1st January 2014 by Mikkai, tekknorg
At this specialist symposium, doctors from Germany, America, Belarus, and other countries will share findings about the diseases as a result of the nuclear disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima, and discuss medical treatment. This event is organized in cooperation with the Ecumenical Centre EKHN and the German section of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War , Physicians for Social Responsibility Association ( IPPNW / PSR) .
Contact: http://www.zentrum-oekumene-ekhn.de , E-MAIL martina.schreiber (at) zoe- ekhn.de
Martin Niemöller House , AmEichwaldsfeld 3 (STREET), 61389 Schmitten / Arnoldshain (CITY), Germany
Martin Niemöller House , AmEichwaldsfeld 3 (STREET), 61389 Schmitten / Arnoldshain (CITY), Germany
Start: March 4th 2014 18:00 (6 pm)
End: march 7th .2014 13:00 (1 pm)
Target Audience: Physicians, scientists , environmentalists, and committed to initiatives that take care of the people from radiation- polluted areas in various ways.
Start: March 4th 2014 18:00 (6 pm)
End: march 7th .2014 13:00 (1 pm)
Target Audience: Physicians, scientists , environmentalists, and committed to initiatives that take care of the people from radiation- polluted areas in various ways.
Head: Dr. Dörte Siedentopf , IPPNW / Board (her article SILENT DEATH: German: http://www.n-tv.de/Spezial/Horrorszenario-wartet-auf-Japan-article2887296.html English: http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/11/slow-death/) Here, she is speaking: http://vimeo.com/22981871
and Dr. Martin Repp , Commissioner for dialogue with Asian religions in the center ecumenism EKHN
No nuclear shills allowed. Real Science, No BEIR, no WHO, no IAEA, noUNSCEAR, no BEIR folk. No Kan, no NRC. Just real experts, with 20+ years Chernobyl field experience. Fighting official rule, for the truth:
Dr. Rosa Goncharova
and Dr. Martin Repp , Commissioner for dialogue with Asian religions in the center ecumenism EKHN
No nuclear shills allowed. Real Science, No BEIR, no WHO, no IAEA, noUNSCEAR, no BEIR folk. No Kan, no NRC. Just real experts, with 20+ years Chernobyl field experience. Fighting official rule, for the truth:
Dr. Rosa Goncharova
from Minsk, Belarus (100% irradiated) :
“I think that increased thyroid cancer incidence of children from irradiated parents would be first manifestation of the induced genomic instability”:
“I think that increased thyroid cancer incidence of children from irradiated parents would be first manifestation of the induced genomic instability”:
Rosa Goncharova is a geneticist. In the Belarusian capital Minsk, she directs the laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences. For decades, the research professor and her team investigated the effects of long-lasting radioactive low-level radiation.
What harm take people living in contaminated areas?
Rosa Goncharova is a geneticist. In the Belarusian capital Minsk, she directs the laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences. For decades, the research professor and her team investigated the effects of long-lasting radioactive low-level radiation.
What harm take people living in contaminated areas?
LINK: http://www.hr-online.de/servlet/de.hr.cms.servlet.File/11-042?enc=d3M9aHJteXNxbCZibG9iSWQ9MTIwMTQ3NTImaWQ9NDExMDgxNDEmZm9yY2VEb3dubG9hZD0x
“Even after 22 generations of mice you can still see changes, mutations. They are inherited. The radioactivity is harmful. So it happens that many offspring do not survive or even many embryos. Those who survive are somehow cope with the situation. But whose genome is unstable, and they also pass into the next generation. And often they are ill. Their whole system is more unstable than in other animals.”
Dr. Keith Baverstock
“Even after 22 generations of mice you can still see changes, mutations. They are inherited. The radioactivity is harmful. So it happens that many offspring do not survive or even many embryos. Those who survive are somehow cope with the situation. But whose genome is unstable, and they also pass into the next generation. And often they are ill. Their whole system is more unstable than in other animals.”
Dr. Keith Baverstock
“Keith Baverstock, PhD, a graduate of London University, led the Radiation Protection Programme at the World Health Organisation’s Regional Office for Europe from 1991 to 2003, initially at the European Centre for Environment and Health in Rome, Italy since its foundation in 1991. From 1998 to 2002 he set-up a dedicated project office in Helsinki for nuclear emergencies and public health and in 2002 he transferred to the WHO’s European Centre for Environment and Health located in Bonn where he was the Regional Advisor for Radiation and Public Health.” His bureau was closed by pressure from the nuclear industry.
“Keith Baverstock, PhD, a graduate of London University, led the Radiation Protection Programme at the World Health Organisation’s Regional Office for Europe from 1991 to 2003, initially at the European Centre for Environment and Health in Rome, Italy since its foundation in 1991. From 1998 to 2002 he set-up a dedicated project office in Helsinki for nuclear emergencies and public health and in 2002 he transferred to the WHO’s European Centre for Environment and Health located in Bonn where he was the Regional Advisor for Radiation and Public Health.” His bureau was closed by pressure from the nuclear industry.
“By mid 1998 first draft of the Guidelines was circulating between IAEA and WHO at the management level.“
“Although there had been a clear agreement between the two organisations at the management level and the work had taken place openly the IAEA withdrew at that stage strongly advising that the whole issue should either be dropped or revised. The issue was the proposal to lower the action level for implementation from 100mGy to 10mGy dose to the thyroid’s of children.”
Dr. Ian Farilie
“By mid 1998 first draft of the Guidelines was circulating between IAEA and WHO at the management level.“
“Although there had been a clear agreement between the two organisations at the management level and the work had taken place openly the IAEA withdrew at that stage strongly advising that the whole issue should either be dropped or revised. The issue was the proposal to lower the action level for implementation from 100mGy to 10mGy dose to the thyroid’s of children.”
Dr. Ian Farilie
(http://www.ianfairlie.org/) VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkGEzuOiUYY
“Dr. Ian Fairlie is a radiobiologist from Great Britain. He works as an independent consultant in the field of radioactivity in the environment and advises environmental organisations, the European Parliament as well as local and national authorities in several countries. Fairlie studied chemistry at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and radiobiology at Barts Medical College in London. He wrote his doctorate on the effects of radioactive contamination in the vicinity of Sellafield and La Hague.”http://www.chernobylcongress.org/speakers/artikel/3e03a972eec5d0bf9e43dfc4f8059bba/ian-fairlie.html
Dr. Timothy A. Mousseau
“Dr. Ian Fairlie is a radiobiologist from Great Britain. He works as an independent consultant in the field of radioactivity in the environment and advises environmental organisations, the European Parliament as well as local and national authorities in several countries. Fairlie studied chemistry at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and radiobiology at Barts Medical College in London. He wrote his doctorate on the effects of radioactive contamination in the vicinity of Sellafield and La Hague.”http://www.chernobylcongress.org/speakers/artikel/3e03a972eec5d0bf9e43dfc4f8059bba/ian-fairlie.html
Dr. Timothy A. Mousseau
(http://www.biol.sc.edu/faculty/mousseau) /http://cricket.biol.sc.edu/chernobyl/Chernobyl_Research_Initiative/Introduction.htm
“Stress is not the cause of mental illnesses
1) increased oxidative stress and low levels of antioxidants lead to:
2) normal development of the nervous system is jeopardized leads to:
3) high frequencies of developmental errors and:
4) reduced brain size and impaired cognitive abilities in humans leads to:
5) psychological effects”
Chernobyl birds have smaller brains:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033907/
“Stress is not the cause of mental illnesses
1) increased oxidative stress and low levels of antioxidants lead to:
2) normal development of the nervous system is jeopardized leads to:
3) high frequencies of developmental errors and:
4) reduced brain size and impaired cognitive abilities in humans leads to:
5) psychological effects”
Chernobyl birds have smaller brains:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033907/
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