of EMF depend on various factors, including field parameters and characteristics (frequency, intensity, wave-shape), cell type, and exposure duration. The types of gene expression affected (e.g., genes involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and stress responses, heat-shock proteins) are consistent with the findings that EMF causes genetic damages. Many studies reported effects in cells and animals after exposure to EMF at intensities similar to those in the public and occupational environments. The mechanisms by which effects are induced by EMF are basically unknown. Involvement of free radicals is a likely possibility. EMF also interacts synergistically with different entities on genetic functions. Interactions, particularly with chemotherapeutic compounds, raise the possibility of using EMF as an adjuvant for cancer treatment to increase the efficacy and decrease side effects of traditional chemotherapeutic drugs. Other data, such as adaptive effects and mitotic spindle aberrations after EMF exposure, further support the notion that EMF causes genetic effects in living organisms.


05 February 2021

[Press release] French Wikipedia deletes “Phonegate” scandal page

[Press release] French Wikipedia deletes “Phonegate” scandal page
Equipe Phonegate 5 Feb 2021

Since January 13, 2021, you will no longer find any reference to the Phonegate industrial and health scandal in the French Wikipedia encyclopedia. The “Phonegate” page created in October 2018 and renamed “Marketing of non-compliant cell phones” has been removed. Hundreds of hours of work have now been wiped out with one click!

This decision shows just how much of a problem the presence of this information poses for cell phone manufacturers and, beyond that, for public authorities. Since the publication of the page, some Wikipedia contributors have done everything possible to minimize the impact of this global scandal. They have come to an end.

This is all the more worrying, given that cell phone manufacturers own as shareholders a large majority of major media in France and internationally. And that this scandal is still partially or totally censored there. The TF1 group (Bouygues Télécom), for example, has never once referred to the scandal since its launch in July 2016. As for the newspaper Le Monde (Xaviel Niel-Free mobile), the subject has become taboo since the article by journalist Pierre Le Hir in December 2016. And the list goes on and on…

03 February 2021

China Bans Smartphones in All Primary and Secondary Schools

Environmental Health Trust, 2 February 2021

On Monday, the China Ministry of Education released a notice with the directive that all primary and secondary school students in China will be barred from bringing mobile phones to school. If a child is caught playing on their phone at school, teachers will confiscate the students’ phones and return them when the semester ends. Schools may not assign or ask students to do homework via cellphones and schools must set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students, the notice says. According to the notice, the measures are to protect students’ eyesight and allow them to concentrate on their studies, as well as preventing addiction to the internet and video games.

United States: Groups Ask FCC to Pause Certifications of Commercial 6 GHz Devices

Groups Ask FCC to Pause Certifications of Commercial 6 GHz Devices
rrmediagroup.com, 1st February 2021

A coalition of public-safety and critical infrastructure organizations sent a letter to the FCC asking the commission to pause any certifications for commercial devices to be used on 6 GHz spectrum.

The groups urged the FCC to pause any approvals for the new equipment until it performs rigorous testing to ensure that the existence of the devices will not cause harmful interreference to incumbent fixed microwave links used by public safety and critical infrastructure agencies.

Last year, the FCC approved new rules that allowed unlicensed use of the 6 GHz band. Those new rules allowed two types of unlicensed devices in the band. Standard power devices are governed by automatic frequency coordination (AFC) technology that is intended to prevent interference to incumbent users. Meanwhile, low-power devices are not subject to AFC coordination but under the rules are only allowed indoors.

In court briefings and FCC filings asking for reconsideration of the rules, public-safety and critical infrastructure organizations expressed concern about low-power indoor devices (LPIs) arguing that the FCC won’t be able to ensure that they will only be used indoors and that tracking interference from so many unlicensed devices will be very difficult.

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