A nurse who
works at a “home” for aged persons (EMS) in Switzerland gave testimony of the
over-prescription of medications to the elderly in these establishments.
Extracts of
the documentary, “The Marketing of Madness” were shown. (YouTube access to the 177-minute film is available at the end of the article). The film discusses “how psychiatric
medications with deadly side effects and no known rate of cure came to dominate
the field of mental health”, for example through the drawing up of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). This manual creates “disease out of everyday suffering
and as a result, pads the bottom lines” of pharmaceutical companies (ref:
“Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness”, by Gary Greenberg, 27 December
2010, Wired Magazine). Another example is the prescription of
atypical antipsychotics to some 2.5 million children in the United States. This new type of psychiatric medication,
which includes Risperdal and Zyprexa, can cause weight gain, cardio-vascular
dysfunction and Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms. These drugs sometimes require the
prescription of other psychotropic medications to lessen side-effects, a
practice called “poly-pharmacy”.