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26 August 2024

How Democratic Policies Allow The Wireless Industry To Put Your Child at Risk From Entropic Waste

How Democratic Policies Allow The Wireless Industry To Put Your Child at Risk From Entropic Waste 
rfsafe.com, August 24, 2024

The Invisible Crisis

In an era dominated by wireless technology, where smartphones, Wi-Fi, and other devices are integral to our daily lives, a hidden danger lurks—one that is not visible to the naked eye, yet has profound implications for our health and environment. This danger, known as entropic waste, represents the disorder introduced into natural systems by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless technology. Unlike traditional pollutants, entropic waste is insidious, silently disrupting the delicate bioelectrical communications that keep our bodies functioning properly.

Unfortunately, instead of addressing this growing threat, Democratic policies—particularly under the Biden-Harris administration—have allowed corporate interests to capture regulatory agencies like the FCC, resulting in outdated safety guidelines that fail to protect our children. This article will explore how these policies, influenced by industry manipulation and a failure to heed early scientific warnings, have put our children and families at risk.

Understanding Entropic Waste

What is Entropic Waste?

Entropic waste is not your typical pollution; it doesn’t blacken skies or foul rivers. Instead, it’s an invisible, electromagnetic byproduct of our increasingly wireless world. Every time you make a call, connect to Wi-Fi, or use Bluetooth, you’re contributing to a cloud of electromagnetic fields that, over time, introduces disorder into the natural bioelectrical systems that govern life.

Imagine the intricate communication between your cells as a finely tuned orchestra, each instrument playing its part in perfect harmony. Entropic waste is like a dissonant note, thrown into the mix, disrupting this harmony and leading to a cascade of biological effects—effects that can manifest as chronic diseases, developmental issues, and even cancer.

The term “entropic waste,” coined by John Coates, highlights the unintended consequences of our wireless world. This type of waste is particularly concerning because it’s invisible, disruptive to bioelectrical systems, and cumulative—meaning that as wireless technology proliferates, so does the potential damage to health and the environment.

The Early Warnings: Dr. Robert O. Becker

The dangers of entropic waste were first hinted at decades ago by Dr. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of bioelectromagnetics. Becker’s research in the 1970s revealed that electromagnetic fields could disrupt biological processes, leading to a host of health issues. He was among the first to connect the dots between EMFs and their potential to cause harm, coining the term “toxic entropic waste” to describe the byproducts of technologies like military radar and communication systems.

Becker’s work was groundbreaking. He demonstrated that while EMFs could have therapeutic effects when carefully controlled, their uncontrolled exposure posed significant risks. Despite his warnings, the growing influence of the wireless industry and a lack of regulatory action meant that Becker’s concerns were largely ignored—setting the stage for the crisis we face today.

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