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26 August 2024

Another WHO RF Review Challenged - More than 99% of Studies on Oxidative Stress Discarded

Another WHO RF Review Challenged
More than 99% of Studies on Oxidative Stress Discarded
microwavenews.com, August 21, 2024, Last updated August 23, 2024

A third RF systematic review commissioned by the World Health Organization’s EMF Project is under fire. This one is on RF–induced oxidative stress. Last month, two other WHO reviews —on pregnancy outcomes and on tinnitus— were both called into question as critics called for them to be retracted.

A team of 14 from six countries, led by Felix Meyer of the German Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), identified 11,599 studies on oxidative stress in the frequency range 800-2450 MHz. They then eliminated 11,543 of them as not meeting their criteria for inclusion. Of the remaining 56, there are 45 animal studies and 11 cellular studies.

Meyer and colleagues concluded:

“Overall, the effects were inconsistent across studies and there may be or may not be an effect of RF-EMF exposure, but the certainty of the evidence is very low.”

The review has been met with skepticism —at least by those not connected to the WHO, ICNIRP or the BfS.

“The authors of this ‘systematic review’ systematically excluded most of the relevant research,” Joel Moskowitz of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health said in an interview. “A strong case can be made that the Meyer review should be retracted.” Moskowitz runs the Electromagnetic Radiation Safety website.

Henry Lai, a professor emeritus at the University of Washington, Seattle, spelled out where Meyer and his team went wrong in the following statement he provided Microwave News:

The basic problem with this systematic review is that they ignored the dynamic nature of oxidative responses.

Proof of oxidative effects (possible oxidative stress) comes from different considerations:

1. Oxidative molecular reactions
2. Concentration of cellular free radicals
3. Changes in enzymes involved in free radical metabolism
4. Expression of genes involved in cellular oxidative processes, and
5. Inhibition by free radical scavengers (antioxidants).

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