This is a very good - and long - article on what is making us ill: radiofrequency radiation, GMOs, chemtrails, vaccines, conventional medicine... Many of us know this, but the article seems to go deeper. It is a reflection on the way in which we are living in the very sick environment we created, far from the harmony of nature (if such still exists)...
"There was never anything wrong with who we were, or the way that we were meant to live. We became too smart, too greedy and too caught up in our minds to see where we were heading. Now we see, and now we know."
By Hilde Larsen, Contributing writer for Wake Up World, 16 May 2018

Being sick is not natural, being healthy is. It is what we are designed to be. There is nothing natural about having a body that is imbalanced, tired, sick and in pain.
There are no so called dis-eases in nature. There are no animals with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or asthma. I have never read or heard of any wild animal suffering with any so-called chronic disease. They are not allergic to the foods that they eat, and they do not get fat and tired. When they get sick, from bacteria, or a trauma, they lie down and rest, drinking only water, so that their body can heal and restore. Regeneration is therefore supported, and nature can take its course. The first time I read this, I “knew” it was important.
You see, in nature, every species lives in harmony with Mother Earth. From living in harmony with sunrise and sundown, the seasons are honored, and food is gathered and killed for survival. Eating is not linked to suppressing emotions or feeding different types of addictions. Nature has a perfectly harmonic way of existing, and the further away from that harmony that we stray, the more trouble we are in. The further from truth that we wander, the more despair we will experience. As a species, we as humans keep drifting away from our natural path. This is where healing got lost and dis-ease manifested.
Our path has been lost to us in many different ways, and we are now living the sum of our actions and ignorance. We are experiencing cause and effect, pure and simple. The cause being not honoring creation, and the effects being illness, stress, pain and depression. Violence, anxiety, fear and frustration, are all part of the same manifestation. The one we as humans created, and we as individuals can change one step, one bite, one thought and emotion at a time.
From once living barefoot in nature, we are now living in high-rises, surrounded by wireless electromagnetic radiation. This is a huge deal for our cells. The electromagnetic noise is hitting us from many different sources. Our wireless communication devices, including wireless power meters, cell phones, cell towers, wireless routers and cordless phones, expose us to both electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Anything that has a cord, or a plug emanates an electric field. That includes all appliances, electric wiring, power outlets and extension cords. On top of this we are also exposed to power lines. Some are above the ground where you can see them, but many are below.
But what makes this such a health hazard? Why is this not something that our cells and vibration thrive from being around? Why are we suffering from living in this environment? I believe the key word is vibration. Our cells will get distorted from being exposed to a vibration that causes stress and dissonance. The frequencies are distorting the natural vibration of our cells, also inducing oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is simply defined as a disturbance in the natural balance between the production of free radicals and the antioxidant defenses. It is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.
See: Cancer, DNA Damage, Cellphones and 5G — What You Need to Know
Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons. They can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed, these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominos. They can then create real danger, even at the DNA level! Now the cells get sick and die, but this is where nature has a solution, the antioxidants. They are our defense system against free radicals, found in abundance in any living natural food. What we see as colors in living fruits are antioxidants.
So, you see, all we need to do is to look around, and we will realize how far we have drifted. From being a tropical species, born without any clothes or shoes, we are walking on rubber soles, covered from head to toe to keep warm and fashionable. We even need the shoes to be comfortable, for support. Our body was not made for walking without shoes, so we need support and padding, really? We are now disconnected from the vibrations of the Earth, from the negative ions that nurture our cells. All this EMF disturbance, the electromagnetic smog, is subjecting us to positive ions, disturbing our cells in their natural healing and regeneration. We are experiencing decay and cell mutation, instead of natural vitality and strength.
I will keep this simple, as that is all we need to know; simplicity. When we spend time surrounded by cell-phones, computers and power lines, we are out of calm. We are in a space of stress and degeneration. When we are in nature, we are in a healing space of harmony for all our cells. Simple, yet hard to live by in this modern world.
Our lives even include travelling by airplanes, walking around in high-tech airports, driving cars and busses, underground and over ground. We are constantly bombarded with the frequencies and energies of instruments and vibration. The artificial lighting and the recirculated air are contributing to more cellular and mental stress. This might all sound very depressing, and in a sense, it is.
We are sick as an effect of our lifestyles, as a direct and honest effect. We are living the life that we created.
We even made food our enemy, so to speak. We made food something that is no longer nurturing and healing. What we eat affects every single cell in our body, positively or negatively. We are being presented with what looks like food and is perceived as food, but in truth is not. Supermarkets are filled with boxes and cans, bags and plastic bottles, all filled with substances that are a burden to the human body. Processed and altered, filled with anything from plastic to wood pulp.
Our food is also genetically modified (GMOs), which means they have been manipulated using recombinant DNA techniques. It is not possible nor desirable in nature to transfer genetic material between organisms. The concept of genetic modification brings about alterations in genetic composition, and in the properties of the organism developed. The technique is highly mutagenic and leads to changes in the DNA and the proteins produced by the GMO. Is this what we want to serve our children? Even seeds are being altered today. We are tampering with nature, creating mutation of cells, and a body that does not even recognize what we eat, as food. It’s all poisons rather, and that is serious business. The DNA being altered and the tampering with our food also leads to toxic and allergic reactions. Nature is perfect as it is, and by altering any part of it we create trouble, big trouble.
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are presented within about 70 percent of processed foods: Our corn, soy, cottonseed, canola, and sugar beet-based ingredients. According to “Seeds of Deception”, GMOs can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. (Learn more here.)
We are merely scratching the surface of understanding what altering and tampering with our foods are doing to us. We are accepting the most dangerous paths of them all, the road of starvation and self-poisoning. Yes, starvation. Unless we are eating fresh produce, we are not serving the body the nutrients that it needs. Instead, we are eating what will keep us malnourished by clogging up our system. We are consuming nutrient-lacking food that has been altered to the point of complete unrecognition, and the body will react to it as poison. It makes us constipated, as the body is trying to hold on to it, to store it away. Also, the lack of fiber and natural enzymes will leave the body unable to get rid of the waste created. Mostly we are not aware that the intestines are where most of the absorption happens, through the villi of the small intestines. Foods like pizza, bread, hotdogs, hamburgers, processed, powdered, canned, fried and baked are all a burden to our perfect machinery. Our bodies are not meant to be hit with such massive amounts of poisons.
We are suffering and being sick has become something normal. How could it not? We are feeding ourselves sickness, and that is what we are experiencing. Cause and effect, simple.
See: Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out on Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
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We are suffering and being sick has become something normal. How could it not? We are feeding ourselves sickness, and that is what we are experiencing. Cause and effect, simple.
See: Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out on Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
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