Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

31 March 2018

Electrosensitivity: Why Are Some People More Sensitive to EMFs than Others?

Electrosensitivity: Why Are Some People More Sensitive to EMFs than Others?
Posted on 30 January 2018 by Defendershield

Food allergies and genetic predispositions reveal an important truth about our physiology.

Source:  Gunnar Heuser and Sylvia A. Heuser
As humans, our physical bodies all generally function in the same way. We have the same organs, we carry out the same cellular processes, we require the same basic needs to continue living. Yet despite this surface-level uniformity, no two human bodies are the same.

It’s the same case with electromagnetic radiation (EMR), AKA electromagnetic fields (EMF): though we all can potentially experience their ill effects, some of us are more sensitive to EMFs than others. When symptoms of EMF exposure are frequent and intense, and in some cases, lasting long after you’ve distanced yourself from the source, you may suffer from electrosensitivity otherwise known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). At higher stages of this not yet widely recognized physiological condition, symptoms can lead people to seek medical treatment, or render them incapable of working or living around wireless technology.

Researchers Find the Cellphone-Cancer Risk is Higher than Originally Thought

Researchers find the cellphone-cancer risk is higher than originally thought
by Teri Webster, theblaze.com, 30 March 2018

A new study suggests cellphone use can increase the chance
of developing cancer.  Studies from France and Italy had
similar findings. 
(iStock / Getty Images)
For years, researchers have questioned if excessive cellphone use is linked to cancer.

Millions of people every day are constantly connected to their phones – making calls, texting, taking pictures, and surfing social media. Even cellular radiation experts can have a hard time disconnecting.

But a new study suggests cellphone use can increase the chance of developing cancer, KDKA-TV reported. Studies from France and Italy had similar findings.

The issue is especially timely as 5G, a new and stronger broadband, is expected to come online later this year.

Aftermath of the Peer Review of the NTP Study: Do Not Hold Your Breath...

As Dr. Leszczynski recently tweeted… US FDA will do nothing in response to the NTP study:

Aftermath of the peer-review of the NTP study: Do not hold your breath…
by Dariusz Leszczynski, betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com, 30 March 2018

It happened again – a big surprise. Scientists decided that NTP study shows effects in rats.

When group of experts is assembled and the experts careers do not depend on them expressing fair scientific opinions, even those not liked by the telecoms, the real scientific evaluation takes place. Not just rubber-stamping of an opinion convenient for the telecoms, as ICNIRP, WHO EMF Project and ICES do it. Because in ICNIRP and WHO EMF Project careers of the scientists are industry-dependent, even when the scientists are not employed by the industry. At ICES, the majority of the scientists is either employed by the industry or are consultants for the industry.

30 March 2018

Message from Dr. Marc Arazi, President, Association Alerte Phongate on His Return from the NTP Peer Review Meeting

On his return from the National Toxicology Peer Review meeting in Durham, North Carolina, Dr. Marc Arazi posted this message on the Facebook page of "Task Force Phonegate".
29 March 2018

Dear Friends,

I have returned to France after several days in the U.S. for the Association "Alerte Phonegate" to comment on the National Toxicology Program study on radiofrequency radiation from cell phones.

As you will see in the photos, scientists and doctors came up, one after the other, to the podium to share their comments on the results of this 10-year study on rats and mice (25 million dollars).

We have been convincing, in any event, I believe this. We are now far from the more than biased presentation made by Dr. John Bucher (one of the authors) during the release of the study last February 2nd.

The links between RF radiation and cell phones and some cancers in rats (heart, brain) are clearly established, confirming a little more the health risks to billions of users.

29 March 2018

Despite Studies Finding Increases Risk of Cancer from Cellphone Radiation, the FDA Claims They're Safe As Long As You're Not a "Heavy User"

“…it is important to point out that the ‘heavy’ users of a decade ago are the ‘low’ users of today,” commented one person at LifeZette.com.  “The reality is that we are all ‘heavy’ users. Children and teens are most vulnerable and they are also going to be using phones for a lifetime. While I am certainly in favor of more research, I also think it is prudent that governments act now to create public awareness and policy to reduce exposure – as is done in many other countries.”

Despite studies finding increases risk of cancer from cellphone radiation, the FDA claims they’re safe as long as you’re not a “heavy user”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News, 28 March 2018

(Natural News) A new government study presents data to suggest that mobile phone use is detrimental to humans because of all the non-ionizing radiation these devices emit. But not to worry, claims the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – we’re all apparently not using our cellphones enough for them to cause any significant harm, so keep on texting and gorging yourself on social media.

It was the National Toxicology Program (NTP) that conducted this latest research, focusing specifically on the effects of exposure to constant, high levels of radio-frequency (RF) radiation. As has similarly been found in other research, cellphone radiation is a high-risk potential cause of cancer – and the amounts of radiation given off by most “smart” phone devices these days is more than likely much higher than what manufacturers even claim, which makes them an even more serious threat.

Can Your Cellphone Cause Cancer? Scientists Find Definitive Link in Study of Rats

Can your cellphone cause cancer? Scientists find definitive link in study of rats.
BY JOHN MURAWSKI, newsobserver.com, 28 March 2018, updated 9 hours ago


AP file photo
Cellphone radio-frequency waves can be decisively linked to cancer in rats, according to a national science panel meeting in Research Triangle Park on Wednesday. The scientists' finding establishes the clearest connection of cellphone risk to humans in a major U.S. study to date.

The scientists made their announcement at the end of a three-day meeting to review a $25 million rodent experiment conducted by the National Toxicology Center in RTP for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The draft of the study, issued in early February, had established a weak link in some cases, but the scientific advisory panel on Wednesday said the data is more compelling and indicates greater risk than initially acknowledged.

Wednesday's decision is expected to change the debate over cellphone safety, and public health activists predict the results will increase pressure on federal agencies to issue safety warnings and tighten safety standards of the ubiquitous electronic device.

"It should most likely lead to a reduction in exposure limits," said Ronald Melnick, the National Toxicology Program scientist who designed the study before he retired nine years ago.

"This matters a lot because the agencies that will receive this data will make public health decisions based on this information," he said.

28 March 2018

The Netherlands: Radiation 5G Antennas Restricted: Uncertainty about Danger to Public Health

Radiation 5G antennas restricted: uncertainty about danger to public health
jrseco.com, 27 March 2018

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs is considering national restrictions on the radiation emitted by transmission masts. The roll-out of 5G is expected to result in a proliferation of antennas, including in lampposts and bus shelters. This may pose a risk to public health.

Source: Algemeen Dagblad, Peter Winterman. Translated from Dutch by JRS.

“5G can operate at a higher frequency. That means more capacity, but the range of an antenna is shorter. As a result, many more small transmitters will be needed, which will appear everywhere in the streetscape” - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Economic Affairs
A document from the Ministry of Economic Affairs states that ‘… it is being considered to introduce regulations on electromagnetic fields’. At present there are no nationally established limits for the radiation emitted by transmission masts.

27 March 2018

Electrohypersensitivity: How to Diagnose It?

Jacques Lintermans, Pharmaceutical Consultant, Linkedin, 27 March 2018


Authors: Jacques Lintermans PhD ; Jean-Emile Vanderheyden MD neurologist ; André Vander Vorst, Professor Emeritus UCL, Belgium

Although there is a controversy regarding the physiological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human beings, the EMFs-attributed effects are life-disabling for some people. These are called electro-hypersensitive (EHS) and their prevalence in the population to day is estimated to a range of about 4-10%.

To diagnose EHS and submit those individuals to an appropriate treatment has become a medical challenge of significant importance.

The symptoms, however, are relatively non-specific and mainly related to the mental function; because physicians have no objective algorithms to diagnose EHS, these patients are most of the time declared relevant to psychiatry.

France: Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Waves: Research Efforts Should Be Scaled Up and Suitable Care Provided for the People Concerned

Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves: research efforts should be scaled up and suitable care provided for the people concerned
ANSES ( French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety),
27 March 2018

Today the Agency is publishing the results of its expert appraisal on hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. This work drew on all the available scientific literature, as well as on numerous hearings with hospital and general practitioners, researchers, associations, and the people concerned. The expert appraisal revealed the great complexity of the issue of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), while concluding that according to the current state of knowledge, there is no solid experimental evidence establishing a causal link between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the symptoms described by the people declaring themselves as electrohypersensitive. The Agency also emphasised that the suffering and pain expressed by the people declaring themselves as electrohypersensitive is a reality of life, requiring them to adapt their daily lives to cope with it. In this context, the Agency recommends providing suitable care for the people concerned and pursuing research work, in particular by setting up studies whose experimental conditions take into account the circumstances of people declaring themselves as EHS.

26 March 2018

Increasing Incidence of Aggressive Brain Tumour (Glioblastoma Multiforme) in England

Increasing incidence of aggressive brain tumour (glioblastoma multiforme) in England 
during 1995-2015
Lennart Hardell, lennarthardellenglish.wordpress.com, 26 March 2018

A recent article describes increasing incidence of the most malignant type of brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in England during 1995-2015. The number of patients increased from 2.4 to 5.0 per 100,000 during that time period. In total the yearly increase was from 983 to 2,531 patients, thus a substantial number. The incidence of low-grade glioma decreased but was stabilized from 2004, see figure 2. Thus the increasing incidence cannot be explained by low-grade glioma transforming to high-grade (GBM). The authors conclude that a general environmental factor must be the cause.

The increasing incidence is most pronounced for GBM in temporal or frontal parts of the brain, see figure 6. That is parts with highest exposure to radiofrequency radiation from the handheld wireless phone.

25 March 2018

Rats Using Cell Phones are Developing Tumors!

magdahavas.com, 24 March 2018

March 24, 2018: A new Italian publication (in press) confirms results obtained by the recent U.S. NTP (National Toxicology Program) research that rats exposed to radiation from a cell phone develop tumours. In both studies two types of tumours were detected: Schwannomas of the heart and glial cell tumours in the brain. These two studies are receiving a lot of attention by scientists on both sides of the cell phone divide: Those who believe this radiation is harmful and those who believe it is safe.
NTP Report

Italian RF–Animal Study: “Consistent with” and “Reinforces” U.S. NTP Cancer Finding

Italian RF–Animal Study: “Consistent with” and “Reinforces” U.S. NTP Cancer Finding
microwavenews, 22 March 2018

Ramazzini’s Belpoggi Calls for IARC To Reassess RF–Cancer Risk

Fiorella Belpoggi
Research Director, Ramazzini Institute
Partial results of the Ramazzini Institute’s RF–animal study, which show a statistically significant increase in tumors in the hearts of male rats exposed to GSM radiation, were officially released today. They appear in Environmental Research, a peer-reviewed journal.

As we reported last month, the Ramazzini finding of Schwann cell tumors —called schwannomas— in the rat hearts is consistent with a similar finding by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) in a $25 million RF project, the largest of its kind.

In an interview with Microwave News, Fiorella Belpoggi, the senior author of the new paper and the director of the Ramazzini Institute’s Research Center in Bologna, Italy, offered her views on the new results, the parallels with those of the NTP and the implications for IARC’s designation of the cancer risk of RF radiation. The Ramazzini experiment took ten years to complete.

A copy of the RI paper is available here. For more about the study, see our February report here. And click here for our detailed coverage of the NTP RF project.

Italian Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors

Italian Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors
Environmental Working Group, 22 March 2018

WASHINGTON – Laboratory animals exposed to cellphone radiation developed heart and brain tumors similar to the types seen in some studies of human cellphone users, according to an Italian study published today. EWG said the findings reinforce the need for people, especially children, to exercise caution when using cellphones and other radiation-emitting devices.

The study by the Ramazzini Institute, published in the journal Environmental Research, supports the findings of the federal National Toxicology Program. Last month, the NTP reported that male rats exposed to radio-frequency radiation at levels including those emitted by cellphones had a greater chance of developing malignant brain cancer, and tumors in the heart and other organs.

The Ramazzini Institute’s research found that male rats exposed to the radio-frequency radiation emitted by cellphones using GSM networks had a greater chance of developing heart tumors and hyperplasias affecting Schwann cells, which support the peripheral nervous system. Schwann cell tumors were also observed in human epidemiological studies of tumor incidence in cellphone users, and in the NTP studies of lab animals.

24 March 2018

Mobile Phone Radiation Study Already Being Spun Before Next Week's NTP Official Deliberation

Mobile Phone Radiation Study Already Being Spun Before Next Week's NTP Official Deliberation
aakom, cnsteem.com, 24 March 2018

You can watch public policy in public action.

The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) will deliberate next week on the draft NTP Technical Reports on cell phone (mobile phone) radiofrequency radiation studies conducted on mice and rats.

The propaganda machine is out in full force with NTP senior scientist, Dr John Bucher, already front-running the meeting by stating, "So, these findings should not be directly extrapolated to human cell phone usage."

23 March 2018

Mobile-Signal Boosters a Health Threat, Yet FCC Takes Steps to Enhance Their Usefulness and Effectiveness

At its public meeting on 22 March 2018, the Federal Communications Commission took steps to provide increased flexibility in the use of consumer signal boosters and proposed additional actions to further enhance the usefulness and effectiveness of these boosters. Consumer signal boosters are devices that extend and improve wireless service without special engineering or professional installation. The boosters are designed to be used “out of the box” to improve wireless coverage within a limited area such as a home, boat, office, or recreational vehicle. The rules adopted eliminate the current personal use restriction on provider-specific boosters so that businesses, public safety entities, educational institutions, and other enterprise users and their customers can also benefit from the use of boosters. (See FCC press release.)

Here is what the Indian Medical Association says about signal boosters:
"According to Dr Ajay Purung of the Metro Group of hospitals in Noida, the radiation is particularly harmful for pregnant women. “Pregnant women should not spend time near in-house boosters as the radiation can cause abnormalities in the unborn baby.”

Mobile-signal boosters Noida’s new health threat
by Kapil Datta, Hindustan Times, 26 July 2015

Message from the Newly-Created Association "Alerte Phonegate"

Phonegate* : First international actions of the association "Alerte Phonegate"
Press release, 23 March 2018

Our action has now taken form with the creation of an association governed by the law of 1901, called « Alerte Phonegate » and whose notice was published in the Journal officiel des associations et fondations d'entreprises (Official Journal for Associations and Business Foundations) of March 10, 2018.

The purpose of the new organization is to establish, both in France and Europe as well as internationally, a network of individuals, organizations and communities fighting for the recognition, protection and defense of the health of users of mobile phones within the framework, inter alia, of the health and industrial scandal called “Phonegate”.

The constitutive General Assembly has appointed as Founding President, Dr Marc Arazi, who is proud of this vote of confidence, “...thanks to the many qualified individuals and organizations who have already agreed to actively participate in the important work ahead to alert international institutions and propose appropriate measures to protect the health of more than 6 billion mobile phone users.”

While the first two interventions of Alerte Phonegate are intended for the United States, in reality they concern all of us, so much are public health issues cross-linked today.

Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer - Infographic

Please share this excellent infographic on cell phone radiation and cancer.   
To view it in full, click here:   Environmental Health Trust.

Comments On Ramazzini Study By Annie J. Sasco, MD, DrPH, SM, MPH, Retired Director Of Research At The INSERM (French NIH) And Former Unit Chief At IARC-WHO, France

Comments on the Ramazzini study from Annie J. Sasco, MD, DrPH, SM, MPH, retired Director of Research at the INSERM (French NIH) and former Unit Chief at International Agency for the Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, France
ehtrust.org, 22 March 2018

Dr. Annie Sasco

“I am a physician and a scientist having spent the past 35 years working on the epidemiology of cancer and to a lesser extent other chronic diseases. Over the decades, my focus switched from behavioral to environmental risk factors as I was confronted by the huge increase in cancer occurrence worldwide, not only in terms of burden of disease, but also in incidence rates after due consideration to the changes in population size and age structure.

22 March 2018

Telecommunications: 5G is coming to Switzerland

Telecommunications: 5G is coming to Switzerland
By Celia Luterbacherswissinfo.ch, 18 March 2018

Following a successful pilot project, Swiss telecom group Swisscom is ready to deploy 5G – shorthand for fifth generation wireless systems – at selected sites this year.

(Photo): Swisscom says customers can expect to be able to download the equivalent of a full HD movie in a matter of seconds by 2020 — but only if certain regulatory changes are made.(Keystone)

In a press release earlier this month, Swisscom said that it anticipates 5G coverage “throughout the Swiss territory” in 2020, adding that 5G-ready phones are expected to appear on the global market in early 2019.

18 March 2018

Screen Time at Close Range Could Lead to 'Tsunami of Myopia' and Eyesight Issues

Screen time at close range could lead to 'tsunami of myopia' and eyesight issues
by Jesse ThompsonABC Radio Darwin, 12 March 2018

Watching something on your phone?  Why not hold the
screen out at elbow's length. 
ABC Radio Darwin:
Jesse Thompson
Many people will remember being told not to sit too close to the television in the lounge rooms of their childhoods.

But today's parents would do well to warn their children not to position themselves too close to small screens, according to optometrist Helen Summers.

She warned that the use of the screens at close range for long periods of time could be leading to a generation of eyesight problems.

"We're actually facing a tsunami of myopia — short-sightedness," she told ABC Radio Darwin's Joel Spry.

"We have 4 million short-sighted people in Australia at the moment, but by the year 2050 we're looking at 22 million."

16 March 2018

Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies on Health Risks of 5G Small Cells, FCC Limits, WiFi in Schools and the Health Risks of the Internet of Things

Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies on Health Risks of 5G Small Cells, FCC Limits, WiFi in Schools and the Health Risks of the Internet of Things

"Article 4 section 51 of the Michigan Constitution States: 'the public health and the general welfare of the people of the state are hereby declared to be a matter of primary public concern. The legislature shall pass suitable laws for the protection and promotion of public health.'

Despite the convenience and the enormous economic growth potential associated with the Internet of Things our primary concern as legislators is not convenience, nor economic growth. As much as I love technology as per our Michigan constitution the public health and the general welfare of the people of our state are supposed to be our primary concern."

-Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck

Colbeck cites health as reason to slow ‘small cell’ rush (7 mn. - 15 March 2018)

13 March 2018

The Tech Industry’s Psychological War on Kids

"What none of these parents understand is that their children’s and teens’ destructive obsession with technology is the predictable consequence of a virtually unrecognized merger between the tech industry and psychology. This alliance pairs the consumer tech industry’s immense wealth with the most sophisticated psychological research, making it possible to develop social media, video games, and phones with drug-like power to seduce young users."

The Tech Industry’s Psychological War on Kids
by Richard Freedmedium.com, 11 March 2018

Child and adolescent psychologist, and the author of “Wired Child: Reclaiming Childhood in a Digital Age”

How psychology — a discipline that we associate with healing — is being used as a weapon against children

“We called the police because she wrecked her room and hit her mom… all because we took her phone,” Kelly’s father explained. He said that when the police arrived that evening, Kelly was distraught and told an officer that she wanted to kill herself. So, an ambulance was called, the 15-year-old was strapped to a gurney, taken to a psychiatric hospital, and monitored for safety before being released. Days after being hospitalized, Kelly was brought to my office by her parents who wanted to get help for their troubled girl...

12 March 2018

Maryland: Residents Worried about Small Cell Safety Have Been Waiting Years for Federal Guidance

Residents worried about small cell safety have been waiting years for federal guidance
By Ryan Barwickpublicintegrity.org, 2 March 2018

Residents voice their strong opposition to 5G small cells at
a heated October 2016 public meeting in Montgomery
County, Maryland
Cities ask the government for guidance on radio-frequency exposure — with no answer in sight.

In town halls and city council chambers across the country, local officials are facing the wrath of residents fearful of the next wave of wireless communications soon to sweep the nation.

They worry that the new technology — which will require hundreds of thousands of so-called small-cell antennas placed throughout neighborhoods — could cause adverse health effects because the antennas, located sometimes just a couple dozen feet from houses, will bathe their communities in round-the-clock radio frequencies.

11 March 2018

Switzerland: The Digital Revolution Is Being Threatened

The Digital Revolution in Switzerland is Being Threatened
by Anouch Seydtaghia, Le Temps, 9 March 2018 (translation)

The Council of States has refused to relax an ordinance on radiation emitted by mobile phone antennas, jeopardizing the launch, in 2020, of 5G.  The telecoms operators are furious, but health groups are calling for caution.

Only one vote was needed.  By 22 votes to 21, the Council of States refused Monday [5 March] to relax the regulations on mobile phone antennas.  Switzerland will thus keep an ordinance fixing the maximum values of non-ionizing radiation that are ten times lower than in the European Union.  This vote of seemingly little importance could have major consequences on the digitization of the country, warns the telecoms operators for whom the deployment of the 5G network is now jeopardized.  Their opponents state that the health of the population must take precedence.

10 March 2018

Switzerland: How the Daughter of National Councilor Maximilian Reimann is Fighting against Swisscom for Her Survival

Copper cables radiate in the garden.  Evelyn Reimann can
hardly bear her father's house in Gipf-Oberfrick, Aargau
(7 February 2018).  Photo: Kilian J. Kessler
How the Daughter of Maximilian Reimann, National Councilor UDC , is Fighting against Swisscom for Her Survival
by Marco Metzler, nzz.ch, 4 March 2018 (translation)

Evelyn Reimann has been suffering from the radiation of copper cables since Swisscom is has been using them for high debit Internet transmission.  Today, the family is defending themselves legally and is ready to resort to litigation proceedings.

"I am being tortured," says Evelyn Reimann at the kitchen table of the one-family home of her father, National Councilor Maximilian Reimann.  This 38-year-old woman is in bad shape.  According to the family doctor, she is suffering from electrosensitivity.  Since November 2015, she is hardly able to stay in Gipf-Oberfrick, Aargau.  Swisscom is responsible for this.

Before the meeting, she asks us to only make calls in the case of an emergency.  There, we place all devices in airplane mode.  In the corridor, there is an unplugged cross-trainer.  After a short stay at home, her condition worsened.  "I have headaches, tachycardia and difficulties breathing.  After two nights, I was exhausted," she said.  "It was severe on the fixed phone.  Then, I realized for the first time that something else wasn't right."

09 March 2018

United States: Congress Took $101 Million in Donations from the Telecommunications Industry

More than 100 million dollars in contributions from mobile phone manufacturers went to U.S. election campaigns between 1989 and 2017. The article shows the amounts contributed per candidate in the U.S. Congress.  Be sure to look at the charts and tables.  Which campaign received the most money? - that of Senator John McCain:


Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and others spread their money far and wide to influence your government

The FCC is about to give massive internet service providers the power to divide the internet. It is at risk of becoming unrecognizable. A vital global utility that has been a boon to creative and economic freedom for people around the world may be turned into a twisted land of tolls and corporate control.

The stakes are high. The internet now touches every town, every city, and every single one of us — whether we use it or not. Those who control the network control the future.

[Press Release] Phonegate : A new victory in our fight for transparency against ANFR

[Press Release] Phonegate : A new victory in our fight for transparency against ANFR
by Marc Arazi, arazi.fr, 9 March 2018

The National Frequencies Agency (ANFR), in a press release appearing March 8, 2018, announced the publication on its site data.anfr.fr the complete reports of controls conducted on 442 mobile phones tested between 2012 and 2017.

In the fight for transparency, it is a new victory against ANFR which, using multiple arguments, has repeatedly refused to make public these data that are essential to the health and safety of mobile phone users. For Dr. Marc Arazi who launched the alert on this new health and industrial scandal: “This is an important major victory but now the French and European people must be fully informed and governments must take measures of protection, in particular, ordering the removal of mobile phones that exceed the thresholds in contact with the body. The inertia of Ministers Nicolas Hulot and Agnès Buzyn is no longer acceptable. »

04 March 2018

Radiofrequency Exposure Limits: FCC's Ongoing Proceedings Addressing Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields

This is the third entry of three regarding the FCC’s ongoing proceedings to address human exposure to radio-frequency (RF) fields. Below are links to Parts One and Two.

RF Exposure Limits–Signs of the Times—Part One

RF Signs of the Times—Part Two

Osure RF Signs of the Times—Part Three
by Michael T. N. Fitch, Senior Counsel, natlawreview.com, 1st March 2018

This third entry on the FCC’s ongoing review of RF exposure limits highlights the Notice of Inquiry that focuses on possible changes to the current RF exposure limits.

The NOI reiterates that the current exposure limits were adopted in 1996 and while expressing confidence in these limits, the NOI observes that intervening research studies, the ubiquity of device adoption, advances in technology, and developments in international standards support updating the record on RF exposure limits. Accordingly, the NOI seeks comment on whether the current exposure limits should be changed, and the costs and benefits of any suggested changes. The FCC explains its “intent is to adequately protect the public without imposing an undue burden on industry.” It adds that its goal “is to open a science-based examination of the efficacy, currency, and adequacy of the Commission’s exposure limits for RF electromagnetic fields.”

Do I Need to Worry About Radiation From WiFi and Bluetooth Devices?

Do I Need to Worry About Radiation From WiFi and Bluetooth Devices?
by Catherine Roberts, consumerreports.org, 1st March 2018

What’s known about the potential risk from routers and wireless headphones

Recent research has resurfaced concerns among scientists about a potential link between cell-phone radiation and cancer. But that research—a 10-year, $25 million government study in rodents—left a lot of key questions unanswered. That includes how relevant the findings are to newer wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi that have become widespread since the study was designed in the early 2000s.

Like cell phones, routers use radio frequency (RF) energy—a form of electromagnetic radiation—to bring wireless internet to your computer, TV, and other devices. Bluetooth headphones and speakers also rely on RF signals to play music. Smartwatches use RF to connect to your phone. And any WiFi-connected smart devices in your home also receive and transmit data using this type of energy. Do you need to worry about any of that?

03 March 2018

Switzerland: "Do Not Prematurely Increase Limit Values": Commentary by "Beobachter" Editor-in-Chief, Andres Büchi

"Switzerland has often distinguished itself by being a
little more cautious and thoughtful than other countries." -
Observer editor-in-chief Andres Büchi. 
Photo: Paul Seewer
"Do not prematurely increase limit values"
BY ANDRES BÜCHI, beobachter.ch
Updated 1st March 2018 (translation)

On March 5, the Council of States decides on a requested increase in precautionary limits for mobile communications.  It should set a clear signal against these plans. A commentary by Andres Büchi.

In Switzerland, strict precautionary limits for mobile phone radiation apply today to places with particularly sensitive use (OMEN) in international comparison. The economy, telecom companies and the Federal Council now recommend easing these so-called investment limits in order to create more capacity and to enable the 5G mobile communications standard for the "Internet of Things".

This is easily possible without endangering the population, it is argued. Finally, the significantly higher WHO emission limit values, which must be adhered to absolutely and everywhere for health reasons, still apply.

Parliament of Canada: Standing Committee on Health: Minutes on Wireless Radiation, 23 April 2015: Presentation by Dr. Anthony Miller

RE-POSTED (3 March 2018)
As an epidemiologist who has done a great deal of work on breast cancer, one of the most concerning factors that have come to light is a series of case reports, starting with some reports from California... In all, there are now seven case reports of women who developed unusual breast cancers in the exact position where they kept cellphones in their bras. These are unusual tumours. They're multifocal, which means they occur in several places. They seem to mirror where the cellphone was being kept. The radiation from the cellphone seems to have increased in these women the risk, which they presumably already had, of developing breast cancer. They were all relatively young women. This is a most unusual occurrence that must concern us greatly. : 
Dr. Anthony Miller

Parliament of Canada
H.E.S.A. committee minutes on wireless radiation, Standing Committee on Health, 23 April 2015

Dr. Anthony Miller (Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, As an Individual):

 Mr. Chair, members of the committee, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to present on Health Canada's review of the evidence for Safety Code 6, which I believe has led to unsafe conclusions.

I am a physician and epidemiologist specializing in cancer etiology, prevention, and screening. I have performed research on ionizing radiation and cancer, electromagnetic fields and cancer, and other aspects of cancer causation. I have served on many committees assessing the carcinogenicity of various exposures, including working groups of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, commonly known as IARC, of which Canada is a member. I was the first Canadian member of their scientific council.

02 March 2018

Which Smartphones Emit The Most Radiation? [Infographic]

Our comment: The amount of radiation emitted by smartphones (SAR or Specific Absorption Rate) claimed by manufacturers and even authorities like the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection is not a realistic measure of safety.  Manufacturers test their phones at a certain distance from the body, NOT the actual way in which we use them:  held next to the skin, in the hand, in a pocket or bra. A French physician, Dr. Marc Arazi, has uncovered this serious industrial and health scandal, explained in our previous post.  See also under the label "Phonegate" on this blog.

Which Smartphones Emit The Most Radiation? [Infographic]
by Niall McCarthy, Contributor, Forbes, 1st March 2018

Today, people are never far from their smartphones, whether it's in their hand during their commute, lying in their pocket at work, pressed to their ear to make a call or resting on their bedside table at night. Questions have been raised about whether our close proximity to smartphones might be damaging our health. While there is no conclusive scientific research yet on the impact of cellphone radiation, people who want to weigh up the possible risks should take a glance at the following infographic.

From Dieselgate to Phonegate

From Dieselgate to Phonegate
2 March 2018 - See also arazi.fr

The Tribune de Genève recently published an article on banning diesel cars in cities in Germany.  Pollution prematurely kills 13,000 persons in Germany.  Health priority:  Hamburg, Stuttgart and Munich affirm that they have no other choice.  In the city of BMW, the ban of motors not having the Euro 6 standard, that is, 300,000 vehicles, is foreseen.  "I see no other alternative.  The level of pollution is becoming terrifying", says the mayor of Munich, Dieter Reiter.  "The health of citizens takes precedence."

Many media, particularly in Switzerland, continue to ignore Phonegate, an industrial and health scandal similar to that of Dieselgate.  When will the sale of mobile phones whose SAR values exceed the European regulatory standard of 2 W/kg be banned?  These are not being tested at 0 mm distance from the body.  Most consumers use or keep mobile phones against the skin (in the hand, in a pocket or bra).  When will the use of mobile phones by young children be banned?  When will the public health authorities issue stricter warnings about cell phone risks?

01 March 2018

National Toxicology Program: Extracts from Transcript of Telephone Press Conference Given by NTP Scientist Dr. John Bucher on 2 February 2018

National Toxicology Program (NTP) Draft Conclusions for Radiofrequency Radiation Studies in Rats and Mice
Extracts from Transcript of Telephone Press Conference given by Dr. John Bucher, 2 February 2018

Maggie Fox (NBC): I’m wondering if you can characterize if there’s much new that you’ve learned since 2016. I remember the last time we asked you if you in particular had changed your cellphone use and I would like to ask you that again. Have you changed your cellphone use or what you recommend to your family based on these findings? Thanks.

John Bucher: So in finishing these studies, we have evaluated the entirety of the tissues. We have come up with a number of what we were terming equivocal findings but in general, the only positive finding that we’d really been able to have confidence in I think is the malignant schwannomas in the heart, which is what we described in the 2016 report. I think that it’s important to be able to put all of the content or all of the findings in the report in the context of understanding what happened across the entire body of animals throughout the experiment. So we’ve done that. We’re reasonably sure we understand what’s going on in these studies at this point and the reports that you can see on the web outline the full findings. That said, I think that the reports don’t go much further than what we have reported earlier and I have not changed the way I use the cellphone, no.

Ryan Knutson (Wall Street Journal):  Great. Thanks. Just quickly, just a follow up on that previous reporter’s question. Did you recommend anything for your family whether that’s change...

John Bucher: So the first question was have I recommended changes to my children? No, I have not recommended changes to my children in the way that you… 

Ryan Knutson: Changes like tell them to use the headset or anything like that or just you don’t tell them to do anything? 

John Bucher: I have not really addressed that issue with them.

High Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation Linked to Tumor Activity in Male Rats: NIEHS News Release on NTP Study

High Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation Linked to Tumor Activity in Male Rats
News Release, NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), 2 February 2018

RE-POSTED With links to audio recording and transcript of telephone press conference given by NTP senior scientist, Dr. John Bucher on 2 February 2018.

See next post for extracts from the transcript.

High exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in rodents resulted in tumors in tissues surrounding nerves in the hearts of male rats, but not female rats or any mice, according to draft studies from the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The exposure levels used in the studies were equal to and higher than the highest level permitted for local tissue exposure in cell phone emissions today. Cell phones typically emit lower levels of RFR than the maximum level allowed. NTP’s draft conclusions were released today as two technical reports, one for rat studies and one for mouse studies. NTP will hold an external expert review of its complete findings from these rodent studies March 26-28.

Switzerland: 5G Health Risk?

5G Health Risk?
by Helwi Braunmiller, srf.ch, 23 February 2018 (Translation)

Troubling mobile phone antennas. Is easing the radiation limits toying with the health of the population?

Surf faster than before, completely open up new technological possibilities: 5G is the promise of salvation that is supposed to protect against overloading the mobile networks. But the current mobile infrastructure in Switzerland is not enough for this. In other words, in order to meet the increasing demands, transmission towers must be allowed to emit more radiation than before - and therefore the applicable limit values ​​would have to be relaxed.

A technological leap forward - but with risks and undesirable effects for the population?

Visible enemy - the mobile phone antenna

When it comes to electromagnetic radiation, the fears are widespread - especially as far as mobile phone antennas are concerned. The large, visible systems disconcert us more than the small smartphones that most of us have in our pockets. Wrong: "If the connection is of poor quality, the mobile phone held to the ear radiates the body locally up to 100,000 times more than is typically done by antennas," says environmental epidemiologist Martin Röösli from Basel. 90 to 95 percent of our radiation exposure is generated by cell phones or tablets, only five to ten percent comes from so-called environmental radiation. Everybody is in control of most radiation exposure. The rule of thumb is: Mobile devices as far away from the body as possible.

Ambiguous study situation plus 5G as a new unknown