Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

02 August 2024

Wi-Fi radiation: Practical steps to implement safer tech in classrooms

Wi-Fi radiation: Practical steps to implement safer tech in classrooms 
Many public health agencies and medical organizations recommend taking prudent measures to limit student exposure to RFR

Key points:

Around a decade ago, districts began installing Wi-Fi technology in schools to facilitate access to enhanced “21st century” educational resources. Before Wi-Fi, students used computers plugged in through ethernet cords in dedicated computer rooms. Today, even kindergarteners sit in circles on the floor with Wi-Fi tablets on their laps.

Although Wi-Fi is certainly convenient, wireless devices emit radio frequency radiation (RFR), considered an environmental issue in today’s classrooms. A growing body of research indicates RFR exposure can pose serious health risks. To protect children’s health, countries such as France, Israel, and Belgium prohibit Wi-Fi in kindergartens. Since 2019, France has ensured wireless devices are labeled with warnings which read: “Keep radio equipment away from the belly of pregnant women, and away from the lower abdomen of adolescents.”

Thankfully, there are many simple ways to reduce RFR exposure in the classroom. Here is what you need to know:

Sources of RFR exposure

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