Check if your mobile phone presents a risk to your health, 3 July 2018
During our press conference on Thursday 28 June, Phonegate Alert launched an appeal for the withdrawal from the market and from service in France, Europe and internationally of hundreds of millions of mobile phones that we believe are potentially dangerous to the health of users, particularly that of children. As a result of this appeal, many people have written us on our Facebook page and our Internet site.
We are publishing the names of the brands and models concerned. In order to facilitate reading, we have organized them into three lists, simpler to understand and immediately highlighting the essential elements, including above all, the real level of exposure measured during the tests carried out by the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR). (The test date is specified.)
The second list includes 47 mobile phone models whose radiation absorbed by human tissue (SAR measured in contact with the skin) exceeds the regulatory value of 4 W/kg for extremities (when, for example, one uses the phone held in the hand or keeps it in a pants pocket).
The third list includes 161 mobile phone models tested by ANFR in contact with the skin and whose radiation absorbed by human tissue exceeds the regulatory threshold of 2 W/kg for the SAR trunk.
In this regard, it has now been two years since the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) in its report published on 8 July 2016 entitled, “Exposure to Radiofrequencies and Child Health” recommended that the public authorities “ensure under all circumstances that the regulatory exposure limit values are enforced, regardless of the mobile emitting devices used and their conditions of use (positioning in contact with the body).”
This list shows that this is not the case and that for the moment, despite the warnings issued by our association as well as those of ANSES, the public authorities have neither informed users of the potential risks to their health, nor taken measures to have these models withdrawn from the market and from service or obtain compliance of the models of these phones offered for sale or used by the public.
[See original article for the COMPLETE LIST of all 250 phones, arranged by brand.]
What must I do?
Whether your phone is on this list or not (only some mobile phones have been tested by ANFR), the solution to protect yourself and your children and/or your grandchildren, is simple and effective: keep your mobile phone away from your body!
Moreover, given the public health issues linked to this new international health and industrial scandal, we advise you to:
Finally, if you are ill and think you are a victim of exposure to the radiation from your mobile phone, do not hesitate to contact us in complete confidentiality.
Original article in French:
We are publishing the names of the brands and models concerned. In order to facilitate reading, we have organized them into three lists, simpler to understand and immediately highlighting the essential elements, including above all, the real level of exposure measured during the tests carried out by the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR). (The test date is specified.)
The first list of 18 mobile phone models corresponds to those whose radiation is absorbed by human tissue (Specific absorption rate (SAR)) at the level of the trunk, measured at 5 mm from the skin by ANFR: the presence, for example, of the phone in a shirt pocket or in a bra) exceeds the regulatory threshold of 2 W/kg.

The second list includes 47 mobile phone models whose radiation absorbed by human tissue (SAR measured in contact with the skin) exceeds the regulatory value of 4 W/kg for extremities (when, for example, one uses the phone held in the hand or keeps it in a pants pocket).

The third list includes 161 mobile phone models tested by ANFR in contact with the skin and whose radiation absorbed by human tissue exceeds the regulatory threshold of 2 W/kg for the SAR trunk.
In this regard, it has now been two years since the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) in its report published on 8 July 2016 entitled, “Exposure to Radiofrequencies and Child Health” recommended that the public authorities “ensure under all circumstances that the regulatory exposure limit values are enforced, regardless of the mobile emitting devices used and their conditions of use (positioning in contact with the body).”
This list shows that this is not the case and that for the moment, despite the warnings issued by our association as well as those of ANSES, the public authorities have neither informed users of the potential risks to their health, nor taken measures to have these models withdrawn from the market and from service or obtain compliance of the models of these phones offered for sale or used by the public.
What must I do?
Whether your phone is on this list or not (only some mobile phones have been tested by ANFR), the solution to protect yourself and your children and/or your grandchildren, is simple and effective: keep your mobile phone away from your body!
- Use the loudspeaker and no longer hold your phone against your ear
- Put the phone in a sack and at the very least, away from your body (in particular, avoid pockets and the bra, a tempting places in the summer period)
- Don’t sleep with the phone in your bed next to your pillow.
- Use the hands-free kit (also called pedestrian kit) only for short conversations.
Moreover, given the public health issues linked to this new international health and industrial scandal, we advise you to:
- Keep all your old mobile phone purchase bills as well those of your mobile phone operators relating to your phone communications
- Do not put your old mobile phones in the recycling bin as many campaigns encourage you to do. Save them: these will be elements of proof that will be indispensable in case of amicable or contentious proceedings.
- In case of exchange proposals made by a manufacturer, do not sign any document without having carefully read its contents and especially, the texts written in small print.
Finally, if you are ill and think you are a victim of exposure to the radiation from your mobile phone, do not hesitate to contact us in complete confidentiality.
Original article in French:
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